Alexander Shaganov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Songs 2021



Poet songwriter, from the mid-1980s regularly supplying Soviet, and then the Russian estrad's hits. Many songs of Alexander Shaganov became loved by folk lumps, a pop classic. The compositions of his authorship replenished the repertoires of Alla Pugacheva, Sofia Rotaru, Alexei Gluzin, Dmitry Malikova, Violence Belousov. Songs on the words of Shaganov sing the group "Lube", "Ivanushki International", "Black Coffee".

Childhood and youth

The future creator of hives in the Russian, then another Soviet capital in the spring of 1965 was born. Ros Sasha in a simple family, not distinguished, but not lived in luxury. Father is a worker, mother - teacher of primary classes. By nationality, Russians. In addition to Alexander, the eldest son Yuri and the youngest daughter Larisa were growing up in the family.

The first rhymed lines appeared in the boy in the 3rd grade. And at the age of 14, Shaganov wrote a poem, in whose authorship he was ashamed to admit. Therefore, I read it to friends by calling the new songs in the peak of the popularity of the "Machine of Time". With the second poem - the same story, but now it was the "Song" of the "Resurrection" group, heard on the radio.

The desire to rhyme is hard, but Alexander Shaganov dreamed of becoming not just a poet, but a poet songwriter. Having decided on the dream, the young man was signed up in 5 Moscow libraries: to write good poems, it is necessary to be an erudite. In the senior classes, Shaganov met, according to him, with the same young "graphomans". The guys met at the Mayakovsky Museum, where they read their creations to each other.

However, after graduating from Sasha's school, soberly spent his capabilities, he went to act in the "bohemian" literary institute, and in the electrical university, where he learned on the telecommunication engineer. Later, Shaganov admitted that the 1st year was in good faith, but the 3rd rolled to Trok. Youth passion did not disappear, the dream remained. But Alexander did not throw study and in 1987 he became a certified engineer.


The countdown of the creative biography of the poet begins with the song "Vladimir Rus", which was performed by the Black Coffee Group in 1986. Poems belonged to Shaganov, and the music for the composition composed Dmitry Warsaw. The song liked Hard-rock fans. Debut creation sounded over a year and a half before the end of the Shaganov Institute, but he wrote a poem at 17. According to the poet, the first success was wondered and helped believe in force.

Working after the university engineer "MOSTELFOR", where he got along the distribution, the young author received the second gift from life - his song "Late Train Metro" sounded on the radio. Happiness was not overshadowed by even the fact that the announcer called Alexander Mikhail. Specialty of Shaganov worked 8 months instead of the 3 years. Having received the calculation in the "MOSTELFER", he sovereed into creativity with his head.

When the song "Vladimirskaya Rus" became a hat and found himself on top of the charts, and the poems were lined up to the popular author, Alexander realized that it was better not to spray forces, but to concentrate on one project. And it is necessary to create it from scratch.

So the cooperation began with at that time a little-known group "Lube" and the conservatory student Dima Malikov. And soaring for the top of the glory with a hit about the Shangylase girl Belousov Tandem Shaganov-Matvienko gave a new hat called "Girl-Girl".

The Primaudonna of the Russian pop replenished the repertoire of the song "Christian", and Sergey Chemobanov, with whom Pugacheva had a novel at that time, performed a song about the girl about the girl and the bridegroom. The case occurred here, barely ended with a scandal. Poems got to Chelobanov, and Sergey Chumakov. But the music for them was written different composers. Therefore, there are two options for one composition.

At the meeting with Pugacheva, where the poems were discussed on the song "Christian", the singer learned about Zatorguev. The author gave listening to a couple of groups on a couple. Then Alla Borisovna and offered to wear a soloist to a military gymnaster and invited Lube to her "Christmas meetings."

Snoggiers for Rastorgueva The poet songwriter created in Tandem with Igor Matvienko. The songs "Atas!", "Batka Makhno", "Combat", "there behind the fogs" and "horse" sought the whole country, and concerts were held with unchanging anchlas. Shaganov wrote hundreds of compositions for the team.

Some hits of "Ivanushki" ("Tuchi", "Doll") also the authorship of Shaganov. The song "Poor Pigeons", who fell into the repertoire of the leader of the Kulikovo field of Evgenia Kulikova in the repertoire of the leader.

In the early 1990s, the author tried the strength as a singer. According to Shaganov, on stage he is less comfortable than behind the table with a piece of paper or in recording studio. Nevertheless, Alexandra has four solo albums. He released two collections of poems. In 2007, the Star Author's fans received a surprise - the autobiographical book "I am Shaganov in Moscow".

Personal life

In his youth, Alexander Shaganov did not hurry to associate himself with marriages. The life of the stars, concerts, tour, friendly sitting until the morning and - as a mandatory attribute - alcohol, corresponded to the concept of "family." Shaganov remained early without a mother, and his father did not live to release the debut magneto album. But parental relationships stood before their eyes as a sample.

The personal life of the author and the musician decided when he was 36. With the future wife of Katya, he met at 27 years old, the girl at that time was not 16. She accompanied a girlfriend who came to meet the star after the concert in the Olympic. Shaganov drew attention to Katya, not trying to please, besides the young poetess.

Alexander Shaganov and his wife Catherine

After 9 years, Couples Couple went to the registry office, choosing for this day of lovers. Soon the spouse gave birth to Shaganov's daughter Elizabeth, in which he does not have a soul. Photo of a happy family meeting on the web.

The poet loves to relax in the circle of relatives. And Alexander Shaganov - the longtime fan of the Football team Torpedo and the member of the Starro Star Team.

Alexander Shaganov Now

In 2018, the program "When all at home" visited the songwriter. The audience saw the married nest of the starrant, heard about childhood and youth. Alexander drove the curtain of secrets from those pages of biography, about which the fans of Shanov's creativity were not previously heard.

In 2019, the young vocalist Alexander Lee pleased Muleomanov the touching execution of the song "Rodar", poems to whom Alexander Shaganov wrote.

Discography (songs)

  • 1985 - "Vladimir Rus" ("Black Coffee"))
  • 1989 - "Batka Makhno" (Iz. "Lube")
  • 1989 - "Atas!" (Span. "Lube")
  • 1990 - "Do not Valya Fool, America" ​​(Sp. "Lube")
  • 1990 - "Native side" (Span. Dmitry Malikov)
  • 1990 - "Poor Pigeons" (Evgeny Kulikov and Kulikovo Field group)
  • 1991 - "Girl-Girl" (Span. Zhenya Belousov)
  • 1991 - "Do not be offended, the groom" (Spanner Sergey Chumakov)
  • 1994 - "Horse" "(Sp." Lube ")
  • 1995 - "Combat" (Sp. "Lube")
  • 1996 - "Tuchi" (Ivanushki)
  • 1997 - "Sweater" (Iz. Sofia Rotaru)
  • 1998 - "There, behind the mist" (Iz. "Lube")
  • 2002 - "Home" (Sp. "Lube")
  • 2009 - "And Zarya" (Iz. "Lube")
  • 2012 - "Just love" (Iz. "Lube", "roots", "Ivanushki")
  • 2016 - "Live" in collaboration with V. Seleznev, I. Matvienko, D. Pollyva and Timati
  • 2019 - "Rhodes", (Iz. Alexander Lee)

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