Kim Jun (RM, Rap Monster) - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Songs, BTS 2021



Kim Jun - the star of Korean hip-hop, the frontman and the author of the songs of Boyz-Bend BTS. The vocalist and the group perform in the K-POP genre, which arose in South Korea and is a mix of Western electrobop, hip-hop and rhythm-n-blues. Kim Juna and BTS group are called the brightest representatives of K-POP and subculture, born together with the genre, gaining popularity among young people.

Childhood and youth

The future singer RM (ARAM) was born in the fall of 1994 in Ilsan, the area of ​​the South Korean city of Koyan. Besides the son, the youngest daughter Kim Jung Min min. Kim Jun protects our sister from the close attention of the press and fans and does not advertise it in social networks.

What are engaged in and who by profession parents singer is unknown. Everything related to the Kim family is the secret for seven seals. So he tries to protect his relatives and not allow fans and journalists to interfere with the family.

In childhood, Kim Jun had an intrusive idea to become a security guard: the boy liked the uniform, and the profession seemed incredibly romantic and received heroic halo.

Already at an early age, the guy was distinguished from the peers in curiousness and tight to the sciences. Parents and teachers were pleasantly surprised by the boy in the 7th grade record: Kim Jun on school testing in English scored a record number of points, leaving behind all peers. With 850 points scored by young men, he entered 1% of the advanced testers that have been tested with a similar result.

Soon Kim confirmed the incompleteness of the result obtained by passing the IQ test. The intelligence coefficient - 148 points - put the boy in one row with geniuses and nobel laureates.

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The future vocalist and the musician later shared that the comedy series "Friends" helped him perfectly helped him, wheels with whom he asked to buy mom in the original language. So talk without an accent, using spoken expressions, Kima "helped" favorite Hollywood stars Matthew Perry and Jennifer Aniston.

In addition to English, Rapper studied Japanese. Later, the language of the inhabitants of the rising sun helped a musician to duplicate BTS's hits, "arrived" by the army of fans fans from Japan.

Jun is a graduate of Korean Cyber ​​University, where he received a specialty "Broadcasting and executive art".


Music debut Kim Juna took place under the name Runcha Randa. Such a nickname came up with a young man for the computer game Maple Story, going through it into creativity. Kim pleased the first fans with solo tracks, which recorded with a friend - Zico Hip Hoper. But the creative biography of vocalist only began, and Glory came to him much later.
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In 2010, BTS group was formed, the first participant, and later the leader of which was Kim Jun. At this time, a creative pseudonym RAP Monster appeared, for convenience, reducing to RM.

The team had 3 years of exhaustive rehearsals before hip-hop lovers saw BTS in the form that led them to admiration. In addition to Arhema, the rappers of SUU, Chin, Ji-Hope, Chimin, V and Chonguk entered the Bozy Bend.

If with reading texts and vocals in Kima, everything was laid, then with choreography, without which the speeches are unthinkable, it was not immediately. Plastic and movement were given a rap montstrus with difficulty, for which the choreographer ironically nickned him "miraculously dances."

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On RM, in addition to the functions of the main vocalist, the duties of the producer and the author of the texts for BTS were formed. As a writer of rap tracks, Kim Jun had to read a lot, because the songs of rappers become popular only when filled with bright images and deep meaning. But concerts and tour of Korea and for her borders soon began to select all his free time, and June replaced the book with a notebook, in which he had written off new words and revs.

In 2013, Arham and BTS felt the taste of glory. The group won rewards and prizes in his homeland and managed to break through to the global level. Jun willingly collaborated, releasing joint tracks and clips, with Korean and American colleagues. His solo mixture "Rush", dated 2015, found himself in the top 50 hip-hop albums - favorites of the year, taking the 48th step.

In the same year, RM in a duet with the American singer Mandy Ventris recorded the composition "Fantastic", which sounded in the superhero militant "Marvel" "Fantastic Four".

In the summer of 2016, Jun became the producer of the "Dilemma" track of the Homme duet. In the spring of next year, Arham in Tandem with American colleague Wale was pleased with the fans of the song "Change" and a video clip on it. In December 2017, the rapper and the Fall Out Boy group from the USA, working in the punk rock genre, recorded the CHAMPION remix.

Staying a part of the South Korean Boyz-Bend BTS, June managed to develop a solo career. In 2018, his name was made to the ranking of the best Rapers of Korea according to the magazine "XXL". Tens of tracks for a group and other teams are registered in the name of Kim. In America RM and BTS - Stars. Korean rappers visited TV show Jimmy Kimmel. Later they called to visit Ellen Degensheres.

In 2017 and 2018, Korean singers presented the Billboard Music Awards award as the best artists of social networks.

In the fall of 2018, a rap monster presented to fans the second album-mixtape "MONO" and together with the participants of the team became the owner of the Order "For Merit in Culture", having received him from the hands of President Korea.

Personal life

So far, Hip-Hop's star has no wife or children. Yes, and accurate information, if Jun has a girl, also not to find. Music occupies the main place in his life, pushing a personal life into the second plan.

The growth of idols of millions of teenagers is 1.81 m with weight of 64 kg.

The information is found that Arham and his colleagues signed a contract prohibiting relations. However, the guys deny the availability of a document, they say that they simply do not have time to pay attention to girls, since there is no "lumen" in a dense touring chart.

In one of the interviews, the vocalist gave a prompt to fans: admitted that she dreams of a celebrush girl with a pleasant voice, which would be a snow-white clothing and convels sneakers.

Kim us jun now

In Kim, Juna has no page in "Instagram", but millions signed on the fan stars. In 2019, a fresh photo of Juna appeared there, both personal and group speeches. But pictures on which relatives and beloved girl are captured, not finding.

Discography (mixtapes)

  • 2015 - RM.
  • 2018 - "Mono"

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