Tatyana Okunevskaya - Photo, biography, personal life, cause of death, movies



Being an actor, as you know, not easy, and Soviet, especially since. Often, admiring teleeclarshed beauty, the viewer did not even suspect that in their biographies there was a place for such a sacred fact as a prison sentence. The sad list from Svetlana Kharitonova (Elmira from Gaidaevsky "cannot be!"), Zoe Fedorova (Camarinskaya from "Girls without address"), Valentina Malyavina (Masha from the film "Ivanovo Childhood") added and Tatiana Okunevskaya.

Childhood and youth

In the 3rd day of the spring of 1914 in the near Moscow, the name of the real Russian rock and "invasion" familiar with the name of the village with the prefix large) in the Okunevsky family there was a joyful event. The only daughter of Tatyana appeared on the world. The father served as a police bastard, in the past was an officer of the royal army, which in Soviet times was equated to the rank of enemy of the people. For this, Tanya, who studied in the 3rd grade, was expelled from Labor School No. 24 at Novoslobodskaya.

To somehow console your favorite child, Kirill Titovich said that its regular fights with boys became the cause of the exceptions (once they even threw a tanya out of the window) and unclean shoes. From the lack of secondary education saved the director of another educational institution, symbolicly located at the Theater named after Konstantin Stanislavsky and Vladimir Nemirovich-Danchenko. The teacher agreed to close his eyes on the unsightly fact of the biography of the girl.

When it was necessary to be determined with the university, the graduate, according to her own expression, "attached to the cousin" Lv, who chosen the marchs. It is known that his student Tanya did not immediately, and first attended the evening courses, while working as a courier in the morning.

Everything changed overnight - once on Tatiana Street faced with two strangers, who, having admiring her beauty, were invited to filming. Okunevskaya refused flatness, knowing that it would not have to like parents, especially the head of the family, but the contacts decided to leave their own.

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And later, they really needed employees of the film studio - lacking actresses for the role of Mrs. Carre Lamadon in a mute "pyster" Mikhail Romma. Since, together with his native, the girl was worried about difficult times, then this time she agreed. Debutant partners were completely stars - Faina Ranevskaya, Galina Sergeeva, Peter Repnin.

The following year after the premiere is another film with the main role. Assessing the work, the director Nikolai Okhlopkov invited Okunevskaya to his own realistic theater. Here she served 5 years, in the fatal 1937th received "free" because of his father (he was shot in the same year). Then the Gorky "Temple of Melpomen" happened for a while and, of course, "Lenk", where the artist returned and after conclusion.


"I do not understand why the audience love me? I have a small role in the "Pyshchka", in the "hot day" I am nobody, in the "last night" and in "Alexander Parkhomenko" I crawl - I was thrown to negative roles, because there should be no sex in a Soviet positive heroine, " He wrote later the artist in the book of Memoirov Tatiana Day.

In the pre-war 1940, she was offered work in the film "May night". However, participation in projects played with Tatiana, the joke - the performer became interested in the Himself of Lawrence Beria. The attention of the addict, according to her, eventually ended with the rape of the actress in the Kremlin.

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In the filmography of Okunevskaya - and "Star of captivating happiness", and "David Gururashvili", and "wild love". Plus - at least two projects with Renata Litvinova. On the script twice the triumph "Kinotavra", "a fundamental and foul look" was shot, Tatyana Kirillovna played a grandmother-an aristocrat in the "border. Taiga novel. "

"Of course, as soon as I saw her, I fell in love. I dare to say that we made friends. Every our meeting is a lesson for me. I really raise what I can listen to her voice, ask my stupid questions and just be somewhere nearby. There are no such women. Meeting with her is a gift of fate, "said Renat Muratovna in an interview about the senior comrades.

Personal life

A lot of rumors went around the personal life of the legend of Soviet cinema. And the fault is not only sensual appearance that did not give peace to representatives of the opposite sex, but also that she herself, according to the comments of the only daughter ingi, do not mind add a hoax in such an intimate issue.
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If you believe Tatyana Kirillovna, then the incomplete list of her politician fans consisted, in addition to the Pavlovich Laurentia, from Konstantin Kochi Popovich, Josip BROZ Tito and Viktor Abakumov.

Officially married Okunevskaya was three times. The first marriage happened in his youth - at the age of 17. And, as usual, in great love, which was a Vgikovets and the future director Dmitry Varlamov. When an adorable daughter announced his decision, his father rushed to his knees and begged to drag. A young family existed for 3 years, the birth of a child did not save the divorce in 1933.

For the second time, a woman agreed to become a wife of Writer Boris Gorbatov from gratitude, as the new chosen one literally saved his beloved family from hungry death. But, when in November 1948 she was arrested, the husband did not apply for his wife, but he filed for a divorce. This love fell on the artist precisely in places of detention - with convicts named Alexei.

According to Ingi Dmitrievna, the mother was serving a sentence with a foreigner, although the actress herself argued that she was a singing of a rejected Abakumov. The next chosen is Archil Gomiashvili, the famous Ostap Bender. Tatyana Kirillovna was married with him and retained friendship after parting.

Tatyana Kirillovna loved to communicate with journalists and often discouraged them with his answers.

"I have only two valuable things in my apartment - this wooden bust brand Aurelia and my portrait. Do you know? This is me in youth. Did you see the photo of my daughter? We are not at all similar - neither externally nor internally, "she shared once.


From the native Lenkom, the actress went in 1959 and she worked in the State and Moskoncert for the next 20 years, continued to be filmed in kinocartines and therefore decided on an important step - to lie under a plastic surgeon's knife.

Tatyana Okunevskaya in recent years

During the operation there was a terrible - the patient became infected with hepatitis C, which was the cause of death on May 15, 2002. The grave is located on the Vagankov cemetery, next to his parents.

Until the end of the life, Tatiana Okunevskaya was engaged in yoga, poured cold water, discharged scientific journals and fed like Nietzsche, only once a day.


  • 1934 - "Push"
  • 1935 - "Hot Detection"
  • 1942 - "Alexander Parkhomenko"
  • 1945 - "It was in the Donbas"
  • 1945 - "David Gururashvili"
  • 1965 - "Ballet Star"
  • 1975 - "Star of captivating happiness"
  • 1986 - "Strange Story of Dr. Jekyla and Mr. Heyda"
  • 1992 - "Short Breath of Love"
  • 1993 - "Wild Love"
  • 1996 - "Principal and lighted look"
  • 2000 - "House for the rich"
  • 2000 - "Border. Taiga Roman "
  • 2001 - "Hunting season - 2"
  • 2001 - "Cricket behind the hearth"

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