Annet Sai (Anna Sydalieva) - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, "Songs" on TNT 2021



Ante Sai - Vocalist, whose first fame brought Miss Volgodonsk - 2015 contest. Anna - a musician, the author of lyrics and performer. She also tries himself as a model and blogger. The recognition among the youth audience a girl brought the project "Songs" on TNT. Ante Sai has become a participant in the vocal competition in 2019 in the hope of winning the main prize of the show - a contract with the label Basta or Timati.

Childhood and youth

Anna Sydalieva was born on August 10, 1997. Her homeland is Volgodonsk, a small town in the Rostov region. She wrote the first song in 6 years. Realizing that creativity attracts more other classes, the girl did not stop, and to the 14th anniversary of its artistic piggy bank consisted of 40 compositions.

Ani's creative tenders noticed school teachers and began to use young talent in program activities. At first, Anna liked to play on stage, but she understood that she understood that he would like to perform their own compositions, and not sing the songs "to order."

An attractive girl was looking for realization not only as a performer. For some time, Anya was fond of model business and achieved success. The vocalist became the winner of the city competition "Miss Volgodonsk - 2015". This success was the first on the way of the creative formation of the performer.

Anya always dreamed of the career of the singer. She dreams show business and scene. The happiness of creativity was seen in the smiles and pleasure of listeners. Teachers, seeing combat mood, tried to dissuade the student. In an interview, the girl recalls how a teacher in mathematics convinced her in the severity of the world and the need to think rationally. Anya listened and, passing the exam, chose not creative items. By entering the university, she chose the specialty of the Communication Manager. The girl moved to Moscow to learn from the full-time department of the institute.

Creative nature cannot fail to succumb, and Anya could not oppose the wishes to sing. Quite soon, she was translated into correspondence department and completely given away with his beloved business. To make money on life in the capital, the girl settled to work in the call center and became a sales manager. Work did not bring pleasure. Aninast was sunk for 2 weeks, after which she wrote an application for dismissal.

Having decided to be closer to the music, the girl tried to get a job on the recording studio. She was taken to the post of administrator. An enterprising singer concluded with the leadership of the "deal", which could use the services of arrangers, working in the studio over their own compositions. She was delighted with the fallen chance, but six months later it turned out that she had no new song on her account, and with the entrance halls in the studio did not hurry. Anya quit.

The next step on a professional path was the position of Hostes in the restaurant. The girl seemed to be that this is the place where you can get acquainted with the famous people, and she did not lose. A new place of work has brought interesting acquaintances, but here Anya was not delayed for a long time. Six months later, she was again in the search. The course of events changed the festival called "Concentration". Meditation as part of the training helped Anne to understand what she wants to truly. Then the Army project followed, which helped express priorities and understand who is its target audience.


Anna seemed that her work could motivate, and therefore business training and forums are events where she could perform. By applying for various events as a musician, the artist fell to a meeting, which were popular people of show business. So Any was invited to participate in the Laboratory Competition. The girl won, winning the promotion of his own track and the cash prize.

The singer decided to move on. She gathered the team of musicians and began to apply for a variety of contests, looking for opportunities for speeches. The team appeared in public called "Anya Feniks".

After 3 months of joint activities, Aneth Sai has earned 630 thousand rubles. And I received financial assistance from the fan of Creativity Ani. The musicians have invested money in shooting clips and recording new tracks. The first solo concert Aneth Sai collected 250 guests in the House of Cinema. The interest of the public attracted the Cavern written on the song Rihanna "Diamonds". The girl became an invited party of private events, performed at the opening of the institutions and gradually began to get acquainted with popular performers.

In 2018, together with Ayaz, Shabutdinov Anet Sai recorded the video for the song "Inhalation".

Personal life

Anya tries to surround himself active, energetic and purposeful people who inspire and motivate the performer. About that, if the artists beloved, it does not apply. But often tells Follovers and fans about their habits, plans and achievements.

The girl continues to engage in meditations and follows the rules that they taught her trainings visited before. Now Anet Sai does not have problems with goaling and knows who wants to become in professional and personal life. The creative biography of vocalist is developing at high speed.

Annet Sai now

In 2019, Ane managed to take the selection on the 2nd Song show on TNT. For the first time, the girl appeared on March 9, 2019, but the speech on TV did not show. By passing the qualifying round, the performer appeared before the judges of Timati and the Bassa with a solo track "You're beautiful." Producers chose a vocalist to their teams earlier than she completed the performance, and missed the next stage of the vocal contest.

Anya independently "packed" the personal brand Anet Sai. The fans of the singer follow the development of singer's career thanks to social networks. The girl regularly publishes the photo in "Instagram" and shares thoughts with subscribers in VKontakte. On the Internet, pictures of the artist in a swimsuit and for promotions of fur products are posted. Anya also publishes its own clips, musical improvisation and comic video.


  • "Inhale"
  • "Look for the smell"
  • "You are beautiful"
  • "Sad smiles"

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