Fedor Reshetnikov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause Of Death, Pictures



The famous Picture of "Again, Double" with a sad schoolboy saw each - on reproductions in textbooks, postcards or in the Tretyakov Gallery. But few people know that she is only the second of the artist's trilogy. The first call "arrived on vacation", the third - "re-examination". The author of the masterpiece Fyodor Pavlovich reshetnikov did not sit down badly for the canvas, and committed Arctic expeditions at Sibiryakov and Chelyuskin, for which he received 2 orders.

Childhood and youth

July 15, according to the old style, or on the 28th in the New Year, 1906 in the family of the reshetnikov, who lived in the village of Sursko-Lithuanian (now Ukraine), the second child was born, which Feda was named. Thrust for visual art seems to be laid in it since childhood. Father Paul was engaged in creating an icon, and according to his example, the elder brother Vasily became a student of the Kiev Art School.

However, after the death of both parents, studying in it had to be left to educate and maintain a family. The guy engaged in the painting of churches and temples, and the licks of the saints wrote at home in his free time. Little Fedya helped how he could - rubbed the paints, cooked cansts and brushes.

It is also known that Ivan's third brother had and was later fascinated by the revolution. In this regard, the traces of his long were lost, there are no accurate biographical information about it. In the future, all three met in Mariupol in the 30s.

As the future, the famous painter was eagerly taken for any job. Among the professions developed by him - the designer of local cultural centers and provincial theaters, the head of the musical choir, carpenter, shoemaker, painter, miner, actor and even sports commentator.

Later, he worked at the club of railway workers - from here and sent him to the slafak of the arts, which gave the opportunity to get a higher education. Extinguished, the reshetnikov made a choice in favor of Vhutemas, where he entered in 1929.

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In the workshops, he greedily absorbed the knowledge taught by Sergey Gerasimov ("Mother Partisan", "Frontovik") and Dmitry Moore (Agitplacat "You wrote down by a volunteer?"). The first successes were not forced to wait - a capable student who had fallen under the influence of the creative team of "Kukryniksi", called the course "Virtuoso Graphic Cartoon".

Acquired skills discovered new opportunities before a young man. Thanks to them, he fell into Polar Expeditions as a reporter artist. Fedor was especially welcome to be on Siberian, side by side with Otto Schmidt. An interesting fact: it was during a swim that he wrote a debut picturesque picture "Repair" Sibiryakov "in the ice".

The next such "travel" in the composition of the "Chelyuskin" passed it is noticeable more difficult than the first - the steamer sank, the crew was saved with drifting ice and returned to a large land. Sketches made by reshetnikov, enthusiastically accepted both the public and criticism.


In 1934, at the end of the university, the reshetnikov took up independent creativity, created a number of works with historical and patriotic orientation. Then there was a smooth transition to easel painting. The policy did not remain aside - for the "generalissimus of the Soviet Union" the master was awarded the first Stalin Prize.

In 1952, a masterpiece "Again, Two", the most famous, rather than two other parts of the trilogy appeared. In the foreground, on the left - a schoolboy who recognized in the next unsatisfactory assessment and guilty of the lowered his eyes.

On the opposite side, the mother, a new news, the older sister-pioneer, by the look of which can be judged with confidence that her marks did not fall below the fours and five. Regardless of what happened, as always, I am glad to a small owner of the faithful dog, rushing on the boys.

The viewer will also see here and the younger brother, but will not find his father. Most likely, he died in a war (a photograph of a soldier's outlines was emerged on the table under the lamp). Care, care and upbringing three children lay on the shoulders of a woman. But in general, the family did not disagree that it was the presence of wall clocks, a bicycle and an outdoor carpet.

There are also several opinions who served as the prototype of the main character. Some believed that this is the son of a neighbor-avant-gardeist Gustav Klotsis. Others believed that the daughter was made by the daughter of Reshetnikova Lyuba, who blisted his lips and made a guilty glance, having received "Nesud".

"I wonder to write a genre picture about the exams at school, he began to often be in the lessons, sat down in the back and watched the guys. It must be said that the children considered him by their artist, Uncle kept a lot of school works written in his picture, "said the nephew of the Pelfish, Eugene.

At the end of September 2015, two sketches of the canvas and the Cavernous question helped a resident of the old Russa beat the connoisseurs of the intellectual show "What? Where? When?". The players were asked to find the missing character and answer what the painter did to "draw" him from nature. And if with the first part of the task sitting at the table coped easily, guessing the dog, then the second was unbearable for them. The right answer sounded like this: fed the sausage.

If you resort to modern slang, then the author left Easter eggs on the paintings of the trilogy - in the "Two" on the wall there is a "arrived at the holidays", and in the "re-exclaim" there is also a "two again". As for the first work of this series, then, despite the festive entourage and a raised mood, she is very dramatic - Suvorovtsians met not parents, and grandfather and younger sister. And, as you know, in the postwar years, children often accepted children whose father and mother did not return from the battlefield.

The theme of childhood is revealed in the "boys", who are observing the distant constellations on the night sky and trying to guess, as well as on the canvas "for the world!", Where five comrades write on the wall of white paint what they wish the most.

However, despite the success of paintings created in the domestic genre, the reshetnikov remained faithful to satire, which reflected in the book "Satira and friendly cartoons" in the same name.

Personal life

"After the war, he married Lydia Brodskaya, the daughter of the artist Isaac Brodsky, the student of Ilya Repin. Lida was very beautiful, worked as a dancer in a circus, and uncle sat her ... for the easel. And it was not mistaken: Lida began to write landscapes, became a famous painter, received the title of People's Artist of the USSR, "said Uncle Vasilyevich's personal life.

His elder brother Vasily by 2019 was considered the only one now the living hero of the USSR, who fought on IL-4. At the footsteps of famous parents - Lydia and Fedor of the Reshetnikov - the only daughter of love and the only daughter.


In addition to the visual arts, Fyodor Pavlovich engaged in teaching activities and had a high guideline post at the Academy of Arts.

The artist left the earthly world in the old age on December 13, 1988. Death has come for natural reasons. The last refinement of the outstanding master is the Vagankovsky cemetery. Near him rests and his spouse, who survived his beloved husband briefly.

It is noteworthy that a few months before the death, the employees of the Chita Museum discovered the once missing picture "House" on the walls of the local trade and culinary college.


  • 1932 - "Repair" Sibiryakov "in the ice"
  • 1939 - "Self-portrait"
  • 1943 - "In the village of a small town"
  • 1945 - "got" language "
  • 1945 - "Babushkina Care"
  • 1947 - "With the victory! (Meeting Hero) "
  • 1948 - "arrived on vacation"
  • 1948 - "Portrait of Hero of the Soviet Union V. Reshetnikova"
  • 1948 - "Portrait of L. Brodskaya"
  • 1950 - "For the World!"
  • 1952 - "Again Two"
  • 1952 - "Love lessons"
  • 1954 - "PeresAmentation"
  • 1971 - "Boys"
  • 1973 - "The death of" Chelyuskin "

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