Emil Hirsche - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Popular American actor Emil Hirsch is known not only with his roles in films and TV shows. Fans know a man and as a star fish who had a large number of relationships with actresses. Also, his name emerged in the press in one unpleasant story related to the attack on Daniel Berndfeld, one of Paramount executives. For this artist even carried the prison sentence.

Childhood and youth

The future actor was born in California at the beginning of the spring of 1985. The ancestors of the motherboard have German and British origin, from the Father - Jewish, and therefore to say exactly what nationality is Hirsch, it is difficult. He himself prefers in an interview with Internet publications to not advertise this information.

Emil's father most of his life worked as an industrial consultant. Mother, on the contrary, had creative work, at that time she developed the designs of clamshell books, was an artist. Probably, the son was transferred to the mother's love for creativity, although not in the direction.

The boy since childhood loved to be in the spotlight, was active. Early years spent in Los Angeles, California, and later, after divorcing parents, together with his mother moved to Santa Fa, New Mexico. Mother from a small years noticed in the son of talent, and therefore, when the boy turned 8 years old, the woman first led him to audition. So in the filmography of a young artist, minor roles began to appear.


The first ribbons in which Hirsch played, the series "Sabrina is a small witch", "Police of New York" and "Clan". The debut role in the full-length film appeared in Emil in 2002. It was then that the guy appeared in the painting "Dangerous Games", where together with Kyran Kalkin played two friends who learn in a Catholic school. Immediately after that, he starred in the film "Imperial Club", and in a year he was called to work in the criminal melodrama of Michael Burga "Mamenkin Son".

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In 2004, a Youth Comedy "Neighbor" came to the screens. The main role was performed by Emil Hirsch. He starred with Elisha Cuthbert, Timothy Oliphant and James Rear. The picture tells about high school students, one of whom dreams of a career policy.

At the same time, the guy discovers the appearance of a new neighbor, irresistible blonde. The student's blinded student is confident that he met a dream woman. But a young man was waiting for surprise and disappointment when, together with all the city he found out that his girl was a former star of films for adults.

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Another significant work for Career Hirsha happened in 2005. These were shooting in the film Nika Cassabetis "Alpha Dog", where the young man got the main role of the drug dealer Joni Truluov.

And in 2007, the guy appeared in the adventure drama of Sean Penn "in wild conditions". The picture demonstrates the history of the former student, who had just graduated from the university, who, saying goodbye to accumulation and property, is sent by hitchhiker to Alaska. There he starred with Kristen Stewart.

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The next ribbon that made Emil is even more famous, appeared in his career in 2012. Melodrama Sergio Castellitto "Born twice" brought the actor success, after her Hirsch even more often began to be invited to shoot. In 2016, Emile again offered a major role, this time in the horror movie "Demon inside". In addition to him, Brian Cox, Ophelia Lovibond and Michael McAlhatton appeared in the picture.

After the actor's career, there were shooting in the Military film "Chinese Widow" (2017), the crime thriller "Outsider" (2017), the fantastic drama "Others" (2018) and voicing the character in the fantastic cartoon "Troy below: Arcadia Stories."

Personal life

There are a lot of rumors in the press about the actor's personal life, some of these rumors - pure truth. The first famous press girl appeared at Hirsha after filming in the "Neighbor". She became Elisha Cuthbert, the guy met a long time with the actress, but their relationship ended with nothing. After several years of life, young people broke up. They did not have joint children.

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In 2006, Hirsch had a novel with a model and actress Amanda Seyfried. Although they were together for 2 years, probably the beauty was not ready for the transition to the next stage. Perhaps the other reason was the result of their parting, but his girl did not burn for a long time and almost immediately began to meet with a new boyfriend.

Following the example of the former girlfriend, Emil also quickly finds a new passion, she became Ellen Page. At that time, the name of her alternative sexual orientation was just going around the name of Page, and after she broke up with the actor, information about her marriage with a girl appeared in the press.

On this history of Hirsch's novels does not end. The guy managed to build relationships, and then part with the actress of Brianny Domon, the Danish model of Lucia Waldiva and other actors and models. Apparently, the tired of inconstancy, Emil decided to build family relations, and there was little information about his chosen.

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It was rumored that she was one of the former actresses with which a man and earlier revolved the novel. In 2013, the girl gave the chosen chosen one. True, he never became his wife. Although their relationships lasted for a long time, the actor did not refuse to upbringing the Son and even after parting supported a former girlfriend and a child.

Now the celebrity continues to be a bachelor. At least, information about his new girl in the network has not yet appeared. The actor leads a page in "Instagram", a man regularly posts new photos. Hirsch's fans celebrate his sports figure. In the network on this score, contradictory information is provided. Its growth is 170 cm, and the weight is 68 kg.

Emil Hirsch now

Hirsch and now continues to work in the film industry, and the biography of a man from year to year is replenished with new pictures. On March 15, 2019, a fighter of the director Ivan Kaveni was released on the screens "not" with John Cusack, Anthony Campbell-Hhudjes and Emil Khirsh master. The film tells about the gang of murderers and thieves who settled in a small devout town and begin to sow fear and chaos there.

Another picture with the participation of Hirsha, which goes on the screens at the end of July 2019, was the American thriller of Quentin Tarantino "Once in Hollywood." The film also starred Leonardo DiCaprio, Brad Pitt and Margo Robbie. The picture will tell about the actor, which, against the background of the success of one television series, tried to break into the cinema, the same wishes his dubler. Emily got the role of Jim Lake - the younger.


  • 2002 - "Dangerous Games"
  • 2004 - "Neighbor"
  • 2005 - "Alpha Dog"
  • 2007 - "In the wild"
  • 2012 - "Born twice"
  • 2016 - "Demon inside"
  • 2017 - "Outsider"
  • 2018 - "Other"
  • 2019 - "not to build up"
  • 2019 - "Once Upon a Time in Hollywood"

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