Sandor Kligan - biography, quotes, actor, growth, quotes, age


Character History

Legendary Saga George R.R. Martin "Song of Ice and Flame" served as a literary basis for the television project "Game of Thrones". Franchise gained a huge number of fans all over the world, receiving record ratings. The sympathy of the public to this series is justified: the action is developing unpredictable, the plot is interesting, the main and secondary characters are a large number. Sandor Kligan is one of the secondary actors, whose character is interesting to observe.

History of creation

George R.R. Martin has the ability to endow negative characters with charisma and inland charm, which conquers the public. Sandor Kligan belongs to the heroes that would cost to condemn, but his biography causes sympathy. The hero appeared in several books of the series: "The game of Thrones", "Battle of Kings", "Storm of Swords", "Pir of Vultures", "Dance with Dragons", "Winter Wind".

Sandor Kligan.

Despite the complex life history of the hero and terrible actions, the readers of the novel are confident that the author, inclined to kill the people who loved the audience, must spare Sandora. Readers are curious to observe the development of the image and its modernization in the proposed circumstances.

Sandor Kligan - Brother Grigor Cragan and Bodyguard Joffrey Barateon. He took himself a nicknamed dog inspired by the family coat of arms, on which three dogs are depicted. The nickname hero stressed the ferocity and devotion to the owner, it was not an offensive, on the contrary, caused pride, and a man with confidence wore a helmet in the form of a dog's head. Sandor had a persistent volitional character and was famous for achievements in fencing. He was considered the best master of the blade in Westeros.

Joffrey Barateon

At a young age brothers Kligan received a gift from one of the shopkeepers. Grigorus got cut out of the tree. Decreased knight, danced like a puppet. The elder brother did not show interest in the toy, as he was already accumulating, so Sandor left her herself. Grigor decided to take revenge and poked his brother face in the burning corners of the ferry. Three men tried to pull the boy from his brother's hands. Father said the injury appeared due to the fact that the baby's bed caught fire, and Sandora was long treated with ointments.

After the death of his father, he escaped from home. At the age of 12, he made the first murder and soon entered the service for Lannernis. Career developed quickly, and Sandor became a bodyguard. SERSEY watched the sincere affection of Joffrey to Sandora, who was replaced by a father's boy.

The situation that happened in childhood caused fear of fire and hatred of knights. The fight against these feelings is not easy to give Sandore. Despite the knights was the reason for which he refused the title and did not receive a dedication.

Sersa Lannister

He has an impressive growth. The hero demonstrated the strength, the rate of reaction and the dead grip in the fight against the enemy. The appearance of the character is ugly: the ear is absent, the liquid hair is not growing from the side of the scar, the eye is surrounded by wrinkles and ugly folds, the skin on the jaw shrouded and hangs. Sandor specially takes a ferocious appearance, emphasizing the deformity. Under the cover of cruelty and hatred is hidden offended by life, wounded and unfortunate man who does not deserve love and warmth. The younger cligan is not afraid of death and dreams to take revenge on his brother.

"Game of Thrones"

Having become a bodyguard, Sandor gained the nickname dog. He kills the butcher of Miku, who athloan the Life of the Prince, and since then he hates Arya Stark. Sandor is involved in the tournament, and after him accompanies Sansu Stark to the castle. The warrior laughs over the companion and, allowing himself to drink too much, says, from where the scar appeared on his face.

Arya Stark

On the second day of the tournament, Sandor saves Laratas Tirella from Grigor. He comes out the winner of the fight and receives folk recognition. Then participates in Arrest Eddard Stark and after execution it takes place in the Royal Guard as a faithful servant. It was Sandor who saves Joffrey from death when Sansa decides to push the boy from the wall. Thus, he saves and a failed killer.

Subsequently, as the action develops, the dog repeatedly faces Sansa, surprising her with rude speeches and gently calling a bird. A man is constantly ruffled with a girl and ridicules her enthusiasm to knightly loose and legends. He protects her in every way and protects from Joffrey. Sandor saves Sansu in the Royal Harbor, when the rebating people almost spreads the girl into pieces.

The PSU entrusted the command of the army during the battle on the draft, but he was retraced because of the fear of fire. The angry hero gets drunk and comes to the bedroom to a girl who means much to him. Obviously, his relationship with Sansoy is something more than friendship, so a man offers her to run to the north together. The girl refuses him, and Sandor leaves her room.

Sansa Stark

The man was captive at the fraternity without banners, together with Aric Stark, where he participated in the court for killing the son of the butcher. The sentence becomes a duel with Berik, in which the hero wins the opponent, despite the fear of fire. He gains freedom and, trying to compensate the stolen money, takes the array with him in the hope of redemption from Robb Stark. The last to return Sandora is killed. The dog is driving a prisoner to Lisa Arren to request a redemption.

In the way, they stop in the tavern, where in the fight the dog gets a serious injury. Despite the assistance rendered, it cannot continue to move due to serious damage to the leg. Requests for Aria about mercy in the form of a quick death are meaningless, the girl leaves the dog to die.

Brienna Tart

A man is looking for Brienna Tart, but, according to the prior of the Pacific Island, Sandor died. Died dog or not, it was unclear. His property took the monastery, the helmet was assigned to Rorge, and then migrated to Lima Yellow Sea.

It is noteworthy that on a quiet island lives a graveer, chromating on the same foot, in which Sandor was wounded. He keeps silence, like all the monks, and wears a row. No one knows how old he is.


Full Rory McCang

In the television version, the hero appears on the screen in the first season. He was embodied by actor Rory McCann. The artist began his career with advertising. He starred in the series and received proposals for small roles in the cinema. Teleproject "Shamelessness" has become the first major work for him. Then followed work in the tapes "Alexander", "Type Cool Leg" and in the project "Big Game".

In the "Game of Thrones" Sandor Kligan is a big, dangerous and strong hero. The appearance of Rory McCanna became the main reason why he passed the casting for the role of PSA. It is easy to assume that a man is able to defeat any opponent. The frightened appearance of the hero was combined with his romantic nature, and, like a quasimodo, Sandor quickly won the sympathy of the public.

Frame from the series

Having learned his tragic history, the audiences empathy a hero, understanding the motivation of his hatred. There was no secret and the fact that Sandor loves Sansu. For four seasons, the dog won the respect of the audience as a warrior, defender, bodyguard. The audience was disappointed that the creators of the series removed this character in the fourth episode final, and rejoiced his appearance in the sixth season, guessing whether the dog was not hidden under the image Azor Ahai.


"The country is rocks, trees and rivers. Does the stones need protection? "" The gods, if they exist, created a sheep that the wolves were eating lamb, and weak, so that they were wondered by them. "" Looks around and hurt it! than you ".

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