Salavat Yulaev - portrait, biography, personal life, cause of death, folk hero



For the culture of Bashkiria, the image of Salavat Yulaeva is about the same as for the Russians - the figure of Ilya Muromets. The associate Emelyan Pugacheva, a young man, produced in the brigadiers of his troops in 20 years, became not only a historic figure, but also a legend. Although the Batyr and the poet fought for less than 2 years and met death at Katorga, without him, Bashkir culture would look quite differently.

Childhood and youth

There is no accurate documentary data on the early biography of Salavat Yulaeva. Date of birth on June 16, 1754 was established from his own words when interrogated: in the 1775th, Pugachev, the secret expedition of the Senate informed the secret expedition that he was 21 years old. As a month and the day later began to use the middle of the year. The future popular hero was born in the village of Tekeevo Shaitan-Kudevskaya region of the Orenburg province. Now this settlement does not exist - the village destroyed state troops when suppressing Pugachev uprising.

Monument to Salavat Yulaevu

Salavat came from the respected family: his father served by the centurion in the Russian army, later was appointed a volost elder. Yulay Aznalin was a good soldier and during the Polish campaign against supporters of the Bark Confederation received a small military banner as award. Later, in 1773, the man conveyed the banner of Salavat, who in the absence of his father replaced him as the head of the elder.

Yulay Aznalin was illiterate, but his son provided the opportunity to study. It is not exactly known where and how Salavat studied: perhaps in Islamic religious schools, perhaps from private teachers. However, the young man was trained in reading and writing, knew the tongue of Turks, and he did not feel with Russian difficulties. From Father, the young man absorbed a craving for justice and love for his homeland and his people. Subsequently, it was exactly the young man on the side of the rebels and decided his fate.

Peasant War and Rise

When Emelyan Pugachev raised the uprising and began the peasant war, his supporters led campaigns in the Bashkir troops. As a result, on November 10, 1773, Salavat Yulaev, together with a detachment of 1,200, did not oppose the troops of the self-pricing "Peter III", and moved to his side. The father of the future hero also acted.

The young man sincerely believed in the truth of the royal origin of Pugachev and the legality of his "decrees", according to which Bashkiram complained of the earth and the permitting of living according to Islamic faith. During interrogations, Salavat said that rumors had reached him about the sanctification of the "sovereign", but the rebellor did not believe it.

From mid-November to mid-December, together with other rebels, the young man participated in battles, during which he was wounded and showed himself a brave fighter: Pugachev produced him in Chin Colonel. A month in the Berd Center was for Salavat Military and ideological school: he received a combat experience and a final understanding, why and why the people need this uprising.

From December 1773 to January 1774, Salavat was located in the north-east of Bashkiria, where he was already autonomously, as an emissary of Pugachev army. He gathered a detachment of 800 contesions, and the detachment was intermented - in addition to Bashkir, Mishary, Chuvashi, Tatars fought in the rebel rows. Over time, more and more rebelkers from Bashkir territories joined the Salavat people. By March, the young man, who has not yet broken the 3rd dozen, became a serious warlord.

In January, Pugachev's troops under the command of Salavat Yulaeva stormed Kungur - attempts to peaceful negotiations with the authorities failed, and it was decided to take the administrative center of the Western Urals by force. However, the rebel success did not achieve: the commanders lacked combat experience, and from the point of view of artillery the troops of Pugachev were weak. Salavat in battle received a difficult injury, but in February he returned to operation and repeatedly fought with the troops of Alexei Obernibesov and Alexey Papava.

Returning to Bashkiria, the young military leader seriously took up the replenishment of the military ranks of the army of Emelyan Pugachev, which was moving towards the magnetic fortress. The cavalry of Salavat himself was already about 4 thousand people for this time, and at the head of this troop, the young man stubbornly opposed the lieutenant colonel Ivan Mikhelson. In May, opponents met three times in battles, and the experienced Military Mihelson admitted that the enemy troops were perfectly prepared, and their commander turned out to be a skilled warlord.

In June 1774, the Connection of Salavat joined Pugachev's troops, and the rebels fought with People Michelson. Lieutenant Colonel was reported later that the enemy was smashed, but Emelyan Ivanovich recalled during interrogation, they could not overcome each other with Micelson, in view of which "diverged." On June 5, Pugachev appointed Salavat Yulaeva Brigadier forces, and his father became the main Ataman and engaged in conducting civil affairs in the Siberian road.

After the fight, Pugachev moved to Kazan, and a brigadier recovering after severe injured, sent to the Ufa province. There, Salavat again engaged in the formation of troops, and also took control over the expensive between Yekaterinburg and Ufa - it was a strategically important site. In August, the troops of the brigadier Pugachev army moved to Ufa, however, although the attack was clearly planned, it was not possible to take the city - the state army turned out to be professional than the rowers.

By the mid-September, the rebel business became quite bad - Pugachev's troops smashed, Emelyan himself captured, and the detachment of Ivan Karpovich Ryleyev was sent to the diversion of Bashkir from Ufa. Lieutenant colonel of Ryleev twice the army of Salavat, but even after the destruction of the main forces, he refused to surrender.

His troops managed to cope with the Bashkir brigadier and the remnants of his troops only by the end of autumn: November 25, 1774 the rebels were finally broken in the Karatau mountains. Salavat Yulaev was captured, and his father independently brought the guy and voluntarily surrendered to custody.


Contemporaries knew Salavat Yulaeva not only as a fighter, but also as a poet improviser. His works were devoted to their native land, people, religion and faith - everything that was the essence of life. Until our days, the authentic work of Salavat did not come. It is impossible to assert with accuracy that the lines that today are called him verses, in fact they were written directly to Salavat Yulaev, and are not part of Bashkir folk poetry. However, he himself became poetry - the image of Batyr Salauate became a key figure of a set of oral and written samples of Bashkir creativity.

Personal life

According to the documents, Salavat had 3 wives, and one marriage was a levirate - the spouse and her children inherited the poet from her older brother. Pugachev's own children had 2 two. The exact names of Salavat's wives are unknown, but there are assumptions that their name was Amina, Zulech and Buranbic.

In the legends about the personal life of the poet, the Russian beloved Ekaterina Mikhailovna sometimes mention, who gave birth to Salavat Son. There is no documentary evidence. Perhaps the plot was invented to emphasize the equal ratio of the hero to all nationalities.

Salavat Yulaev - portrait, biography, personal life, cause of death, folk hero 12220_2

What happened to the Salavat family after the arrest and condemnation of the roseman, is unknown. Even before it was grabbed, his wives and children were taken hostage and brought to Ufa, but their further fate is not mentioned anywhere.

Another mystery of Salavat Yulaeva is his appearance. The rebellion was repeatedly depicted on portraits, but they are the fruit of artists fantasy. All information about how Bashkir Pugacheva's Bashkir Supportedness looked, is contained in the Wofi Provincial Provincial Office at Katorga. According to her, Salavat Yulaev 21 years was average for those years of growth - about 162 cm, had black eyes and hair, torn nostrils and a scar on the left cheek.

Katorga and death

After a multi-day investigation, July 15, 1775, Salavat Yulaev and Yulay Aznalin were sentenced to physical punishment and eternal catherga. Father and son received 175 shots whip. This part of the punishment was divided: men received 25 strikes in each settlement where the fighting was conducted. After that, Salavatu and Julia snatched the nostrils and branded, putting signs in the form of letters "s", "b" and "and", which meant "villain", "Buntovshchik" and "traitor".

Monument to Salavat Yulaevu

Before sending to Katorga, it turned out that the executioner Martyn Suslov worked unfair: both criminals thickets nostrils thickets, and Yella had imperceptible stigma. SUSLOVA was punished, and the fascinated nostrils revealed by the convicts, the stimples corrected and only after that they were sent to Katorga, to the Baltic Fortress Rogervik.

Data on how Salavat Yulaev was serving a sentence, practically no. According to the list of convicts of May 19, 1797, it is known that Julay Aznalin was in serious condition due to the age and zing, and his 45 years old sown was healthy. Nevertheless, September 26, 1800, Salavat Yulaev died. The cause of death remains unknown.


  • Opera "Salavat Yulaev"
  • Ballet "Mountain Eagle"
  • Film "Salavat Yulaev"
  • Monument-bust of wrought copper in Paldiski, Estonia
  • Monument to Salavatu Yulaev in Ufa, Russia
  • Museum of Salavat Yulaeva in the town of Salavatsky district of Bashkortostan

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