Group "Accident" - Photo, History of creation, Composition, Alexey Kortnev, News 2021



Nationally Favorite Russian Group "Accident", which appeared in the distant 1983, passed the way from a student duet to a megapopular theatrical-musical team serving on the best areas of the Fatherland and foreign countries. The multiple owners of the Golden Gramophone premium released a dozen studio albums in the genres of Jazz Fusion, governors-art-rock and indie pop and together with humorists from the Quartet and the participants of the performances and movies "Radio Day", "Election Day" and "What are men talking about". "

The history of creation and composition

In the early 1980s, when the first echoes of popular foreign music made their way to Soviet society, amuseum creative teams collected from young and talented guys and girls appeared in universities.

The main blacksmiths of theatrical and musical personnel was the Moscow State University at the Sparrow Mountains. It is there who is familiar with students of the mechanics and mathematical and philosophical faculties and the history of the creation of the "Accident" group began.

In 1983, Alexei Kortnev and Valdis Pelsh came to listen to the Creative Studio MSU and presented the song "Chasing for Bison" at the competition. Conquered the 1st place, young people continued joint speeches and, armed with an acoustic guitar, flute and rattles, became participants in the submissions of the student theater.

There was a saxophonist Pavel Mordyukov, the keyboard player Sergei Chekryzhov and Driver Vadim Sorokin, who helped the novice team to reach a new level and debut in the scenic productions of the "garden of idiots" and "off-season". After several performances of the musicians were invited to experimental cabaret "Blue Nights CC" under the leadership of Eugene Slavutin and sent to tour in the United States and Europe.

After performances on the Scottish Festival "Fringe" and the Soviet "International", the composition of the "accident" was replenished with a surgeon - the double bassist Andrei Guvakov and the bass guitarist - the illuminator by Dmitry Morozov, which helped to come up with the style and manner of scenic behavior.

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Daring in the Pijon White Costumes and Hats, the Soloist Kortnev and the company removed the clips on the song "Radio", "in the corner of the sky", "Zoology" and "Oh, Baby" and became participants in the programs of the emerging author's television.

By the mid-1990s, musicians with the participation of guitarist Pavel Mordyukov contributed to the creation of the Leonid Parfenov show "both" and directed the "Blue Night" and "Debirad" programs. Each of these projects "Accident" performed his own songs, liked the audience, and thought about concerts and recordings of albums.

Parallel to the group participants were engaged in their own projects, which were the "Guess Melody" program, advertising business, Radio 101 broadcast and the essay of music for the Channels ORT and NTV.

As a result, Aleksey Kortnev (vocals, acoustic guitar, tambour, ratchet), Pavel Mordyukov (vocals, saxophone) and Sergey Chekrewov (vocals, Saxophone) were still in the "accident" and now. In addition to them, Dmitry Sveleviov (guitar), Roman Mamaev (BAS) and Pavel Timofeev (drums, percussion) are played in the team.


In the mid-1990s, thanks to the work in the theater and television, the "accident" became the famous and demanded team. But the first full-fledged album Musicians were released only in 1994. Configuringly working on each composition, Kortnev and the company for 5 years prepared a presentation of the Troda Pludes record and as a result, submitted to the public to the public to the public of the leading Russian radio stations on the ether.

By purchasing even more fans who demanded at the concerts to execute Armageddon, the "Corner of the sky" and "Radio", the group recorded the 2nd album "Mein Lieber Tanz", where the songs were combined with the recorder and liners.

The abundance of electron sound and participation of 50 artists, among which were the Most Youth Orchestra of the Conservatory, the Quarter group and leading Tatiana Sudets and Igor Kirillov, received enthusiastic reviews of critics and set the "accident" in one row with the main representatives of the Russian music scene.

In 1996, the team published a collection of "off-season", which includes old and new compositions, and put the same musical performance, who debuted on the scene of the Moscow House of Cinema. Next followed the comic show "Clowns arrived", during which the soloists of the group began to practice live communication with the viewer and answers to questions about creativity.

In parallel, Kortnev initiated the shooting of the patriotic clip on the "song about Moscow" and a humorous video for a comic melody "Vegetable Tango". And other participants of the team created the Label "Delicatesen", where in 1997 the album "This is love" was recorded.

After the presentation of the disc, instantly bored fans, the musicians released a clip on the humorous rock and roll composition "What did you mean" and performed a Cavern version of the song from the movie "General Sand Quarries" on the New Year's show in Ostankino.

At the funds received from the concerts and the implementation of the records, the group has opened its own recording studio and released no commercial success Disk "Prunes and Kuraga". It was pretty upset, the musicians decided to take a break from the studio work and jointly with the "Quartet and" theater launched the performances of the "Radio Day" and "Day of Elections", successfully shielded in 2007-2008.

Interesting is the fact that only one original "accident" song sounded in scenic productions. The remaining compositions of Alexey Kortnev wrote and presented under the guise of creativity of non-existent performers and teams. After the premiere of a disc with soundtracks to performances, the Group presented in the Moscow club Petrovich, a collecting old and new fans.

Despite the success of humorous projects, a crisis has occurred in the musical career of the team. And although the 2003 plate called "last days in paradise" with the song "If there was not you" was met by listeners, the vocalist and the frontman thought about the completion of the song career and the dissolution of the group.

To distract from creative problems, the "accident" played several "negligent" concerts for friends and, feeling the love of the auditorium, took the spirit and began work on the next studio record.

"Simple numbers", published in early December 2006, turned out to be sad and depressive. Against the background of the compositions "Winter", "Microscope" and "Sleep Angel", dedicated to lonely and suffering people, the only light spot turned out to be an incredibly funny and positive song "05-07-033".

Probably, the album cost the group of incredible efforts. Burdened with personal problems, the musicians decided to wait with further releases and toured over the country for 4 years and worked on third-party projects.

True, in 2008, to his own 25-year anniversary, the "accident" released a collection of hits called "the best - the enemy of good" and played 3 concerts in the relaxed atmosphere of the Moscow Art Academic Theater named after Gorky.

The release of the long-awaited 8th studio album called "Tunnel at the end of the world" coincided with the beginning of the filming of the film "Quartet and" "What Men say about what else." Thanks to this, Alexey Kortnev was able to provide an additional presentation of the disc and with minor variations included in the picture new, not yet familiar to the public songs.

In subsequent years, the discography of the accident was replenished with the collection "chasing for Bizon" and the "Kranta" record, accompanied by a video clip on a song called "I am awesome, my mother!".

In 2018, Alexei Kortnev Group celebrated the 30th anniversary of the big concert in the Moscow Crocus City Hall. The leading program was the former participant in the team of Valdis Pelsh, who commented on the prepared photo and video sequence and anticipated every song in the execution of the anniversaries.

"Accident" now

In 2019, the "accident" prepared a musical performance for fans called "in the city of Lhadmitrov!", Where Alexey Kortnev played Maxim Vitorgana, Sergey Belogoltsheva and Christina Babushkina in the company.

The premiere of the production took place at the end of March in DC named after Zuev. A new songs sounded with new songs in Fyshidov's Pieza Fyshidov, which, judging by the announcement in Instagram, will be included in the 15th group album.


  • 1994 - "Brudes of Pluds"
  • 1995 - "MEIN LIEBER TANZ"
  • 1996 - "Offseason"
  • 1997 - "This is love"
  • 1998 - "SOCK"
  • 2000 - "Print and Kuraga"
  • 2003 - "last days in paradise"
  • 2006 - "Simple numbers"
  • 2008 - "The best is a good enemy"
  • 2010 - "Tunnel at the end of the world"
  • 2013 - "Hazing for Bison"
  • 2014 - "Crants"


  • 1989 - Radio
  • 1990 - Zoology
  • 1992 - "The smell of beer"
  • 1996 - "Vegetable Tango"
  • 1997 - "What did you mean"
  • 1999 - "Song Untitled"
  • 2004 - "In FIG, FIG!"
  • 2010 - "Sasha was on the highway"
  • 2015 - "I'm fucking, mom!"
  • 2016 - "Patriot"
  • 2018 - "Bad Dancer"

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