Ivan Shapovalov - biography, personal life, photo, news, producer, tattoo group (t.a.t.u.), disease 2021



Glazered by numerous scandalous leavings and creating a musical group "TATU" ("T.A.T.U.") producer Ivan Shapovalov today is no longer the one who was before. Probably, the temporary extinction of the turbulent career contributed to the disease, and may, the cause of steel and other circumstances. Now the man promotes several musical projects, as far as they are successful, can be judged by their popularity.

Childhood and youth

The future producer was born in the city of Kotovo, Volgograd region, in May 1966 in the family of physics teacher and artist. Since childhood, teachers and parents have noticed a non-standard mind warehouse boy. His mother was a demanding teacher, and therefore the son tried to teach everything that he knew. Shapovalov managed accurate science. He also engaged in music. In the footsteps of parents, Ivan did not go, having received a school certificate, entered the Saratov Medical Institute for the specialty "Children's and Teen Psychiatry".

After presenting the diploma, for some time the young man worked in Balakovo, in a local psychiatric hospital, with the help of psychocorrection practice helped children overcome the ailments. There he stayed 2 years, after which he changed the scope of activity and engaged in creating the organization of the formation of public opinion "context", which used Dmitry Ayatsov during the governor elections.

Most likely, it was after this that Shapovalov realized that he had every chance to become a successful advertising agent, and therefore Ivan again changed the place of work and settled in the marketing department of the company "Slaving". The work there brought a man not one useful acquaintance, which in the future influenced the development of his career.

Projects and business

The work of the screenwriter appeared in the biography of Shapovalov in 1994. At that time, he worked exclusively on commercials. Acquaintance with Lena Katina, the future soloist of the Tattoo group, took place in a man in 1998, when he worked on creating advertising for the company "Ost".

True, at first a man did not connect anything with the young talent, but he remembered her producer after communicating with Elena Keeper. Tempered in the team, they decided to unwind a new star. To do this, Casting, Katina also invited him. The girl passed, and the producers began to collect musical material for her.

Lena debut on the musical Olympus ended with failure. The main reason for this is called unsuccessful material. The top song of the soloist was the "Yugoslavia" track, but such serious words from the mouth of a 14-year-old girl sounded strange. Leaving the initial idea of ​​the promotion of one star, Shapovalov starts creating a group. Now it was necessary to find the second soloist. So in the team appeared Yulia Volkov. The girl was familiar with Katina earlier, in young years, they sang together in the "fidget" group.

So the group "T.a.t.u" was formed, the man became its producer, and part-time and director of the Production Center "Normat". Sciences of bitter experience, Shapovalov decided to take the location of the public in a different way, causing resonance. He made two schoolgirls on his lovers in each other.

The first hit of the team became the song "I was crazy." The music for her wrote the 17-year-old young man Sergey Galoan, the words were composed of Valery Polyenko and Elena Keper. The composition immediately removed the video, which was released on the air of musical channels.

After the release of the video about Shapovalov, all - colleagues congratulated him with success, and other young talents dreamed that the producer began to work with them. True, they also appeared those who accused a man in spreading child pornography and even in pedophilia, also called him a propagandist of same-sex love. Producer did not pay attention to uncomfortable conversations for him and continued to work.

Soon Ivan signed an agreement with Universal Music, according to which there should be 3 albums. At the same time, he was not going to change the girls already created. By analogy, with the last time he records the song "We will not catch up" and removes the clip to it. This track made the team popular far beyond Russia.

Recovering "I went crazy" in English, Tatu begins to conquer other countries of the world. The tour of the East is fledged girls and producer. Most of all the fans from schoolgirls with the defiant behavior came in Japan.

In 2003, Shapovalov was preparing for a new provocation. A man was going to remove the clip on Red Square with the participation of two hundred girls in short school skirts. However, law enforcement agencies did not allow him to spend this event.

After refusing to provide a platform for filming in the form of the main square of Russia, Ivan went to another loud step and put forward the "tattoo" for the presidency of the Russian Federation. To assemble the required number of signatures, this news producer reported on television. As you know, he did not succeed.

In 2004, Shapovalov created a realistic show "Tattoo" in the Middle Kingdom ", which was to go on the CTC channel and demonstrate the recording of the new singers album. However, the project was never completed. The man left the position of the General Director of the "Normat", leaving the group to another producer - Boris Rensky. And Ivan himself took up another project.

Now his ward became a young singer Natalia Shevlyakova under Nato pseudonym. Her speeches, he wanted to make no less provocative, and therefore on the anniversary of the September terrorist attack in the United States planned a concert of the artist in the shahdi outfit. Naturally, it was not possible to realize the conceived Ivan, and the public had negatively reacted to his outcomes.

The same concert man wanted to hold in England, he also prevented him. Therefore, for the first time to perform Natalia, it turned out only in 2005 at the Tinkoff restaurant in Moscow. There was no excitement at the concert.

At the same time, Ivan produced singers Nano Project and Helle, the rock band "7b", tried to remove the realistic show on the icebreaker, was a co-owner of the online store and led other projects. For a while, when Shapovalov learned about the disease, disappeared from the field of view of the press. He suffered, returned to the previous profession and continued to work in the direction chosen in his youth.

In October 2018, the ex-producer "Tatu" gave a rare interview with the Internet publication, where he told about the promotion of Icebol and Podnebeses projects. The second of the listed is an outdoor music project in which tracks perform in different languages ​​of the world. Shapovalov calls his musical experiment of the future.

Ivan does not conduct profiles on social networks, but with the work of his musical groups, it is possible to familiarize yourself. In "Instagram" there is a Podnebess project page, new photos and announcements of events regularly appear.

Personal life

At the peak of popularity, and at the time when Ivan began to gradually forget, he did not want to devote to the extraneous details of his personal life. It is known for sure that the man has a wife Valery. She works as a pediatrician in a children's hospital, familiar in a medical university met. The first she gave her husband to the son of Vladimir. The second child, a woman gave birth after 15 years, the boy called Ivan. There are no other children.

In 2012, the country learned about a terrible diagnosis of producer - a brain tumor. Ivan knew about illness and did not take any steps to recovery. When Julia Volkov learned about this - the ex-soloist of the TATU group, literally, was taken away by the comrade to the hospital. After a comprehensive examination, the doctors gave a good chance of deliverance from oncology. The state of health at that time was not heavy, the patient was appointed a course of chemotherapy.

In addition to those who supported the producer, there were people who believe that cancer is punishment for his sins in youth. Indeed, in the height of the popularity of Ivan, accused of propaganda of the same-sex love, terrorism and pedophilia. However, despite the negative on the part of ill-wishers, Shapovalov recovered.

Now the man is completely healthy, he does not like to remember the illness. The main reason for the abandonment of traditional treatment is the lack of money from the producer. Thanks to organized wolk charitable concerts, the producer managed to collect the necessary funds for treatment and recovery after the disease. With this man quickly coped. Although the growth and weight of the producer is unknown, many noted that if Ivan had lost weight.

Ivan Shapovalov now

In April 2021, the producer visited the conference of Russia Creates in Dubai, where he made a speaker and spoke about his projects. Ivan from the moment of the formation of the "TATU" became an involuntary witness how Russian gradually "crossed the borders" - for example, the hits of the group sang even in Poland. This process is greatly interested in it. And after Shapovalov left a job on the team, he decided to do Podnebeses.

A sort of language twist, in which in one musical composition there are several languages ​​revealed a completely new stage in art. At the moment of pandemic, such unity of different cultures passed to a new one, online format. In addition, seeing political problems in the country, and in the world, Ivan introduced an audience an equally interesting project - sosedi. The promise in the work of musicians involved in it was smoothing disagreements between nations.

Despite the regular generation of new ideas, in an interview with Shapovalov, the lion's share of questions and now concerns "TATU". So, in June, the producer visited the transfer "Caution, Sobchak!". The leading asked Ivan's opinion on the causes of the collapse of the collective. And that in response to the most important question that concerns the group's fans, marked several prerequisites - his own waste from affairs, loss of votes Volga and simply burnout in relation to two participants.

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