Mickella Abramova - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, "Voice. Children" 2021



The youngest daughter of the singer Alsu and businessman Yana Abramova goes in the footsteps of his famous mother. The girl is very passionate about the music and sings from an early age. Seeing such an effort, parents gave daughter to professional vocal classes, and today Michella is already performing with Alsu on the same stage, and also tries to their strength in vocal competitions. The biggest project of this kind was the show "Voice. Children ", started in the winter of 2019.


On April 29, 2008, the fans of the singer Alsu were delighted with good news. In the elite clinic Tel Aviv, the singer gave birth to a second daughter. Famous parents have long chosen the name for the baby. It is known that the father wanted to call the girl Janina in his honor, as the elder daughter called Safine in honor of Mom (the maiden name Alsu - Safina with an emphasis on the first syllable). However, the actress rejected such a sentence. As a result, the child was called the beautiful old name Michella.

As it often happens with the children of star parents, attention to the baby began to show - and the public, and journalists - very early. But Alsu is a very careful and conservative mother. She did not indulge the fans with pictures of daughters, hid them from curious eyes. It was even more diluted by the hunt of the paparazzi: they wanted to take pictures of girls, see who they are like.

For the first time Alsu brought into the world of daughters in 2013. The singer came with children at the premium of the Kinder Awards award. 7-year-old Safina and 5-year-old Michella then fascinated the public. The star admitted that they are very different. The eldest is an external copy of the dad, but took the mother's character - the same calm and balanced.

"But Michella, she has a blonde, looks like me out. She is fire. He loves to sing, talk loudly, in a word, loves to be in the spotlight, "the junior daughter's performer described.

Also, in all interviews, Alsu was repeatedly shared by the secrets of the upbringing of babies. According to her, she raises the girls as they were instructed. Star Mom teaches children to respect the elders, be polite, thank, help. And if the dad, which often does not see children for a long time, scorches girls more, then Alsu is a rather strict mom, because it does not tolerate whims and disobedience.

For its part, the celebrity gives her daughters cloudless and joyful childhood. For example, for the new year they are going to a big family, Safin and Miquel waiting for long-awaited gifts, and then all holidays are entertainment. Sometimes the family remains in Moscow and visits all the capital children's parties or leaves abroad.

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In 2016, Mickella and Safin appeared the younger brother Rafael. Alsu gave birth to him, like Mickel, in Tel Aviv. And then immediately, taking three children, left in the USA. In Los Angeles, the family spent 2 years. All this time, the girls studied in a private school and engaged in music, visited different circles and sections.

In addition to studying at school, Michella and Safina learn languages: English, Spanish, Chinese and Hebrew. Also girls go to musical classes, Mikella plays a piano and a Hawaiian guitar - Ukulele. And the young talent is passionate about dancing and sports - it is very flexible and plastic girl.

music and dancing

From an early age, Alsa noticed in the younger daughter's passion for creativity - music and dancing. Michella demonstrated a good rumor and a flawless feeling of rhythm. The singer began to encourage the hobbies of babies, even despite the skeptical attitude towards this Father - Yana Abramova. A solid businessman seemed unperventious passion for dancing and vocals. But seeing that the daughter does not detract from interest in these classes, as well as watching its development on this path, Abramov surrendered and allowed the favorite to engage in adorable things.

And soon the girl surprised the parents and the talent to write songs - poems and music. This discovery Alsa made accidentally when he heard the record. At first, the actress did not even believe that the song was written by her younger daughter, everything sounded so famous and beautiful.

I had to resort to the help of the Internet to double-check the fact of authorship. The discovery has become shocking for Alsa. From now on, she clearly understood - Michella is really a future actress

"True, she starts even earlier than me. My career started at 15, and Michella is only 10, but she has no fear before the stage, "the star mother in social networks wrote.

From 2018, Alsu began to acquaint her daughter to the stage. In January, the family duet performed at the Festival "Christmas Song of the Year", fulfilling the composition "On the edge of the Earth". The performance of Michella liked the audience so much that her vocals were called even the best than mom.

In the summer of the same year, Michella again sang with her mother at the Gala concert of the International Festival of Creative Youth "Generation Next" in Sochi. Tandem presented the song "Do not silence."

In 2019, Alsu led Mickella to the vocal show "Voice. Children". It was the desire of the girl, and the singer fully supported the daughter. And on her speeches was worried even more contestant. The singer admitted that the song was chosen by the whole family, but the girl leaned towards Judy Garland's compositions "Somewhere Over The Rainbow", written in 1939 for the film "Wizard Oz".

The first on the "blind auditions" to Michella turned the mentor of the 6th season Svetlana Loboda, it was in her team that a small artist wanted to go, despite the fact that Valery Meladze turned to her.

After the ether Michella Abramov gave his first interview with the Starhita magazine.

"It seems to me that for all of us who participate in the" voice ", the main thing that participates. For me personally, this is already a victory, because my dream came true - I found myself in the project! "Share Shaw melanis.

From March 29, the next stage of the competitive project "Voice was launched. Children "-" Fights ", in which participants unite in the trio and fulfill this or that world hit. On April 12, Michella camerated together with other participants of the Loboda team - Maria Türyutikova and Mariam Jalagonia. Contestants performed the composition "Take Me to Church".

On this day, the stage of the "Song Sign" was held, following the results of which only 2 participants from Svetlana - Nino Chesker and Robert Bagratyan came to the final. However, the mentor gave Michella and two more contestants the right to participate in an additional tour, following which the TV viewers will vote) will be chosen another one - the final one from its team. An additional tour will be held on April 18, 2019 on the air of the Channel One.

At the same time, the Loboda separately turned to Michella, noting her talent and incredible hard work. Also, the mentor said that the girl with such a biography would not be easy on a professional field, everyone will compare it with a star mother. The same fate, according to the singer, waiting for her daughters.

Michella Abramova now

On April 26, the long-awaited finale show "Voice-6", whose winner was Michella Abramov. Now the fans are encouraged and congratulated by Mickel in "Instagram" - from recently, the young actress has started an account in this popular social network and lays out a photo and video of his speeches.

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