Quasars - what is it, stars, active galaxies, black holes, red displacement are


In the XX century, scientists took up the scientific description of astrophysical objects with amazing properties. It turned out that, except stars, there are other sources of radio emission, which were called quazi-reference. More about what a quasar is and how he clarifies the evolution of the universe, in the material 24cm.

Lighthouses in the universe

In the middle of the 20th century, the study of cosmic radio emission began, the sources of which were different celestial bodies. A number of them first discovered for a long time due to their bright shine. For example, Magellanov's clouds, the Milky Way satellites galaxies, or scattered star clusters, and in it are incoming.

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Such "lamps" are both within the galaxy and outside of it. The galactic radio sources include nebulae surrounding flaming stars, residual energy that has been distinguished by a supernova. As well as pulsars - neutron stars, characterized by a high speed of rotation and a strong magnetic field, due to which radio waves emit.

But the galaxies and their clusters are permanent sources of extragalactic radio emission, which depends on the power, whether they will be treated to the category of radio-belaxes or not. To get into this class of objects, the galaxy should be much superior to the usual radiation.

But in space there are more mysterious and more impressive energy potential objects - quasi-refoable sources, or quasars. Their light is so strong that you can even see them in an amateur telescope. Therefore, it is these radio sources that dubbed the beacons of the universe.

What are quasars

Modern scientists believe that quasars are galactic cores that are temporarily in a state of extremely high activity. These are sources of powerful radiation, significantly distant from the ground. They are outside the Milky Way and have an ancient origin, therefore, they are capable of shed light on the origin and evolution of the universe.

Conceptual image of a quasar (https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/file :galaxies_agn_inner-structure-of-ca.jpg)

The term "quasars" was formed from English Quasi-Stellar Radio Sources, which means "quasi-refoable radio sources", in other words, "similar to the stars of radio emission."

Features of radiogalakia and quasar

The opening of new objects dates back to 1960 - then Thomas Matthew and Allan Sandage discovered a certain astronomical body that received the index 3C 48. Further study of such finds by Martin Schmidt led a scientist to the conclusion that the objects found are unlike the objects, because they are over a long distance from Earth - stars observers at such a removal can not be visible.

Initially, the quasars were identified with the stars, because both those and others are visible celestial bodies. But everything turned over the analysis of electromagnetic radiation, showing that for such remoteness, the alleged stars emit too much glow. Already having experience in analyzing the electoral radiation features with a colossal power in a radio range of an electromagnetic spectrum, astronomers made the first assumptions about the nature of the "pseudo-site".

Thus, the detected objects should have to correlate not with the stars, but with radio-flames, since the quasars are not inferior to them by radio emission.


It is known about the quasars that these are active galaxies kernels released fantastic energy flows. This explains the incredible radiation capacity sent by them into outer space. Even the whole galactic system does not compare with this "monster" on the strength of the glow: only half an hour quasars throw energy equal to the one that stands out after the explosion of a supernovae. Exceeding the luminosity of galaxies where billions of stars are located, while the quasars have a compact size, approximately with the solar system.

Such features of the radiation of quasarov, as visibility at a distance of billions of light years from the observer, brings them closer with radio-beactics and sometimes complicates the search.

Red shift

The light sent by the galaxy into space is the light of the stars included in it. Using the spectral analysis of emitted emissions emitted by these astronomical objects, learn about the physical parameters of certain formations.

Scientists have noticed that the lines in the spectra of the studied galaxies are shifted towards an increase in the length of electromagnetic waves, which is why the light emitted in the visible range is blushing. So the concept of "red displacement" appeared. To get more information about unknown star-like objects, the quasars also exposed to spectral analysis. Then they showed this property - a strong offset of lines in the red region of the spectrum.

This phenomenon said that the source of radio emission is rapidly removed from the observer. And the degree of offset shows the speed with which the object moves in the opposite direction. Scientists have tied these observations with the expansion of the Universe, determining that the quasars overcome the outer space at a speed close to the light.

And here black holes

UGC 8058 galaxy, in the center of which is the quasar (https://esahubble.org/images/opo1531b/)

The theory of quasars is inseparable from the theory of black holes. There is a direct connection between them, explaining the features of both the first and second object. Today, the view is considered to be generally accepted in astronomy that the quasar model includes a supermarital black hole, which absorbs the surrounding galactic space by the stars.

Attaching the black hole, the matter starts to rotate the spiral and forms an accretion disk, the glow of which we accept for the stellar. A certain amount of absorbed substance rushes to the poles, due to which Jets appear - bundles emitting radio waves, the length of which increases to the infrared spectrum.

Nearest to Earth

Since 1960, when they found 3C 48, the number of similar radio sources recorded in the universe has exceeded 200 thousand. Objects identified as quasar nearest to our galaxy was the first to be the heavenly body 3C 273. According to the calculations of astronomers, it is at a distance of 3 billion light years and has a speed of 44,000 km / s.

Photo of Kvasar 3C 278, made by Hubble Telescope in November 2013 (https://esahubble.org/images/potw1346a/)

Thanks to the Hubble telescope, researchers of cosmic depths are known for the quasar closest to us in the UGC 8058 galaxy, which is only 600 million light years from the Earth. Presumably, it was formed by two supermassive black holes, which, as a result of a merger, galaxies were near and entered into gravitational interaction. Their rotation of the friend near a friend causes a warm-up cloud warming up and, as a result, powerful radiation.

The brightest quasar

In 2019, scientists were convinced - there are quasars much brighter than those already known to science, which on average allocate 10 trillion more energy than the sun. An example of this was the object J043947.08 + 163415.7, which is 12.8 billion light years from us. This is the brightest quasar of those who know scientists today. The brightness of it is equal to 600 trillion solar. Such power provides a supermassive black hole in the center of the already emerging galaxy and the supply of this "Star Lighthouse".

Given the colossal remoteness from earthlings, it is difficult to notice. But by chance that the gravitational linlication effect (the gravitational field located between our planet and the galaxy quasar performed as a magnifying glass) strengthened the brightness of the radio source in tens of times, making it visible against the background of other space objects.

New and far away

The constellation Eridan is the birthplace of the most remote and impressive quasar with the name J0313-1806. Scientists observe its condition at the time when the age of the universe was equal to 670 million years. Object J0313-1806 bypassed the previous owner of the record - ULAS J1342 + 0928 - by weight twice and by age for 20 million years.

The rank of the furthest was assigned the P172 + 18 quasar, which is the source of powerful emissions of radiation - jets. The light from him overcomed the outer space for 13 billion years, and he sees as it looked like when the universe was quite young (780 million years). The value of this find is the proof of the fact that there are so an ancient quasar there are radiols.

Scientists received information about the state of the black hole located near and absorbing sufficient substance for radiation. Researchers are confident that they found the relationship between the presence of jets and the speed with which the black hole is gaining mass. Probably, the Jeta increases the volume of gas absorbed by the black hole. This information is easier to deal with the primary universe device.

Quasa and Blazari

The list of types of active nuclei of galaxies has been replenished, in addition to quasars, other no less complex objects. Among them, Blazar and Quersa. Blazar is called the core of the active galaxy emitted by which Jets are turned towards the observer. Due to the last luminosity of such sources is much higher for looking from the ground. It is noteworthy that Located in the Constellation of the Virgin Object 3C 278, the first identified as a quasar, in fact, Blazar.

Studying quasars, scientists found sources of radio emission, which are related to the first. They are combined by such characteristics as similar to the stars, a red displacement, but to detect them is much more complicated due to the weakness of radio waves. New objects were called quasi-refoable galaxies, or quasa. Astrophysics admit that quasars and quasars are different stages of the evolution of the same phenomenon.

In the Milky Way everything is calm

The scientific material obtained from the observations of quasars gives scientist reason to say that each galaxy has in the center of the black hole, which has passed the stage of activity and now "asleep", since it has ended with food.

This also applies to the Milky Way, which once looked like a quasar, but already entered the state of peace. Indeed, in the surrounding central black hole, there is no longer any such volume of gas and dust so that their absorption causes the formation of a shining accretion disk. However, astronomers suggest that a quasar is still able to appear in our galaxy, but only after the collision of the Milky Way with Andromeda Galaxy, which, according to the forecasts of scientists, will occur in 4.5 billion years.

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