Duet "New Russian grandmas" - photos, composition, participants, performances, news 2021



"New Russian grandmothers" - the duo of pop artists, regularly collecting visual halls. Creative tandem Igor Casilova and Sergey Chvanov has long ago when they were at the beginning of a career path. The non-trivial stage image of the comedians remains in demand for not the first decade. "New Russian Babokes" is invited to private events, they give concerts and go on tour, become guests and participants of the television program.

Despite popularity, artists without a grima are difficult to learn. Two men hiding behind the outfits of older women do not use media status and leave a personal life behind the scenes. But in the image of the loves of the public, the flower and mature of the pop duo breaks out the ovation and enjoys success.

History of the creation of a team

The creators of popular heroin Igor Casilov and Sergey Chvanov met at the Institute. As parties to creative amateur, they demonstrated a charisma, charm and comedy talent. Few speakers know that the original creative team thought as a trio. Sergey Chvanov and Igor Casilov began the artistic path in the team with Andrei Vorobyev. His character, a friend of Matrena and a flower, called Klava. Together, pleasants played in the student theater.

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Vorobyov and Casilov were friends and often performed in a duet. Svanov joined them later. Threesomes, the artists came up with the concept of the TV show "Dessert", partly reminding the familiar viewers of the "town". One plot was filmed in the countryside. Artists joked, trying on the images of the old women. Reincarnated, they sat on the benches to local residents, imitated their govar and listened to talking on different topics.

So the comedians came to mind the idea of ​​creating a creative team "New Russian grandmothers". At first, women's clothing embarrassed actors. But the first episode, filmed for the "dessert", liked the management of the canal. Humorists were offered to record another transmission, the main characters of which were grandmothers.

To try out a new role, they were able to also at the local radio station "August". At first, the fools of the actors were allowed as screensavers between the ethers. Assessing the public reaction on new heroes, the administration of the channel provided artists airtime for its own transfer.

By the time the trio turned into a duet. According to Andrei Vorobyov, to continue the creative path of Chwanov and Casilov decided together, because his clouds lacked good diction. The administration of the radio station did not know about the presence of the third participant of the team, so the parting happened without scandals. Today, Andrei works by the television operator in Tolyatti and the youthful passion for acting skills remembers with nostalgia.

"New Russian grandmothers" gradually went to success. They participated in the shooting of the Igor Ugolnikov program "Boe-on". Sometimes Casilov and Chwanov offered project work in Moscow or as leading events. Very soon their names became famous in the capital.

By that period, the first solo concert of artists in the image of the old woman. The event was held at the Moscow State Treasury Theater. In 1999, Evgeny Petrosyan offered the Commits to cooperation.

After moving to the capital, the artists appeared on the scene of the show "Curve Mirror" in the already familiar images. The speeches fell to the public, because the heroes resembled the favorite Soviet duet of Mauritiyevna and Nikitichna. Modern valley grandmothers were not deprived of a sense of humor, the desire to keep up with the time and thirst for adventure.

In 2009, Casilov and Chwanov decided to go to independent swimming and left the Petrosyan project. Soon, the actors were offered the cooperation of the producers of the TV show "Saturday evening" and "Merry Street". Over the time, the popularity of "new Russian grandmothers" does not subscribe. They continue to perform sololy and become invited guests of creative evenings and television shows.

Duet composition

Sergey Chvanov - Mature's Image Creator. The full name of his heroine is Matrena Ivanovna Nigmatullina. The artist was born on January 19, 1965 in the city of Chistopol. The young man graduated from Togliatti Polytechnic Institute. It is tolyatti, he is obliged to get acquainted with the future colleague Igor Casilov.

The local stage of Sergei Chvanov was the local stage of the stage, where he performed in the duet "deficit". The humorist wrote parodies on pop stars and was fond of social satire. The first jokes in the image of the grandmother, he honed, using the promotion of his own mother.

In student years, Sergey met his wife Irina. She also practiced in the student theater. The girl was the older chosen one for several years, so I did not immediately answer the courtship consent. The wedding was played at the end of the institute. Irina left a career for the sake of the family. In marriage with Sergey, the son of Danya and daughter of Manya were born.

Igor Casilov embodies the heroine on the scene by the name of the flower (Claudia Ivanovna Flower). He was born on May 31, 1966 in Tolyatti. Parents divorced early, and the son stayed with the Father, the worker. The sister chose life with his mother, who worked as mercy. Igor Cumshot Polytechnic Institute and was a member of the Committee of the WRCSM.

On the 2nd course came under the call and went to serve in Kazakhstan as a soldier of missile troops. After the demobilization of Casilov returned to the institute. Enrolling in the student theater, Igor also included the "Wheel" theater troupe. Casilov became the main artist in him and performed with the main roles. He graduated from the theater courses of guitis at the theater, and by moving to Moscow, studied at the course of director Peter Fomenko.

Natalia Raztova, the main beauty of the institute became the first love of Igor Kasilov. The relationship of young people lasted long due to the call of the army. Savior Igor in his absence married and gave birth to children. First love responded to the heart of Casilov, and he decided not to make a serious relationship.

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The young man was bought in the attention of girls while the "Wheel" theater did not meet Elena Nazarenko. She played the main women's roles in productions. Having created a family, Casilov became the main source of income, and the spouse refused career to educate the son of Hydra.

Today, Sergey and Igor are not in their hometown. Their ridiculous scenes of former buddies see in cabbagers broadcast on television for the New Year, March 8, May 1 and other holidays. In the public, "new Russian grandmothers" are solely in makeup in order not to launch the integrity of the created image. Over time, the artists bought the brand "New Russian grandmothers" and now all incomes from invented rooms and humors are obtained together.

Best speeches

In the creative piggy bank of the pop duet a large number of rooms. They are built on mature and flower dialogs. The old women are vividly discussing personal life, views on society, show business and social problems. Casilov and Chwanov from the scene offer the public to imagine grandmothers on the beach, when discussing a pension or love pregnancy veiled under the word "cupcake".

Funny etudes depict the atypical situations, the main characters of which grandmothers are becoming. So, in the humor of Matrain in a driving school, one of the heroines in the 9th time comes to pass the driving exam. "Modern Baba Yaga" is a scene in which the flower appeared in the image of a fairy-tale heroine living today. Her meeting with the grandson is filled with a community and unusual turns of the plot.

Parodies on pop rooms are still present in the repertoire of grandmothers. The heroines are crowded in the speeches of vocal episodes, as it was in the "Flower Birthday" room. The relationship between friendliers became one of the main leitmotifs of etudes. Features of the friendship of old women are revealed in the rooms like a "lottery ticket".

Today, "new Russian grandmothers" often become invited stars of national concerts and protrude solo. Star grandmothers are open to coitancy and interesting offers. So, with interest to jointly work with Gennady Winds over the scene "Acquaintance with pepper". Rare issues of comedy transmission channel "Russia" are cost without their participation.

"New Russian grandmothers" now

Duet Sergey Chvanov and Igor Kasilova retains relevance and now. Partners continue joint speeches. In 2019, the creative tandem was 20 years old. Today's jokes of comedians are designed for a specific target audience.

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While the youth is enjoyed by Standap, the public older prefers the anecdotes from "new Russian grandmies". Artists compose jokes on topics current in Russia and together with their viewer laugh at the pop, politics and household life situations.

Duet has an account in "Instagram", which are published by studies of grandmothers, photos from tour and joint performances with other pop artists.

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