Natalia Sergunina: Biography of the head of the office of the mayor and the government of Moscow 2021



Natalia Alekseevna Sergunina is a politician, by education lawyer. He held responsible positions in the Federal Property Management Agency and the Government of Moscow. Currently, the deputy S.S. Sobyanina and the head of the mayor's apparatus. Her track record includes dozens of implemented economic programs and projects.

Childhood and youth

Natalia Alekseevna Muscovite. Born on August 22, 1978 in an intelligent family, where they understood the importance of good education. Her mother owned two very different specialties: a technologist of food industries and a philologist (translator from English, Italian). The Father is a graduate of the Military Law Faculty of the Military Institute of the USSR. In the Soviet years, he held an important position of the judge of the Military Tribunal.

Natalia Sergunin

Due to the specifics of this profession, all the childhood Natalia passed in moving from one garrison to another. Only with the collapse of the Soviet Union, the family was able to return to Moscow again and no longer leave his hometown for a long time. Alexey Kimovich still worked for some time in the Ministry of Justice, but eventually decided to concentrate on the development of private practice in the attorney.

Despite the difficulties of learning in conditions of constant moves, the change of educational institutions and teams, the young Natalia managed not only to successfully develop the materials of the school program, but also to overtake the majority of peers. When a family lived in Khabarovsk, she managed to additionally visit the Big Tennis Sections, Mountain Ski, Judo.

Natalia Sergunin

The year of Sergunin went to a music school, but, to the chagrin of teachers, further training decided not to continue. A pleasant reminder about school pore serves a silver medal earned by excellent. She got her along with a certificate at Moscow School No. 325.

For conscientious students, all the doors are open, which is why applicants are only more difficult to make a choice. However, Sergunin was not particularly doubted - firmly decided to follow the example of the Father and many relatives by choosing the direction of "jurisprudence". Five years he was diligently studied at Jurfak and at the end received the Red Diploma of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov.


Having finished learning, Sergunin did not even think of the chosen pace. On the recommendation of his supervisor settled in the Department of Legal Provision of the Ministry of Property of Russia to the position of the consultant. A few years later, after the conversion of an organization to the Federal Agency for Federal Property Management, Natalia Alekseevna continued his work as a deputy, and later - the head of the Department of Real Establishment and Movable Property.

Natalia Alekseevna Sergunin

On August 22, 2008, it was offered an increase: the order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Sergunin was appointed Deputy Head of the Federal Property Management Agency. Now in the zone of her responsibility, an even greater number of a wide variety of questions appeared.

Two years later, a young specialist was waiting for another serious challenge. In October 2010, the new mayor of Moscow Sergei Sobyanin engaged in strengthening the team, attracting in the number of federal officials. So, Natalia Sergunin was invited to lead the complex of land and property relations between Moscow. For almost three years she was engaged in a very difficult and painstaking work, including inventory of land, establishing administration mechanisms, participated in other projects.

From September 17, 2013, after the unification of two large government clusters, the work was twice as much as Sergunin was appointed responsible for the questions not only of property and land relations, but also of economic policy. Its new tasks were the development of the economy, attracting investments, support for business, stimulating high-tech and technological industries.

Natalia Sergunina with Sergey Sobyanin

A few years later, on September 19, 2018, a new appointment was held - Raise again. Now (and to present) Sergunin is the deputy mayor and the head of the office of the mayor and the government of Moscow.

Here are some large-scale campaigns of recent years, where Natalia Sergunin took direct participation:

  • Sale of non-core and non-profit urban assets

According to the results of open trading, investors were transferred to "national", "Metropol" and other major objects. Gupov has been incurred. According to the Sergunin, the main task of the city government is to perform regulatory functions, and not competition with private business. The property sold has replenished the budget necessary for the provision of targeted support for priority areas of funds, and sold real estate and the company's facilities received more sensitive student: the private owner is always more efficient manages its asset.

  • Transparent auctions and tenders

The rules for conducting trading were revised, became more transparent and honest urban purchases, the conditions for all market participants are equalized.

Natalia Sergunina: Biography of the head of the office of the mayor and the government of Moscow 2021 12224_5
  • Program "1 ruble for 1 square meter"

Also a very interesting initiative. Under the terms of the program, the winner of the open auction provides preferential tariffs for the rental of different urban premises (from historical mansions in the center to sample premises in new areas). To do this, he must fulfill the terms of the contract - to conduct a scientific restoration, repair or other necessary work. So, there are already dozens of objects.

  • Cycle of urban street festivals "Moscow seasons"
  • Revival VDNH

Multi-stage restoration of one of the most important historical monuments of the city and the whole country. The pavilions were restored on the verge of destruction, tons of garbage taken, the territory is landscaped. Thematic clusters are open, the newest educational complex "Technograd" began work.

Natalia Sergunina at the Moscow Spring Festival A Cappella
  • Development of an innovative cluster

The capital becomes attractive not only for tourists, but also for investors, as there are many interesting proposals for them. This, among other things, the result of government support for high-tech industries and the active development of the network of technology parks. Here Sergunin is responsible for the implementation of a number of projects, including the creation of a Moscow innovation cluster, which will unite educational institutions, research institutes, technoparks, IT companies and other organizations.

Much attention is paid to interaction with entrepreneurs, middle and small business. For several years of work, the volume of urban order among representatives of small businesses in Moscow increased four times.

Here are some of the programs implemented on the initiative of Natalia Alekseevna:

  • "Made in Moscow"

Actively carried out since 2016. For Moscow entrepreneurs, business meetings are organized with potential overseas partners and investors; The exporter school works, gold accounts are provided on platforms for wholesale sales, up to 100% of the costs of participation in international exhibitions.

Natalia Sergunin
  • Free Consultative Methodical Business Support

For helping both starters and experienced entrepreneurs created by GBU "Small Business Moscow". In 2018, novice businessmen received more than one hundred thousand consultations in 15 specialized centers, visited hundreds of seminars. There, experts explained in detail in detail and in an affordable form how to start their work, to behave correctly, to prevent mistakes in accounting, properly present their product, to conduct business negotiations and shared other important advice.

  • Preferential taxation

As part of comprehensive support for innovative industries and the technological industry, the regional tax burden was significantly reduced.

Currently, Natalia Alekseevna was appointed chairman of a special organizing committee, the organization of the program of the theater in Moscow was given under whose responsibility.

Achievements and awards

Professional victories of Sergunin are marked by numerous awards: thanks, honorary diplomas, medals. In the spring of 2017, she was awarded the medal of the Order "For Services to Fatherland" of the second degree, and in 2018 the Order of Friendship - for the contribution to the preparation and holding of the FIFA 2018 World Cup.

Personal life

According to his own recognition, publicity is not among the existing habits of Natalia Alekseevna, and the desire to preserve their personal space is stronger than fashion for social networks. Interviews she also gives only work.

Natalia Sergunin

Random facts about personal occasionally slip in its infrequent conversations with journalists. So, in some conversations, she mentioned that her favorite place was Sparrow Mountains, where she was engaged in skiing, loved in childhood in the Far East. He loves to walk also in Sokolniki and Izmailovsky Park. When there is an opportunity, reads historical novels and fiction. He tries to devote a little free time to dedication to relatives and loved ones.

It is known that Sergunina has long been divorced and now is not married.

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