KVA-Gon Ginn - biography, quotes, image and appearance, actors


Character History

The Universe, open by George Lucas, conquers the hearts of fans of fiction and cosmic epic over the course of several years. Numerous heroes of Sagi "Star Wars" are not without the attention of fans, with a look forward to the release of new episodes of the franchise. One of the curious characters of the Sinkie Piece was CVI-Gon Ginn. An actor Liam Nison appeared on the big screen in this image.

History of creation

Liam Nison as Qui-Gon Ginna

Film critics believe that the name of Kwai-Gon Ginn occurred from Chinese phrases, denoting skillful management or greater vitality, and the creator planned to make a hero by the personification of this force. Some fans fans believe that the director gave Qui-Gong Ginno such a name, inspired by the work of Joseph Campbell called "Hero with thousands of persons."

This character is Jedi, who found the last days of the Galactic Republic. The hero was a sharp county of a coup, passing his training. In turn, knowledge and experience he handed over Obi-Vana Kenobi. The young man described his patron as a person, who is not ready to follow the Jedi customs unquestioned. Before the death of Qui-Gong Ginn, the secrets of preservation of the personality after death became known.

Count Duch

Ginn and Kenobi conducted peace negotiations on the orders of the High Chancellor of Warborum to complete the blockade of the Naba of the trading federation. Dart Sidius tried to kill the Jedi, but they managed to escape. Men Heroic saved the queen of Padme Amidal and on the planet Tatooin became the first to meet Anakina Skywalker. The boy helped them win the race "Bunta Yves Classic" and pay for the details that the ship was needed to send to Coruscant.

Qui-Gol rated the courage and grip Anakin and realized that Skywalker was mentioned in the prophecy - as a person who could restore the balance in force. Ginn led Anakina to the Order of the Jedi and, despite the fact that in the reception refused due to the inappropriate age, began to teach the boy. In the fight against Darth Mall, which occurred on Nabu, Ginn received a fatal blow to the belly from Sith. Before death, he took the floor with Obi-Vana Kenobi that he guarantees Anakin training and support. The hero was buried on Nabu.

Obi-Van Kenobi and Qui-Gon Ginn

Thanks to the study on the preservation of the person, the hero understood what should happen after his death, but due to the lack of knowledge, the materialization into the bodily shell was not achieved. During the war, he talks to iodine and voice guides him for knowledge used by Ginn. The hero did everything possible to help Anakin become a jedight, and supplied it with assistants in the face of Kenobi and iodine. Having learned the personality management, the characters were able to be helpful to Skywalle even after death.

"Star Wars"

In the "Star Wars", Qui-Gon Ginn is described as an individualist. He was very different from other knights, living today's day and without losing himself in meditations. The hero was focused on instincts and heard freedom. This prevented him to enter the Jedi Council.

Frame from the film

The 68-year-old character has the appropriate appearance. Noble Jedi, whose face is dressed with wrinkles, possesses an insightful look, demonstrates the highest degree of sympathy and understanding. Liberal, he was not focused on laws, but on his own thoughts and feelings. The devotion of the hero did not cause questions. Despite the thrust to the rebellion of the rebellion against the regulations, the genie managed to arrange students, members of the Council and those who wanted to support with him.

Belon's beloved was Tal. Her death began to strike for the hero, because of which he almost switched to the dark side. Qui-Gon supported a close relationship with iodine. People often talked to the Council's rooms, sharing wisdom and skills. The wisdom and skill of the genie cause respect for everyone who knew him. Despite conflicts with the Council, his representatives wanted to see Jedi in their ranks and voted for him.

Master Yoda

Being on a trip to the sake of resolving a trade conflict, Ginn turns out to be on the planet Nabu, pursued by enemies. The hero, who is not alien to compassion, finds a strange aliens here and takes it to his ship. The attacks of the ships of the Trade Federation are pursued by travelers and make it make a forced landing on Tatoo. She became a turning point in the life of Ginn himself and his student, found by Anakin.

Taking Skywalker under his guardianship, Jeann went against the Jedi Council, manifesting his liberty, confidence in judgments and dismissions. He also possessed the gift of foresight, although the ability of the hero was not as great in comparison with the associations of iodine and Darth Sidius.

Kwai-Gon's students called concentrated at the present moment, choosing the path of the living force, and not wait for the future, indulging in one force. He preferred feelings to be applied. Ginn believed that the present forms the future, and his behavior was justified by this idea.

Anakin Skywalker

Qui-gon often enters the peak of the Jedi Code, neglecting the conservatism of the established rules. Freedom-lithuania, which demonstrates the character, passed to him from the count of Dukhu, the same exalted present over the future. Ginn received confirmation of his judgments in the magazines of villas, which investigated the power before the appearance of the Jedi. So the hero learned about the preservation of the person after death.

The character of the hero confirms that those who are ready to support the riot and resistance can consist in the Order. Such judgments could have an impact on the choice of Anakin the dark side. In Ginnes combined the sense of justice, honor and love for freedom. The Spirit of Kwai Gón tried to communicate with Skywalker, defending the sandy people who killed his mother in the episode "Attack of Clones."

The philosopher and real warrior, Qui-Gon Ginn blended perfectly in space ships and demonstrated technical talents. He was very attentive and paid attention to the details. Easily managed with a light sword, showing the wonders of agility and confidence of the grip. The technique studied by the hero ascended him to the top of the skill of ownership by a light sword.

Duku confessed that Jinnow was the best in this matter over the past four centuries. Obi-Van Kenobi used his teacher's sword after his death and won with the help of weapons not in one fight. Some fans are confident that this is the sword, thanks to Kenobi, Skayupler Skywalker.

Luke Skywalker

Compassion, renunciation of self, consciousness and unity with force helped Qui-Gon Jinn to know the secret of immortality. The spirit of the hero remains alive even after the death of physical nature.

The further existence of the genie was covered with the curtain of the mystery, but the creators of the project said that the spirit of the hero was inhaling on Tatooin.


"The ability to chat is not yet a sign of intelligence." "Life does not apply to you so, neither one. She just goes to her! Only depends on ourselves, whether we will be fair or not. "" Even when you are sure about something, you need to leave a place to doubt. "

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