Pak Chi Min - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, BTS 2021 Group



Not in vain in 2018, the vocalist of the popular Korean Septite Beyond The Scene Pak Chi Min hit the top ten of the most discussed musicians in the world. After all, the media and fans are interested, it seems, everything that is connected with their favorite, and the headlines will die with all sorts of provocative details. "Chi Min almost lost his pants on stage," "Pak fell on stage during the performance", "How does the performer kiss?", "The singer in the past was a girl?" - And this is just the beginning of the list. And what to do - Glory is glory.

Childhood and youth

In the middle of the 2nd autumn month, the 13th of the 1995th, in the city of Busan, who is called the sea capital of South Korea, the firstborn Church appeared in the pack of Pak (after 2 years he had a junior brother Jikhen). So poetic name, translated into Russian meaning "My wisdom will be above the heavens," the grandson was awarded a happy grandfather.

Therefore, it is clear why, becoming a member of the boy-bend, the guy did not invent his scenic pseudonym. Although various options were considered - both Baby J, and Baby G, and Young Kid.

Parents who owned their own cafes on the coast, tried to surround the children of the atmosphere of love and understanding. And therefore, noticing the trigger of the elder son to art, gave it to the Dance Academy. They did not discharge, but in every way they supported when the boy declared adults, which dreams of becoming a star.

Chi Ming (Chimin) graduated from the elementary school of Khodong and the Central Ensitory School. From the 8th grade, he went to the choreography, studying the popping and Lock and sticking to the teacher with constant questions about how to raise muscles as soon as possible. Later mastered the contemp at such a level that he was called the best student who owns modern style.

Also behind the singer - Seoul Cyber ​​University and two higher art schools. In one of the last, he entered, inspired by the example of the idol Rain (he is Chon Jihong).

As for interesting facts of early biography, it is known that in childhood a boy, in love with "Galactic Express 999", dreamed of becoming a hero with a mechanical body. Or, being small, considered that the dog had so beautiful legs that he grabbed them. For this pet and rewarded the offender with traces of teeth. In high school, classmates nicknamed him ddochi for the external similarity with a puppy.

music and dancing

Constantly developing his dance and musical abilities, the guy stormed all sorts of castings and was recorded on audition. On one of them he managed to charm the public and harsh jury skills and abilities that he was invited to Big Hit Entertainment. And less than a year later, Pak was in the hip-hop team BTS. He got here, as to the head of the outgoing train, one of the latter.

Therefore, the efforts had to apply more than the others, and so hard that colleagues even worried about the physical health of the guy. His debut songs in the group became No More Dream on June 13, 2013.

Rumored when the dance teacher reported that during the execution of this song Paku, it was necessary to bargain his torso, he came to the despondency, because he did not like to undress in public. But over time, fear left, and now the fans can quietly see the embossed body of their idol. Fortunately, growth (173 cm) and weight (61 kg) allow.

At the beginning of the creative career, the vocalist was very concerned about how he looks like. And so I tried to always put the makeup or, otherwise, to hide the face without makeup from the cameras. Now the young metrosexual does not represent himself without two things - eyeliner and gloss for lips.

In 2016, his first solo compositions with debut collections, absolutely no similar to his sound, were located in the top 20 of the most downloaded in the UK and scored more than 50 million listening on the Spotify service. The piggy bank of the achievements completed and enter the trends during the touring Paris tour. After deafening success on the pack, invitations on shooting in television programs fell.

In parallel with the musical career in the Church of the Mini, he wrote down the trunks on the popular singles of stars, for example, Justin Bieber, his former beloved Selena Gomez in Tandem with Charlie Putu.

The fame of the young performer reached such a scale that an ardent fan, paying a big amount, decided to lie down under the knife, so that it looks like his idol. Fans adore singer not only for his vocal data, incredible grace and plastic, but also for participating in charity. For 3 years, up to the closure of the institution, the guy supplied his native primary school shape for students.

Personal life

With such a rabid popularity, like a chimina, it is not surprising that the dancer is always in the center of attention. In addition to new hits, the public is interested in the details of the personal life of the pet. It is known that he was attributed to several novels with colleagues girls.

The first hit the list of Khan Sonny from Kara, whose enthusiastic comment on the natural giftedness of Paka laid the beginning of rumors about their relationship. However, the information was false. Later, a new discussion of the guy's sympathy was summoned video with one of the participants of the Red Velvet, but also here nothing indicating a close connection was.

Pak himself often talked about how his woman should look like: long-haired, non-short, lower than its growth, with "small oddities". The media also wrote that he had a lady of the heart to the musical debut, but the couple broke up.

It is also known that Chimin was passionately and unhappy in love with school years and in the presence of an adoration of the object behaved as in the song - "then Iron, then pale." By the way, according to Chon Ho Juoka, the main distinguishing feature of the "colleague" is loyalty, according to Mini Mini and Chong Chonguk - smiling eyes.

Pak chi min now

On the eve of the new 2019 "Sulti Asian", as Paka managed to paint numerous fans, he presented to the students a personal gift.

The light saw his own solo composition, released outside cooperation with the team, but in the creation of her guys willingly participated. Only for 24 hours Promise set the record on the soundcloud.

Behind the scenes of Golden Disc Award, the mines demonstrated how to move under this single - it is possible that later dance passes will also go to the video clip.

And immediately after that, the assumptions fell from all sides that the chi mines from the BTS group. But the singer himself leave the second native house, as he calls Bend, was not going, but she was preparing for the release of a new collection of Bangtan Boys and the fight for Grammy. For the life of a pet, through photographs, Follovier is watching in "Instagram".


  • 2013 - 2cool 4skool
  • 2013 - O! Rul8.2?
  • 2014 - Skool Luv Affair and Skool LUV AFFAIR (Special Edition)
  • 2014 - Dark & ​​Wild
  • 2014 - Wake Up (Standard Edition)
  • 2015 - The Most Beautiful Moment in Life, Part 1 and 2
  • 2016 - Wings.
  • 2016 - The Most Beautiful Moment In Life: Young Forever
  • 2016 - Youth
  • 2017 - Love Yourself Her
  • 2018 - Love Yourself Tear
  • 2018 - Love Yourself Answer
  • 2018 - Face Yourself
  • 2019 - Map of The Soul: Persona

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