Elman Talybov - biography, personal life, photo, news, Yulia Lazareva, "What? Where? When?" 2021.



Until some, the name Elman Talybova was known only to devotional fans of the TV game. The connoisseur has received a big wave of popularity on the first channel after entering the ether of the next release of the program "What? Where? When? ", Following the results of which he received the long-awaited" Crystal owl ".

Childhood and youth

The biography of Elman began on November 2, 1985 in Baku, where he was born and conducted childhood, by nationality he is Azerbaijani. Information about his family in the press did not appear, and therefore it is difficult to say that the parents of Talybov are engaged, where they live and what relationships are supported with her son.

As a child, the boy did not dream to become a teacher, astronaut, a doctor and did not want another standard profession. Therefore, after graduating from school, Elman entered the Azerbaijan State Oil Academy. For a student, he mastered the Azi profession "Robotics". This is an applied science, which is engaged in the development of automated technical systems.


About the career of Elman Eldar Ogly Talybova on the network there is little information, the news is advertised only about the achievements of the connoisseur in television games. But in an interview with the Internet publication, Gunel Babayeva said that the expert worked with her in one company as a sales director.

The SIMBELLA GROUP organization known in Azerbaijan is founded in 2007. It is engaged in the creation and implementation of intelligent products that are used by mobile operators in 12 countries of the world.

Now the Elite Club player works by the head of the Strategy and Analysts Department in the International Fintek company.

"What? Where? When?"

In Azerbaijan, intelligent movement has long been developed, but local tournaments differ from the television format. There are a large number of teams on the same issues. By participating in competitions in Baku and defeating, they receive valuable prizes from the partners of the event. Many of them notice and offer to play in the Moscow Elitic Club. In the youth, Talybov got into the team to Alesia Mukhin. Previously played in the Baku Telekluba ChGK from the very beginning of its foundation - 2006.

As part of the Mukhin team, for the first time on the main channel of Russia, the expert appeared in winter, and then in the spring series of games in 2011. The captain of the collective Ales is the Belarusian businessman. Before making a career in the elite club, in the younger, he played in school tournaments and then showed excellent results.

In this team, Talybov also participated in the summer and autumn series in 2012, and after the same year appeared as part of the team of Andrei Kozlov. But in the spring, in the summer and in the winter next year, she again joined Mukhin and advocated him. In the team, Alesya was until 2015, but in parallel he advocated the teams of Viktor Siddeva and Leonid Kudroud.

In the team Balash Kasumova Talybov since 2016. The captain of the team of the elite club part-time works the leading and general producer of the TV game "What? Where? When?" In the native state, and in 2018 joined the post of general director of public television of Azerbaijan.

Elman played with the Kasumov team in 2016-2018 in the Spring and Winter Series. Talbov performed together with the owner of the "Crystal owl" Yulia Lazareva, Muscovites Elizabeth Odeenko and Dmitry Avdeenko, Mikhail Skipsky from St. Petersburg.

On April 21, 2019, another TV game was released on the screens "What? Where? When?" With the participation of the Balash Kasumov team. It was the final game of the Spring Series, which simultaneously became the anniversary five hundred in the history of the club.

The game was full of drama and incredibly bright moments, which is inherent in the Kasumov team. Losing to the viewers with a score of 2: 5, the experts were able to compose up to 5: 5, and the beautiful point in the game was set by Elman Talybov, who captain entrusted participation in the final round. The Balasha team was famous not only with a bright game, but also "superboards" who did not conquer connoisseurs in important games. The victory of Talybova became the first.

In this game, Elman received the long-awaited "crystal owl", and Kasumov's team went to the main series of the year - winter.

Elman continues to surprise the viewers with an accurate and label game. The second "Crystal owl" fell into his piggy bank in the final of the autumn session of ChGK 2020. As part of the team of the Azerbaijani connoisseur Balash Kasumova Talybov played together with Mikhail Skipsky, Elizabeth Odeenko, Yulia Lazareva, Dmitry Avdeenko. The degree of voltage increased again by the end of the ether. Experts died victory from TV viewers thanks to the answer of the Azerbaijani participant. His speech was marked by the Order of the Grandmaster.

Personal life

Some time in the TV show "What? Where? When?" Talbov played in the team with his wife Gunel Babayeva. In the television game, since 2007, before 2009, he advocated the team of Baku schools, the women's club team and the team of Ismail Safaralyeva, and later passed to Rusovan Askerov. From 2011, the girl performed in the Russian interpretation of the CCM in the team of Ales Mukhin. He considers himself a big gourmet, fond of music, literature and cinema.

The young people became acquainted, probably at work, as they worked in one company. Gynel held the position of PR manager, but in childhood he dreamed of becoming a scientist and even imagined himself in a white coat and with test tubes in her hands. Contrary to this, I studied at the Baku State University at the Faculty of International Law and received a profession of a lawyer, but finally found himself in PR.

This relationship lasted 3 years, for unknown reasons the couple broke up, they did not have joint children. After divorcing spouses on the Internet, rumors appeared that Talybov occurs with Yulia Lazareva, but for a long time, other details of the personal life of Elman in the press were not covered.

In January 2021, the news about the wedding of Elman and Yulia appeared in the media. At the same time, the player himself officially did not report that he married the elect. Information about the place of the marriage ceremony and other details also did not advertise a pair.

Julia is a radical Muscovite, born in the family of lawyers, went to the footsteps of the parents and, according to reviews, is the favorite connoisseurs of viewers.

As Lazareva mentioned in an interview, the novel with Elman began in 2017. The impetus for the relationship was the game where it was decided which of them two will receive the Order of the Grandmaster. Both players do not advertise a romantic connection, although they do not hide it. According to Yulia, they have no joint photo in Facebook or "Instagram", but the spouses have the same status.

Now Talybov lives in Moscow, but often happens in the homeland, where he participates in the games of the Azerbaijani team. The period of self-insulation found Elman in Baku, where his companion could not come for a long time.

Despite the permanent employment at work and in the shooting of programs, Elf is trying to follow the appearance. Looking through the broadcasts of the gear and photo of Talybov, television shooters often notice the pleasant appearance of the elite club player and his tightened figure.

Elman Talybov Now

In 2021, Talybov, within the framework of the Azerbaijani League, joined the team of Tair Musaev, which also entered the Emin Aliyev, Jahangir Faradzhullayev, Emil Medzhidov, Zaur Agayev. The release of January 10 ended for viscotes. The players again pulled out the last score from the viewers, and the best participant was announced talbov. But after a week, the result was not as rainbow: 6: 5 in favor of viewers.

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