Boris Shcherbina - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause



The biography of the Hero of the Socialist Labor Boris Shcherbina is full of big victories and an invaluable contribution to the fate of his country. The public figure has put all the forces to create the fuel and energy complex of the USSR, which has become the main thing about his life. The successes of the men did not remain invisible to descendants - the photo with Boris Evdokimovich repeatedly served as inspiration for the creation of monuments and memorials, and the name is for the names of the streets.

Childhood and youth

Shcherbina Boris Evdokimovich was born on October 5, 1919 in the Donbas city of Debaltseve. His father was the Ukrainian railwayman. The young man received secondary education in 1937, after which she successfully passed the entrance examinations and became a student of the Kharkiv Institute of Railway Transport.

Boris Shhechina

However, after a couple of years, it was necessary to interrupt the student because of the start of the Soviet-Finnish war. Boris could not stay aside and went to the front volunteer. He served in the Red Army, he was one of the fighters-skiers of a separate squadron. The guy was still a diploma of higher education in 1942. For active social work and success in school, Scherbar was awarded the honorary Ukrainian diploma of the Central Committee of the LKSM.

Party activities

Immediately after the end of the Institute, Boris received the work of the secretary in the Kharkiv Obkom Komsomol, but his career was launched shortly - he was transferred to the VLKSM Central Committee apparatus to work there during the German occupation of Kharkov. However, in 1943, the city was released, and Scherbina was able to return to the previous position.

Opening of the Monument Boris Shcherbin in Gyumri, Armenia

The active and not indifferent guy took himself to work and for the period of the Great Patriotic War was the organizer of railway troil transport. In 1945, after the announcement of Victory, Boris left his head to party work. Four years later he received a diploma on the end of the Higher Ukrainian Party School, and at the beginning of the 50s was the secretary of the Kharkiv City Committee of the CP (b).

The Central Committee of WCP (b) in 1951 decided that the Irkutsk Regional Party Organization needs to be strengthened by finding new promising and active personnel. So it turned out to be Shcherbina. In 1956, he received the post of Second Secretary of the Irkutsk Committee of the CPSU.

Boris, together with his colleagues, managed to improve the barely oblivioned edge due to the fact that they saw the great potential of the region. The party owner managed to transform impressive reserves of natural resources into significant amounts of industrial products. He stood at the origins of the creation of the Irkutsk hydroelectric station, an aluminum plant and the Angarsk petrochemical plant.

Boris Shhechina

In 1961, the assembled, purposeful and discreet man became a member of the Tyumen Regional Party Organization. He, unshakably believing in local gas and oil, worked for 12 years as the first secretary of the Commander of the CPSU. Schcherbina developed hard and equipped the oil and gas province of Western Siberia. He had enough of all six months of work to appreciate the giant prospects of the Tyumen region.

People who are personally familiar with Boris invariably celebrated his erudition, the ability to deeply penetrate the essence of the problem and in a short time to find a weighted solution. For limited time, the party leader managed to organize a large-scale project aimed at exploration and development of hydrocarbon fields.

In the winter of 1973, Shcherbin was appointed Minister of Construction of the USSR Oil and Gas Industry enterprises. Under his watchful leadership, the ministry was transformed into an influential industry that stood on the upper positions in the field of increasing energy-fuel potential. For the 10-year term of leadership, the company was erected by 113 thousand km of main pipelines, which increased the length in the country 2 times. The USSR reached the first place in the world ranking of the annual mining of gas and oil.

State Worker Boris Shcherbina

In the early 1984, Boris Evdokimovich appointed the Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR. The proposal of such a solid position was naturally - Shcherbina was a state-level man. He became the head of the most complex and important plot of the national economy of the Soviet Union - the fuel and energy complex. Each year, at least 20% of state investments were allocated to the development of the company, and the number of employees in the fuel and fuel and energy complex reached 7 million.

The organizational talent of Schcherbins fully revealed itself at the new position. For 5 uneasy for the country, he mastered a large-scale work to increase new capacity in power engineering, as well as in the oil, gas and coal industry. Under the wise leadership, the Men complex was steadily and stably worked up to the collapse of the Soviet Union and even after that.

The Chernobyl accident

It so happened that the will of Fate Boris Shcherbin fell arrivals on a business trip to Chernobyl at NPPs at that very ill-minded day of the accident. When a man arrived to the city, not one of the first Ukrainian leaders was not yet present.

Scherbina took over all responsibility for evicting the local residents of Pripyati and the organization of works that ensure safety at nuclear power plants. After the infamous events, the public figure made a lot on their own to improve the living conditions of people affected by a terrible accident.

Personal life

In the personal life of Boris Evdokimovich was happy with his wife Rasa Pavlovna. Spouses lived together until the death of a woman in 1984. There were no many children in their marriage - only the son of Yuri, and His Shcherbins were adapted.

Monument to Boris Shcherbin in Tyumen

Boris extremely rarely took his vacation, did not love holidays and came to life only during the period of grand public coups. The man was not fond of evil habits - alcohol or smoking, did not go fishing or hunting. All he loved is scientific articles, books and chess.


Boris Evdokimovich died on August 22, 1990 at the age of 70. The cause of death is not known. The body of the Soviet policy rests in Moscow at the Novodevichy Cemetery.

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In May 2019, the premiere of the Mini-Series of American-British production about the infamous events of 1986 in Pripyat called "Chernobyl" will be held. Boris Shcherbina's role was performed by Swedish actor Stellan Skarsgard.

Titles and awards

  • 1957 - Order of the Labor Red Banner
  • 1966 - Order of the Red Banner
  • 1969 - Order of Lenin
  • 1971 - Order of the October Revolution
  • 1972 - Order of Lenin
  • 1979 - Order of Lenin
  • 1983 - Order of Lenin
  • 1983 - "Hero of Socialist Labor"

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