Kazbich - biography, image and character, appearance, name, quotes


Character History

The robber-Circass, distinguished by the speed of the cat and the dexterity of the demon, lives in its own ideas about honor and dignity. Therefore, when a man steals a horse, not only the kidnappers, but also close thieves suffer from the hero. No Highlander will leave such an insult without an answer.

History of creation

Kazbich is a colorful character of the novel "Hero of our time", written by Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov. The work itself consists of six small ages, but the gloomy Circass is mentioned only in the chapter called "Bal".

Mikhail Lermontov

Work on the work of the writer began in 1838. And in March 1839, the first chapters of the novel were published in the journal "Domestic Notes", including a small story dedicated to the stealing of Eastern Beauty and Kony. Each part of the "Hero of Our Time" was positioned as an independent story. The publication of the full work took place only in February 1840.

Lermontov creativity researchers argue that Kazbich may have a prototype. A man with a similar name is mentioned by news of military reports. It is concerned that the brave genets committed raids to Kuban and Georgie-Afipian fortification. Lermontov, who visited the Caucasus in the young years, could hear a lot of stories about the exploits of a delicate removale and therefore introduced a colorful hero in the plot of his own novel.

"Hero of our time"

Kazbich and Azamat

Kazbich was born and grew up in the Caucasian mountains. No one knew what the man was producing, but the surrounding suspected that Circass was engaged in theft:

"They talked about him that he likes to drag the Kuban with Abreki."

The appearance of proud jigita did not highlight a man from the crowd. As most of the mountainous inhabitants, Kazbich was low growth, dark and blend. Because of the dangerous work, the Highlander was carried by the ring.


The only close creature for the gangster was a horse named Karagyoz. The man was proud of a horse, able to protect the owner from any trouble. For the thoroughbred rapid horse, Kazbich was often offered money and jewels, but the man firmly decided not to part with the horse.

Even on the proposal of Azamat Kazbich responded with refusal. But the young man offered his own sister Bal for his own sister, who had long faced the horsepower. It was this refusal that was the cause of further dramatic events.

The conversation of Kazbich and Azamat learned Pechorin - the Russian military, who also liked Bal. To achieve beauties, the main character persuades Azamat for exchange. The young man will pave the sister, and Pechorin will help the young man to take possession of Kazbich's horse.

Grigory Pechorin

The plan worked. At the appointed hour, Circass brought to the fortress of the rams, and while the man drank tea with a familiar officer, Azamat stole Karagiaz. This event submorted the mountain. Realizing the loss, the man fell to Earth and lay down without movement for a long time without movement, sobbing and striking on a quick friend.

Such misconduct had consequences for all conflict participants. The characteristic of the mountaine would be implausible, if not to mention that Kazbich brutally dismissed his own offenders. It is not known that it became with Azamat - the young man no longer returned home. Confident that the father of a young man was aware of what was happening, the robber killed the old man and took him his horse.

The next step of the plump Cherkees was an attempt to take revenge on Pechorin. But the first open confrontation failed. The robber was depressed patrol fortress and tried to kill. Savior from the deadly bullet Casbich only his horse. A man pushed a horse in time, which managed to lead the owner from the shelling line.

Kazbich and his horse

Having waited when the prolm of the first conflict would be forgotten, Circass stole Balu from Pechorin. From the chase the robber failed, Russian officers wounded the horse. Then the crazy hustlers jumped off the horse and struck Balu knife in the back. A tricky man took the most expensive from the enemy, even though he felt strong feelings for the girl.

The wound that Kazbich received in the turmoil did not stop the mountaine. The robber disappeared from the pursuers, and no one else heard reliable information about the risky man.


The first appearance of Kazbich on the screen took place in 1927. Black and White Drama "Bal" - the screening of the chapter of the same name from the work of Lermontov. The role of Cherkees was performed by Alexander Takayshvili.

Sulabek Mamilov in Kazbich's image

Again, the story of the East Beauty and the stolen horse came out on the screens in 1966. The film "Hero of Our Time" is a dilogy and affects the temporary segments of Pechorin's stay in the Caucasus and on Tamani. The role of Kazbich got the actor Sulaambek Mamilov.

In 2006, the premiere of the series "Hero of our time" took place. The multi-sieuled film is encountered by positive reviews of critics and spectators. Beautiful species are particularly marked - the film crew spent a lot of time in the Caucasian Mountains. The role of the reckless Cherkees was performed by Actor Arslan Murzabekov.


"Suddenly, what do you think, Azamat? In the darkness I hear, runs on the shore of the ravine horse, snort, rzhet and hits with hooves about the ground; I recognized my Karagole's voice; It was he, my comrade! .. Since then, we have not separated. "" Looks away, Mad boy! Where do you ride on my horse? In the first three steps, he will throw you off, and you will break the back of the stones. "" Many beauties in the aulh with us, the stars are shining in the darkness of their eyes. Sweet to love them, enviable share, but the merges of Godotkaya Will. "

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