Group Give Tank (!) - Photo, History of creation, Composition, News, songs 2021



The Russian rock band "Give the tank (!)" Is called a cultural phenomenon, whose work does not leave indifferent lovers of good texts and high-qualityly worked music. On the official page of the team in Vkontakte, the musicians indicated that their songs and clips are intended for:"Garage Rock for introvert dancers that bored in the Russian language."

The group writes and performs mixed-style music in which there is a punk rock and indie rock. The artists themselves consider their genre "timid punk."

The history of creation and composition

The team "Give the Tank (!)" Formed in 2007 in the city of Kolomna Moscow Region. In the history of the Group's creation, Dmitry Mozyzhukhin and Alexander Romankyn played the main role. According to Dmitry, he collected a group from childhood. Engaged in electronic music, then at school, together with classmates, tried to play the tools. She mastered the guitar and began to try to sing.

The result was inspired by Mojukhin and Romankina to make experimental albums that guys recorded in the garage on the voice recorder. The duties in the group were distributed as follows: for Dmitry - vocals, guitar and bayan, Alexander played guitar, keys and pipe. The records were then distributed to friends and acquaintances. One disk came, according to Dmitry, to a mysterious person named Yura, who invited friends to talk with him. The musicians found out that he was engaged in the organization of underground concerts and records albums.

"The dude is generally a cult for Kolomna. This Jura from Old Tusovka: there is hipieu, the system, punks - anyone ", - so characterized Dmitry his acquaintance.

The invitation was made, and the guys were in his home studio of recording. There and recorded the first album "Time to collect rubble". Dmitry, telling about the period in his biography, admits that he did not have enough experience to send somewhere the first record of the group "Give the tank (!)". He thought it would be enough to lay out the album on the Internet, and the fame would come by itself.

Bassist Sergey Raen.
"Therefore, no one has heard him. Only those who are listening to us and who are interested. And so, he left the emptiness, "the musician recalls with regret.

Dmitry and Alexander are starting with acoustic concerts that are in the house on Kolomenskaya Street Llavl. For the city and rock collective, the place is considered to be a sign. Moszhukhin recalls a person under the pseudonym everything is so (probably it is a mysterious Yuri), who helped in organizing concerts and record albums. Dmitry says he played with them in the group.

Saxophonist Alexander Timofeev

It is known that the third participant in the composition "Give the Tank (!)" Was Yuri Gaer. Later, Kolomna musicians are invited to poetic evenings to Moscow.

"We had a big checkered bag, like shuttles in the market. We folded there tools - accordion, flute, metallophone, homemade percussion - and drove on train at Moscow museums and Kabaki, "says the leader of the Dmitry Mozhukhin group in an interview.

According to the musician, in poetic evenings they did not try to like the present. For a group, concerts did not differ from everyday life. With experience, an understanding of the sound, which became heavier. As a result, the guys ripened to their own concerts that play in the evenings.

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Glory to the talented guys from Kolomna came gradually, and now the group is invited to speak on alternative sites in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

The team has changed. In the group "Give a tank (!)" 5 people play: vocals and guitar remained unchanged, Alexander Timofeev is replied for the winds, Viktor Dryzhov, on the guitar - Maxim pseudonym and on the bass guitar - Sergey Raen.


Since 2011, the music team has released a single album every year. The first in the discography of the group comes out "Time to collect rubble". In the writings of Morazukhina, the same lyrical hero can be traced, which can not put up with the surrounding reality. But he is forced to take the world as it is. In the texts, a light irony is traced, in which there is a jumper place.

Group leader, explaining the success "Give the tank (!)", Notes that the team has no unsuccessful tracks. According to him, if the song does not work, it remains affected. Successful pieces of it in the form of phrases or images "go" into other works. Dmitry makes a serious attitude to the quality of the team repertoire.

In 2011, the Group releases another compilation "An album that is not considered." The record was made in the Moscow dormitory, where Dmitry Mozhukhuine lived at that time. Talking about the biography, the musician says that creativity does not depend on the habitat, and considers this place of residence by the peak of his performing skills.

In the same year, the musician begins to work on the album "Radio Fire". Then Dmitry put for himself a task - not to use full-fledged microphones. Mojukhina had an MP3 player with a voice recorder, which was recorded. "Radio Fire" comes out in 2016, and all the compositions on the eve of the presentation are completely reworn.

The leader of the group considers this album with solo, at the same time emphasizes that without musicians and the public team "Give the tank (!)" Would not take place. All albums that the team produces, Dmitry calls the continuation of the conversation with the listener, and these relationships with the release of each song only develop and deepen.

In music, Moszhukhin prefers to stay out of time. He says that she tries not to flick with fashion trends so that the songs remain durable. Therefore, all albums "give a tank (!)" Look restrained and conservative. The leader of the Kolomna team is looking for its own approach to works and finds original solutions. The last album "Tankists" "on the grown", released in 2018, is recorded using a children's synthesizer.

As Mozyzhukhin says, the use of children's tools is the group attribute. According to him, he bought a full package of synthesizers, taking into account the fact that they constantly break and lose. A toy, purchased 7 years ago, can be seen on the cover of the last album "Give the tank (!)". The sound of the synthesizer is being finalized in the studio, and other arrangements are used for live concerts of the collective.

In the clips of the group, the lyrical hero remained unchanged, but instead of the face Moszhukhin uses a mask that he painted himself. The leader of the "Tanks" made an additionally to the songs of another 14 short cartoons so that it was possible to trace the history of the hero.

The group has not so many clips, but the fans with pleasure note the identity of the filtered material. It does not seem like that, like the creativity of the team "Give the tank (!)". Musicians removed clips for such songs as "morning", "spam", "friend", "noise", "sparks", "funny" and others.

"Give the tank (!)" Now

The group becomes popular. Otherwise, how to explain the interest in Kolomna musicians from the central channels of Russia. In 2019, they became the guests of the popular TV show "Evening Urgant", which only added interest in "tankers".

Meanwhile, Glory, which is rapidly coming to the team, has not yet affected the lives of musicians. Everyone continues to work at the main jobs. For example, Moszhukhin works by the manager of IT.

"To go to music with your head, you need to abandon other professions. I do not know whether something needs to be changed here. If you go to music with your head, you can choose, "says Dmitry.

In the same year, the team performs with a big concert on the scene of the Moscow "HeadsClub Green Concert". The event is dedicated to the presentation of the album "on the Growth".

At "Give the Tank (!)" There is an official website. Fans are watching the creativity of musicians in social networks. In "Instagram", in Vkontakte, you can always find fresh photos and videos from the group's speeches, and on the site - download albums for free.


  • 2011 - "Time to collect rubble"
  • 2011 - "An album that is not considered"
  • 2011 - "Universal"
  • 2013 - "Save as"
  • 2014 - "Intim"
  • 2015 - "Eyes are afraid"
  • 2016 - "Radio Fire"
  • 2016 - "Album for Piano"
  • 2017 - "See rice. one"
  • 2018 - "See rice. 2 "
  • 2018 - "For Growth"


  • 2012 - LOVE-LOVE
  • 2013 - "From the Earth"
  • 2014 - "Shalash"
  • 2015 - "Voila"
  • 2016 - "Ahead"
  • 2016 - "Morning"
  • 2017 - "Friend"
  • 2018 - "Spam"
  • 2018 - "Noise"
  • 2018 - "Funny"
  • 2018 - "Sparks"
  • 2019 - "I"

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