Yerzhan Maxim - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, "Voice. Children" 2021



On the talent of the young talent of Yerzhan Maxim Russia learned in 2019, after the issues of the music show "Voice. Children". He also tried to conquer a big scene and even came to the national selection for participation in Children's Eurovision - 2018. I could not win, I did not lower my hands, and I went to conquer new vertices.


Maxim was born in 2007 in the city of Uralsk, Kazakhstan, by the nationality of Kazakh. He is the youngest in the family, he has two senior sisters. Already in 3-4 years old, the boy, not hesitating, fired melodies that heard around, and the parents were noticed on time. And therefore, having consisted, at 5 years old led the Son to the vocal teacher Darius Buckyt, she was engaged in children in the local home of the culture of young people.

Bakytova - the soloist of the Ural Philharmonic and the winner of republican competitions, in 2010 was a member of the jury of the local contest VIA "Retro Festival". Having a lot of experience in his profession, the woman quickly found an approach to the child, and therefore their classes were easy and easy, and Yerzhan as a sponge absorbed all incoming information.

Despite the fact that a lot of time Yerzhan devotes singing and music, learns well. In 2018, he went to the 6th grade, the education receives Isaata Taimanov at school-gymnasium. And at 9 years old entered the local music school to the piano class.

Also, a boy is not indifferent to the sport, loves to ride roller skates and football. He is sociable, and therefore has friends not only in Native Uralsk, but also in other cities where ever acted in contests. Parents in all support their son and are proud of his successes, and at the same time they try not to overload with many hours.


Maxim is a lot of time dedicates vocal classes, regularly makes special exercises for voice ligaments. When the boy just began to deal with singing, he was very afraid to go out on the stage, often cried before performances. Over time, this fear has passed, Yerzhan confidently feels in public and performs songs without stuffing. He received master classes and other vocal specialists. Now in his repertoire, the composition of world performers in different languages, which every time gives him an advantage in competitions.

The first achievements in the international arena appeared in the biographies of Yerzhan at 9 years. It was the Festival "Dolphin Fest" festival in 2016, passing in Georgian Batumi. Then he managed to take the main prize. And in the same year he came to Latvia to a similar contest, where he won 2 gold and 1 silver medal immediately in several nominations.

In 2017, the artist declares himself at the Italian contest San Remo Junior, which was held in the resort town of San Remo, where it becomes a finalist. There, the student sang a schoolboy under the accompaniment of a symphony orchestra than and struck the audience.

And soon successfully performed on the stage of the Vitebsk "Slavic Bazaar" and took 2nd place. The parents of Gulmira Alibek and Yerbol Naumov did everything so that the talent of his son learned as many people as possible, and therefore did not regret money and time for regular trips to other cities on the speeches.

An important stage in the career of Maxim as a singer was in the number of candidates for the competition "Children's Eurovision - 2018". A huge number of children from all over Kazakhstan participated in the qualifying rounds, but only a ten managed to get to the national selection. They performed at a concert in Almaty, and the jury and the audience decided who would go to represent the world. And although Yerzhan failed to score the maximum number of points for the 1st place, yet it became a huge success for a novice performer and opened the doors to other projects.

Although all residents of Uralsk knew about Yerzhan, in 2019, the city shook the news. Maxim became the participant of the 6th season of the show "Voice. Children "coming out once a week on the first channel. Schoolboy explained his decision on the federal channel by the desire to show the talent and achieve world recognition.

It was his dream from the Small years, but the parents were waiting for the Son to gain the necessary experience, and only then allowed to submit an application. He also shared that he would like to learn from a music school in Moscow, and perhaps, after participating in the program he will give such a chance. To do this, together with my mother, he actively teaches Russian.

For the 1st stage of the competition called "Blind listening", Maxim chose the song "AMA CREDI E VAI" by Andrea Bocelle, which was written in 2006 for the closing ceremony of the Olympic Games in Turin. In the chairs of the mentors that day was sitting Pelagia, Svetlana Loboda and Valery Meladze.

The unique voice of the boy "turned" to the scene at once all members of the jury. Loboda noted that he had not yet seen children with such vocal data and all the speech felt on the skin of goosebumps. He heard no less compliments from Pelagia and Meladze, and as a mentor chose the latter.

Mom Yerzhan arrived in Moscow with her son and remained in the Russian capital to support him in the 2nd stage. The next competition called "Fights" meant the union of artists in the trio, where they jointly execute the song chosen by the mentor. Maxim found himself in a group with Ivan Starikov and Islam Balkoev, the boys performed the composition of Muslim Magomaeva "Blue Eternity". The teenager sang brilliantly his party, from the strength of his voice at some point even burst the glass, which was standing near the conductor.

The incredible voice of the schoolchildren appreciated the auditorium, which exploded the applause and had a long chant "Bravo". At the time of the announcement of the verdict Pelagia was emotional and could not not express his admiration for Maxim. Meladze also had to choose who of the guys would continue to participate in the competition, the singer stopped the choice on Kazakhstani artist. In the same issue of April 5, 2019, Yerzhan took part in another competition - "Song for departure," again executed the composition of the Bocelle "AMA Credi E Vai" and went to the final, giving way in the end of the victory by Michella Abramova, the daughter of the singer Alsu.

Yerzhan Maxim now

In the fall of 2019, Yerzhan fulfilled his long-standing dream, hitting the final part of the "Children's Eurovision 2019", which was held in Poland. Maxim performed a song in his native Kazakh and English, taking second place.

Despite the young age, Yerzhan leads a page in "Instagram". There he is divided with subscribers of news from his life, regularly posts the photos from events that visits.

He has to travel a lot, on trips it is always trying to accompany Mom, who supports his son and does not give to relax before going to the scene. And therefore in his profile there are many photos with parents and other relatives, as well as friends and star familiar.

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