Igor Pushkarev - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Former Mayor of Vladivostok 2021



Before Russia rolled the wave of arrests of high-ranking officials, about the Igor Pushkarev, they knew mostly only residents of the Far East. But in 2016, his name thundered to the whole country. It was then that another acting, and today the former mayor of Vladivostok was arrested and put in custody, accusing to involvement in a loud criminal case.

Childhood and youth

Igor Pushkarev is a native of the Trans-Baikal Territory (in the past, the Chita region), was born in the fall of 1974 in the village of New Town of Chernyshevsky district. The boy grew in the usual Soviet family, the mother worked as a teacher, the father of the mechanic.

After graduating from school, he realized that he had little prospects in his native settlement, and he went to receive higher education in Vladivostok. There, a young man entered the Institute of International Relations and studied on an economist-international.

As a student, Igor worked in commercial structures. 2 years after graduating from the university, she also defended his thesis and received a degree of candidate of law.

Career and political activities

Pushkarev began to build a serious career in the mid-1990s. At first, I was a sales manager at Pusan, but in the 1995th "I got up at the steering wheel" of the large company Vlad-Kan and the next 2 years held the position of commercial director. And in 1997, the first one's own business appears in the biography of Igor.

Pushkarev became the owner of the Park Group, under his leadership the company quickly became a monopolist in the building materials market in the Far Eastern region. The company consisted of crushed stone, cement and other materials. Igor did not stop at that, having received a certain experience as a manager, in 1998 he became the Director General of the Pervomaisky Ship Repair Plant. An later than another 2 years, the largest joint-stock company "Spassk cement", which specializes in the manufacture of cement.

Igor decided to engage in political activities in 2000, began with a parliamentarian in the city Duma Spassk-Dalniy. A year later, a man runs into deputies, successfully passes a vote and becomes a member of the Legislative Assembly of the Primorsky Territory and continues quickly by service.

The next goal of politics becomes the position of head of the city of Vladivostok. In 2008, a man leads an active election campaign, promises residents to revive the city and implement many projects. Having enlisted 57% of the votes of the voters, in 2008, Pushkarev occupies the desired post.

In the post of Mayor Vladivostok Igor did not change the personnel composition in the administrator of the Board. He promised to turn the city in the garden for 4 years in 4 years, initiating work on the preservation and design of the municipal property of the squares and green zones.

In the work of the new city holder, residents noted the massive restoration and the emergence of new kindergartens, the construction of apartment buildings for the settlement of families from emergency housing. Roads and bridges were reconstructed, separation fences were installed on the tracks, retaining walls and stairs were repaired. New life received school stadiums, sports grounds and hockey boxes. Reconstructed libraries and theater.

However, not all residents had positive emotions from the work of the former mayor. Many believed that most of the merit listed them remained only on paper, on the fact for the city was made at least. People complained about unfinished Hyatt hotels, which promised to open in 2012.

Remarking caused the reformation of the urban transport system. After it, the number of trams decreased, and in the center of the city there was an intersection with a circular one-sided movement, aggravated for pedestrians and motorists moving through the streets. According to the inhabitants, the quality of the new roadway also caused greater doubts.

Despite the controversial opinions of people, in 2013, Pushkarev with a similar percentage of votes was re-elected for a second term. And a year later, from a public organization received a medal "For the contribution to the development and formation of local government."

Criminal case

Pushkareva's arrest took place in the summer of 2016 and shocked the public. Before the detention, the investigators spent search in the office and the house of the mayor, analyzed the state of affairs in commercial companies, whose owners are relatives of Igor, and decided to conclude a man into custody. The accusations of exceeding official powers and commercial bribery, law enforcement officers reinforced established facts and staging the official to Moscow.

In the Russian capital, a more thorough investigation was conducted. During it, the staff of the SCR tried to prove that, while in the responsible post, Pushkarev was promoted in obtaining state orders by companies for solid bribes. In the case, the Municipal Enterprise "Road of Vladivostok" is headed by Andrei Lushnikov.

Contracts for the purchase of building materials were concluded with firms, subject to the relatives of the mayor, in particular the asphalt purchased in LLC Eastokcement, the company belonged to his brother Igor - Andrei Pushkarev.

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Another scam, which is incriminated to the former chapter - the sale of building materials at an inflated price. According to investigators, over 7 years, the "roads of Vladivostok" received damage estimated at 143 million rubles. Lushnikov guilty acknowledged and gave testimony against the ex-mayor. Pushkarev refuses accusations.

In October 2017, the preliminary investigation ended, approved the indictment, and the criminal case was sent to the Supreme Court. However, in a month, he was transferred to the Moscow Tver Court, the arrest of Pushkareva extended. In the summer of 2017, Igor temporarily removed from his position, and on December 21, Vitaly Vasilyevich Verkeenko appointed this post on this post.

Personal life

Like other politicians, Pushkarev does not like to spread about personal life. But in open sources there is information that a man is married, has three sons. The first was born in 1996, the second - in 2002, and the third - in 2012. There are no other children.

Wife of the ex-mayor is Natalia. Until some, they never appeared in public together, but violated this pattern in September 2008 at the Pacific Meridian Film Festival. Then together with the organizers of the event at the "Star Track" gave guests of the film reform.

After the arrest of his policy, his family rapidly left the limits of the Russian Federation. Where exactly Natalia went with sons, is not specified. Probably, the woman decided to extinguish himself and children from attacks of journalists and unpleasant questions from other people.

Igor Pushkarev now

Igor Sergeevich and was arrested in the SIZO. Initially, the sentence of the Tverskaya court appointed as April 2, 2019, and then postponed the date on April 3. But on this day, the court session did not take place, the court was again postponed, this time on April 9.

"Last word" man said at the meeting on February 28. The public prosecutor requested the 17 years of imprisonment for him with the departure of a prisoner of a strict regime. On April 9, the court sentenced the former Grador to 15 years of imprisonment and fine.

Pushkarev leads a page in "Instagram", photo from the court session hall appeared in his profile. And although posts are published on the first person, it is likely that the account leads someone from the excommalers' comrades.

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