Vyacheslav Baranov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Death Cause, Films



The famous Russian film actor, whose peak fell in the 1980s, in the "Lichy 90s" found himself in sounding, becoming a recognized dubbing master. Viewers Vyacheslav Baranov remembered roles in the iconic Soviet paintings "Timur and his team", "guest from the future", "Carnival" and "Battalions are asking for fire."

Childhood and youth

The future actor was born in September 1958 in the Moldavian capital. But soon the family replaced the warm and sunny Chisinau to the Far East, where the first years of the life of little glory passed.

Vyacheslav Baranov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Death Cause, Films 12131_1

The artist's youth is again associated with moving, this time in Moscow. The relocation to the capital radically influenced Baranov's biography. As later, Vadim Andreev shared, known to the audience by the leading role in the cult comedy "Balamut", he met Vyacheslav in 1973 in the theater of young Muscovites, which is on the sparrow mountains.

Teenagers, dreaming to film and become famous artists, ran to classes after class. There's talented glory and noticed agents from Belarusfilm, who swept the suitable boy to the role in the film "Adventure in the city, which is not."

Vyacheslav Baranov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Death Cause, Films 12131_2

The tape went to the screens in 1974. The role of the Savor Gavrosh brought the first glory to the young artist and convinced the chosen path in the correctness. The following year, 16-year-old Baranov starred in the lead role in the melodrama "What is happening to you?".

In future plans, the graduate did not doubt: with Vadim Andreev, he went to one of the theatrical universities of the capital. According to Andreeva, the failure turned out to be a complete surprise, but the Baranas quickly coped with emotions. It is reasonable that the course of Lozinova and Kuljanov in Vgika is good, young people went on audition. And brilliantly passed it.

In 1979, Baranov and Andreev became graduated actors.


At the time of completion of the university, the director perceived Vyacheslav Baranov as a promising young actor, who had proven to 4 ribbons. To 2 films in which he starred at school, 2 more popular pictures were added. In one of them, the 2-serial adventure tape "Timur and his team" with Anton Tobacco in the lead role - Baranov played Hooligan Quick.

Vyacheslav Baranov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Death Cause, Films 12131_3

The second picture is to film "Schedule on the day after tomorrow", the classic of Soviet cinema. The main thought through the drama is the eternal argument of "physicists" and "lyrics". The plot unfolds in a physico-mathematical school, the director of which played the brilliant Oleg Dal, and the teacher of literature - Margarita Terekhov. Barana got the role of tenth grade Kovalev, intellectual and class leader.

In the youth, the artist is removed a lot. In the first "five-year plan" of the 1980s, the premieres of two paintings were the most loud. In the cult melodrama "Carnival" with Irina Muravyeva in the key role Vyacheslav played an indecisive school whager Zhenka. A real breakthrough to the Soviet filmirimm is not a secondary role in the "carnival", and the main in the tape "Cell for Canary", which Pavel Chukhray presented in 1983.

Vyacheslav Baranov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Death Cause, Films 12131_4

The film brought fame not only to Barana, but also Yevgeny Dobrovolskaya. In the chukhray project, Alice Freundlich and Semen Faraday were starred. The young actor managed to embody the complex, "multilayer" and controversial image that demanded considerable skills.

1983 brought a film actor another major role - in the tape on the dramatic events of World War II "twice born". The role of the 18-year-old recruit of Boylina, who survived after the flooding of the steamer and pursued by the German Ace from the air, opened the audience a new facet of the talent of Baranov. Vyacheslav so got into the dramatic role that even the most picky critics admired the accuracy of the game.

Vyacheslav Baranov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Death Cause, Films 12131_5

The work brought the first award and new roles in military dramas to the artist. So he appeared in the tapes "She walked the fourth year of war" and "Battalions are asking for fire." Noticeable images that were remembered by Vyacheslav Baranov fans, he created in the dramatic tape "Wings" and a detective "torn circle".

"Liche 90s" painfully hit the career of many famous Baranov colleagues. I found out that there is a nonsense, and he. But the artist found himself in dubbing, Taylor spoke his voice in the picture "Girl with a dragon tattoo", Filch and Elf Dobby in Harry Potter, Hulk in the "Wizard of Oz", Hollum in the "Rings Lord". Vyacheslav Baranov Vyacheslav Baranov filmography - more than 200 domestic and foreign projects.

Vyacheslav Baranov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Death Cause, Films 12131_6

In the 2000s, the actor continued to work as an artist and director of duplication, but Baranov fans were delighted and his appearance on the screen. In the new century, he starred in the picture "Ivan Grozny" (appeared in the image of Shuisky), in the TV series "Children of Arbat", in the drama of the "Multiple" and the adventure film "Guest from the Future", where he played physical education teachers.

The last work of the actor was the criminal-detective project "Semin. Retribution, "where he got the role of Alchemist.

Personal life

Baranov's classmates say that in the 3rd course of Vgika Vyacheslav became interested in new. She turned out to be beautiful Elena Tsyplakov. But the novel turned out to be "one-sided" and there was no.

Romantic development received a second acquaintance that happened on the set in 1983. Baranov and Dobrovolskaya got married. In 1986, they had a first-mentioned Stepan. And a year later, the spouses divorced.

Evgenia Dobrovolskaya and Vyacheslav Baranov

Parting The actor worried hard. According to the director and friend Andrei Eshpay, Evgenia Dobrovolskaya for Vyacheslav remained his beloved woman, although personal life and made a turn in 1993: Vyacheslav Baranov married Irina Pavlenko, who did not have a relation to the world of cinema.

After 7 years, they quietly parted. In this marriage, children were not - Vyacheslav brought up the Son of his wife from her first marriage.


At the end of 2010, Vyacheslav Baranov turned to doctors due to increased pain in the spine. The diagnosis sounded terrible: kidney cancer. The disease turned out to be launched.

Colleague and former classmate Actor Natalya Treazaeva It is confident that the cause of the disease was extreme shooting in the Drama "twice born". Baranov, who in the plot of the film overcomed the snow desert, and really wrapped to the bones. Shooting in the snow lasted hours, Vyacheslav never interrupted them to warm up.

Vyacheslav Baranov in recent years

New 2011 Actor spent not at a festive table with a friend of Youth Vadim Andreeva, but in the hospital ward. In addition to the native and Andreeva, Andrei Eshpai visited him. Thanks to his efforts and buying scarce drugs, Baranov lived not half a year, as the doctors intermitted, and one and a half.

In May 2012, the disease returned and no longer retreated. Baranov died in June. The cause of death was oncology. The artist died in the ward of the Hospice, where it was arranged by Eshepay, and not in the home walls, as they say in official biographies.

Vyacheslav Vasilyevich's grave is located next to the place of resting the mother in the Khovanskaya cemetery of the capital.


  • 1974 - "Adventures in the city, not"
  • 1977 - "Timur and his team"
  • 1978 - "Schedule for the day after tomorrow"
  • 1979 - "Grasshopper"
  • 1981 - "Carnival"
  • 1982 - "Order: Going the border"
  • 1982 - "Profession - Investigator"
  • 1983 - "She was the fourth year of war"
  • 1983 - "Cell for Canary"
  • 1984 - "Guest from the Future"
  • 1985 - "Battalions are asking for fire"
  • 1986 - "Plumbum, or a dangerous game"
  • 1987 - "Ivan Great"
  • 1990 - "Dryan"
  • 1990 - "Oragi"
  • 2009 - "Ivan Grozny"
  • 2013 - "Semin. Retribution"

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