Gennady Ivanov - biography, photo, personal life, last news 2021



Gennady Ivanov - a professional in the field of hypnosis, a follower of the classical Soviet hypnotherapy, the creator of the promising direction in hypnotherapy - cognitive hypnoticalia (this is a complex of cognitive psychology and regressive hypnosis). He studied in detail and worked out the suggestion technique to help introduce useful installations in the subconscious.

Gennady Ivanov in youth

Gennady Ivanov was born in the city of Novosibirsk on April 9, 1983. After the end of the Fizmat HSU (Hovosibirsk State University) in 2004, he began to study the studies at the Institute of Nuclear Physics named Budkey, the result of its research was a series of scientific papers ("Hydrogen ATM in Strong Magnetic Field Revisited", "CAn One Detect Passage of SMAll Black Hole Through the Earth? ", etc.).


Next, Gennady Yuryevich continued his education at the journalism school in Novosibirsk. The result was the change of the sphere of activity and fruitful work in journalism. Changes the place of residence in 2010, already in Mojv Gennady Ivanov began to work in the online publishing of as a deputy editor.

Gennady Ivanov

A little later, in 2011, he began to study in the Russian state-owned humanitarian university. Located, at the same time ending training in the Karavsky Institute of Practical Psychology. Having received a diploma in the summer of 2012, he began independent work as a practitioner psychologist. At the same time, the pseudonym "Ivanov", under which Gennady Yuryevich began to demonstrate the public of the phenomena of pop hypnosis.

At the same time, he organized a circle on creative hypnosis. There, Gennady Ivanov talked about the unintended possibilities of the brain and the scientific works of Professor Paykov. These classes became the basis of future training programs and courses.

Gennady Ivanov experienced means proved the effectiveness of hypnosis in sports. In 2014, working together with the psychologist Anton Assistrate, he supplemented the techniques of psychological training of athletes created by the doctor Aleksheev A. A. Base for scientific research was the center of innovative sports technologies. The result was not forced to wait. An athlete who has been trained in the experimental program has improved its seasonal training indicators. And also, for the first time at the sports career, became the winner of the National Tournament.

Cognitive hypnotherapy - a method developed by Gennady Ivanov in 2016. This method includes an artificial stimulation of psychosomatic reactions. Such an impact allows the therapist to carry out hypnotization of people who are poorly amenable to hypnosis in the usual state. Learn more about Cognitive hypnotherapy Gennady Ivanova, you can, looking at the video on the Internet.

Gennady Ivanov spends a session

Also Gennady Yuryevich also tells about this method and other developments at lectures at the Institute of Unic, at the Department of Physiology of the First MIMM named after I. M. Sechenov, the Humanitarian Institute named after E. R. Daekova in Moscow, as well as in the Moscow community of Mentalists Mental Engineering .

Gennady began to engage in hypnosis back in perestroika times. Then hypnotherapy was in decline and, almost completely left the Department of Leading Institutions of Russia. In such difficult conditions, Gennady Ivanov led to work on propaganda hypnosis and an increase in its popularity.

He digitized the old video recordings of the scenic hypnosis and re-published the miracle the preserved works of Soviet scientists on hypnotherapy. Thanks to these materials, modern specialists have already learned the effective methods of hypnotization used in the 70s to prepare cosmonauts. For example, hypnosis was used as part of a program to study a long-term residence of a person in space. Then the participants in terrestrial tests inspired sensations of weightlessness.

One of the applied techniques is "Amnzene Trans". Gennady Yuryevich successfully applies ultra-double levels of hypnosis for hypnotic speakers in surgery and dentistry. With his methods of hypnotization, you can get acquainted, looking at the scientific - popular video "Mozg. The second is the second. "

His book about street hypnosis "Hypnologic is known. The reverse side of the consciousness "and the training guide" Cognitive hypnotic ". In addition, Gennady Ivanov conducts research activities in the field of entertainment magic. It was he who one of the first began to acquaint the Russian audience with a hypno show genre and demonstrate the wonders of street hypnosis to the general public.


Gennady Yuryevich is also a co-author of more than a hundred videos about hypnotherapy and the history of hypnosis on YouTube.

Gennady Ivanov in Hynnochaw

The popularity of hypnosis in Russia also contributes to the cooperation of Gennady Ivanov as an expert with popular TV channels.

Personal life

Married, one child. He is fond of focus and history.

Gennady Ivanov and his spouse

Gennady Ivanov Now

An important stage of the work of Ivanov in the field of domestic hypnotherapy was the methodology of cognitive hypnotication. This technique combined the experience of Soviet scientists in hypnotherapy and the works of psychotherapists of AAROnna Bek and Alberta of Ellis, the founders of the cognitive directions in psychotherapy.

Cognitive hypnoticalysis Gennady Ivanova showed its effectiveness in practice. Therefore, he is currently entering the program of training courses on classical hypnosis to prepare psychologists and doctors. Everything else, the algorithms of in-depth hypnotization help the study of paths of fears and psychosomatic diseases.

Gennady Ivanov

You can not only remove them forever, but also create fears artificially. This contributes, for example, the search for new opportunities to increase motivation among athletes. Or more effective correction of allergic reactions through the detection of psychological injuries.

Hypnotherapist Gennady Ivanova has an official website where scientific and popular articles on hypnosis are collected, there is also a YouTube channel and a group of VKontakte for teaching street hypnosis and cognitive hypnotic.

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