Group ShortParis - Photo, History of creation, Composition, News, songs 2021



About what style is played by the St. Petersburg group Shortparis, there is no single opinion. This is a post-punk, and indie, and avant-pop, and the list can be continued. The musicians themselves do not give clear definitions - the meaning of their music is not in a particular style, but in the call to traditions. And this challenge present in all the layers of creativity is perfectly well.

The history of creation and composition

ShortParis was founded in 2012. Despite the fact that the Panel is considered to be St. Petersburg, three of its composition - Nikolai Komagin, Alexander Ionin and Pavel Lesnikov - were born and grew up in Novokuznetsk. So Petersburgers are a smaller part of the team - the drummer Danillags and guitarist Alexander Galianov, also playing keyboards.

The life of ShortParis is not limited to one music - so they spoke in an interview with "poster" in 2017. The bass guitarist Alexander Ionin was restored by Antiques, Alexander Galianov worked as a footlist in the book publishing house, and Danila Kholkov said that it periodically deals with repair work to change the scope of activity.

The soloist of the group was an employee of the Museum of Modern Art of St. Petersburg, there the musician was engaged in educational programs. And before that, Nikolai worked as a school teacher and, according to him, with difficulty found a common language with the administration - teaching methods went out for the traditional framework.

For example, students under his leadership studied totalitarianism on the very visual example - a class for a month became a totalitarian society, where everyone went in shape, marched and called MEIN PREPOD teacher.

ShortParis - the project is atypical, and the musicians are in no hurry to talk about the history of the creation of the group. They do not like the interview format too much, considering it a dying genre. In addition, according to the recognition of musicians, the result of conversations with journalists them, as a rule, do not like. Therefore, information relating to the facts about the group is not so much. The main goal of ShortParis is creativity based on the challenge of standard art forms and their repeatability.


Shortparis is difficult to definitely determine as soon as the musical group - in their work, the music is firmly connected with the feed method, whether it is a clip or concert performance. Although the participants themselves do not like when they are called theatrical project, but they willingly agree with the term shamanism. What is happening on the stage with ShortParis speeches really resembles a multi-storey ritual from gestures, actions, space. However, the main role in what is happening is still playing music and rhythm.
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The first album "The Daughters" group recorded a year after the foundation, in 2013. There is no track on the disk in Russian - only in English and French. The transition to the Russian-speaking performance of the musicians consider a step forward - the use of foreign languages ​​Nikolai calls testimony both personal and musical immaturity of the early period of creativity. The following in discography album - "Easter", which entered the song "Love", came out in 2017 and recorded in Russian.

In March 2018, Shortparis presented a clip to the song "Shame". Video, according to the tradition of the group, turned out to be bright, saturated and little similar to everything that was before. However, experts of alternative and indie arts find parallels between the work of Shortparis and the early Auktsyon.

John Daran, the head of the British Websen "The Quietus", compared the team's performance with what Sergei Kurekhin did, in particular, with his transfer devoted to the proof of the fact that Lenin is a mushroom. ShortParis - Rare for Russia, a group that interested foreign listeners and journalists, successfully giving concerts, as of the border.

An event that has positively influenced the popularity of the group, was working with Cyril Silvernikov. The director invited Shortparis to fulfill for the movie "Summer" David Bowie "All The Young Dudes". Visualized execution entered the final scene of film studies about the Soviet rock and roll. Shortparis In his protest manner, he recorded a song in the style opposite to what Cyril was originally requested, but as a result, the result of their rethinking "All The Young Dudes" brought director delight.

And in December 2018, the group released a clip to the song "Scary", which caused a serious resonance. The video sequence, quite corresponding to the name of the composition, contained unwolked references to the tragedy in Beslan, mass murder in Kerch and nationalist movements.

According to musicians, it was not easy to shoot the clip: the Kerch tragedy happened a week before the first film crew. As a result, all agreements with schools and official bodies were instantly broken. The group with difficulty found compromise options, but from the essence of the clip did not refuse - shortparis It was important to highlight these frightening things, practically not reflexed in Russian culture. After all, today, every word written by the Arabic Vysuva causes Associations with terrorism, people with vruit heads seem to the Nazis, and in the situation with migrant workers it is unclear who and from who should be protected.

As a result, in the process of shooting the law enforcement and administrative bodies, repeated calls were received with complaints - musicians were considered extremists, then the Nazis, and the shooting was regarded as propaganda. Separate complexity presented the shooting of the final scene with a frightened schoolboy, holding the Russian flag - third-party observers decided that this is the symbolic funeral of Russia. The ShortParis themselves explain that the meaning is directly opposite - the figures of Christ and Mary are worn at Easter in Catholic countries.

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An important part of the group's creativity is concerts. On them, the musicians deliberately try to get away from the generally accepted traditions of speeches to the public. So, in addition to performances on standard concert venues, Shortparis played both in the grocery store, and in the strip club, and at the factory. Also little worry musicians. Standard ideas about how the "smart" and the underground team should be. The intellectual texts expected by the public are adjacent, for example, with the "Hand Up" pop groups, but it turns out to be applied by Shortparis organic.

Shortparis now

In February 2019, the Panel declared itself to the whole country - the musicians were on the air of the Evening Urgant program, where they were "scary" and attracted even more attention.

SHORTPARIS Performance remains in a network format. The official website of the group directly refers to the clip "scary" - on a dark background in the center, the word "scary" is replaced by Arabic, and there is no more content on the page. Symbolized and "Instagram" shortparis. Instead of familiar photos from concerts or rehearsals, each frame in there is part of the psychedelic triptych.

Now Shortparis gives concerts, are actively discussed on social networks and want to go to a higher level of popularity. In essence, this is not a club, and the stadium team, capable of being able to keep any audience due to a unique style, regardless of its expectations.


  • 2013 - "The Daughters"
  • 2017 - Easter


  • "Shame"
  • "Your Queen"
  • "Amsterdam"
  • "Tutu"
  • "Fearfully"

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