Group Ace Of Base - Photo, History of Creation, Composition, Clips, Songs



10 years after the collapse of Abba, the young Swedes took advantage of the proven success recipe and created the Ace Of Base team. The Quartet "A and Vas" also consisted of a couple of guys and a couple of girls (dark and light), who performed positive compositions about love and happiness in English, was almost completely "family-owned enterprise". Both fours in their homeland were less popular than the rest of the world.

The history of creation and composition

The participants of the quartet are Gothenburg natives, the second in the size of the city of Sweden, which appeared at the turn at the turn of the 60s and 70s. In the names of each of them there is a root "Berg", which is in Swedish, as in German, means "Mountain".

The initiator of the Group's creation is the Scandinavian "Killing" Junas Peter Berggren, who worked under the pseudonym Joker. Participated in the composition of almost all of the hits of the quartet, with the exception of Cruel Summer and Wonderful Life, which are a cover version of the compositions of other musical groups. Ace Of Base answered the men's vocals and a guitar party. Junas - Senior in the team, was born in the spring of 1967. Since childhood, sang in the church choir and traded the game on the piano.

The second guy in the group - Ulf Eberg on nicknamed Buddha, whose exclusive mission was a male cleattive. Just like the other participants, wrote for the quartet texts and music, musicated on the keys. In contrast to the partners in the group, there was a dark past - sympathized with neo-Nazi ideas, Skinhead was criticized for fights and storage of drugs. Buddha came to the senses only after his comrade died in the Potatovka.

The history of the Group's creation began with a young man dating. The impetus for the composition of music for both was the gifts of parents - Junas on the 15th anniversary gave the guitar, and Ulfu's re-rebuilt and tennis - computer.

Having friendly, young Gothenges first wrote gloomy songs and sang a duet, among whose names was also "Kalinin Avenue", a probable allusion on a popular in the early 90s Music project. Soon the young men realized that the addition of female vocal and style mitigation would make songs more popular. For help, Junas turned to younger sisters - Lynn and Jenni.

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Malin Sofia Katharina Berggren - Blonde Lynn from the Quartet, whose voice can be heard in all the main groups of the group, with the exception of Wonderful Life. She is the Rough of Ulfa, like Buddha, was born in the second half of 1970. Unlike other participants did not dreamed of a singing career.

Before entering the composition of "A and Vas" managed to work as a seller of the sandwiches and entered the technical university of his native city, on a regular basis, he was engaged in volunteering in an organization that helps former alcoholics.

The youngest soloist of the group - Jenni Cecilia Bergggyn (after the exit got married the last name for Peter), was born in 1972. The girl, like brother and sister, pulled the vocal data with singing in church choir. Before participating in the project of a senior relative, worked as a waitress and croupier, dreamed of a teacher career. Before Lynn's departure from the yenny group was less noticeable than the sister, in particular, without the participation of the browse, such hits are recorded as "All That She Wants", which in Russia received the name "Vegetable and" HAPPY NATION ".


The quartet of young ghetebors started under the title of Tech Noir and at the beginning worked in the techno genre. With renaming in Ace Of Base, the team went towards Popes with a rugged rugge. The new name was a sound, memorable and had many meanings: from the "Ace of Trump Masty" to the studio in the semi-base, in which the group recorded the first compositions.

The debut song "Wheel of Fortune", telling about the girl in love with the "next idiot", and calling the guy not to hurry the events, in the home of the musicians considered trivial. But in the neighboring Denmark, the composition took silver in the charts. It happened in 1992.

The second undisputed song of the group was the song "All That She Wants", also performed on the face of the girl in which the heroine is looking for a partner to conceive the baby. The creation of the composition of the authors was inspired by Swedish law, guaranteeing unmarried mothers of two children without life. The composition headed by hit parades in 17 countries entered the first collection of the team "Happy Nation". This album has become the best-selling world music.

A significant proportion of the songs of the group is filled with rampant optimism. In addition to the already mentioned composition, the "happy nation", such as "Beatiful Life", calling the listeners to pay attention to simple things, lifting the mood - flowers in the park and a smile of a child.

The mansion is less funny songs - "The Sign", "unspeakable" and "Cruel Summer", in which the heroine spends her beloved not to throw it. However, the last single is a box of the Bananarama team composition.

Although the group's clips did not differ ingeniousness, and the media was supposed to publicize the Skinheads of Ulf, in 1993-1994, Ace Of Base became the most popular pop group in the world.

In the spring of 1993, Quartet triumphantly performed in the Jewish state, typically prohibiting concerts of musicians, at least the most related to the Nazis. Tickets for a group speech in Tel Aviv bought over 50 thousand spectators.

In 1995, the collective discography was replenished more lyrical than the first, the collection "The Bridge", which was able to melt the hearts of listeners at the home of the group participants. The third album "Flowers" was intended to convince Ace Of Base fans in the diversity of the quartet of the quartet, and although some songs from the collection became very popular in America and Europe, critics accused a team in beats on the launched paths.

Collapse of the collective

In 1994, in the house, where Jenni Berggyng lived with Mother Brigitta, a crazy fan was penetrated, wounded during the expulsion of Mama singer with a knife in his hand. The result of the incident was the fear of a girl to sleep in the dark and the emergence of Lynn Berggren phobias in relation to publicity.

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The investigation showed that the purpose of the attack was a blond soloist, and not her dark-haired sister. Lynn began to avoid the lenses of the chambers and the appearance of the group in the photo (after the photographer persuasion agreed only on the blurred image in the background) and lost the role of the frontwoman of the junior sister's team. She also refused to participate in the tour, motivating the decision suddenly emerged aerophobia.

Since 2007, the quartet has become trio, Lynn left a group. After 2 years, the example of the older sister followed the younger, tried to develop solo projects. In 2010, new vocalists debuted as part of the team, and the name of the quartet was modified in ACE.OF.Base. In 2015, a group that lives mainly by the release of remixes on the hits of the previous years, has ceased existence.


  • 1993 - "Happy Nation"
  • 1993 - "Happy Nation (U.S. Version)" / "The Sign"
  • 1995 - "The Bridge"
  • 1998 - "Flowers"
  • 1999 - "Singles of the 90s"
  • 2000 - "Greatest Hits"
  • 2002 - "Da Capo"
  • 2010 - "The Golden Ratio"
  • 2015 - "Hidden GE"


  • "ALL THAT SHE Wants"
  • "Happy Nation"
  • "The Sign"
  • "Living in Danger"
  • "Hear Me Calling"
  • "Lucky Love"
  • "Beautiful Life"
  • "Life IS A Flower"
  • "Cruel Summer"
  • "Travel to Romantis"
  • "Unspeakable"
  • "All for You"

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