Mikhail Romm - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause of Death, Films



In 2019, 85 years old with the directorial debut of Mikhail Ilyich Romma - owner of 5 Stalinist premiums. In his mute Maupassanian "pyshch", along with the mastitis actors, Galina Sergeyev and Podr Repnin featured Faina Ranevskaya, and Tatiana Okunevskaya. After the death of the genius of cinema, students, friends and friends in one voice stated that from their lives there was something bright, bright and important.

Childhood and youth

The future famous director and the screenwriter appeared in the family of doctors, Jews by nationality, in the Siberian city of Irkutsk. They were consumed here in view of the revolutionary activities of Father Ilya Mesesovich, who worked in the sphere of bacteriology. Train Izikovna's mother worked as a dentist and took patients in the house of Joseph Lokucian. It was she who instilled the children to the beautiful, in particular to the theater. The grandfather had a personal printing house.

As for the exact date of birth of Mikhail Ilyich, first was called on January 24 (according to a new style), and later, after the documents found in 2007 - February 21, 1901. A year after the appearance of the youngest son (Mikhail had a senior for 3 years, Alexander's brother) Rummov was sent to the village, now located in the Buryat republic. Here they had a replenishment - the daughter of Ida was born. Next, there was a move to Lithuania, and then it was the turn of Moscow.

The cinematic artist himself tells about the children's and adolescent years she did not like. Especially embarrassed at the mention of his participation in the so-called food detachment in 1918. But the gymnasium is preceded by the gymnasium of bricks, and enrollment in the school of painting, brewing and architecture. Valuable autobiographical information collected them in the book "About yourself, about people, about films."

It found a place and a memory, as the father saved the tweezers of flies that were in sticky tape. Or, as a man in the absence of a son, his sculpture to assess the artist Peter Konchalovsky (grandfather Nikita Mikhalkov and Andron Konchalovsky). That sculpture praised.

"And when I remember, I myself studied, I always remember people who did not interfere with me. The first of them was my father. He was an unusually good man. I just did not see a kind person, I did not meet. Although at the same time was very quick-tempered, principled and intolerant, "Romm wrote.

Having gave the debt home and served in the ranks of the Red Army, the guy again took up the granite of science. This time - in the workshop in the current VGIK and in Vhutemas. Before finding your calling, glorified him to the whole world, Romm tried forces in the writer. He worked in the editorial office of the newspaper, wrote scenarios for a movie, engaged in translations of foreign classical authors. And also created his own literary works - from short novel to novels.


At first, the "paddy" started by the big cinematic path of Faina Ranevskaya and Mikhail Romma. Subsequently, the Grand Director and the Great Actress remained friends throughout his life. Although after the "dreams" in the fateful 1941th of collaboration, they no longer happened.

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"I remember Mikhail Ilyich is completely offended by each other. Ends all this work, filming. And during the filming, I fell in love with him. Everything he did was talented, captivily. All in it bribed: and a wonderful taste, and a subtle understanding of Maupassanovsky novel, her atmosphere, "the warm memories of the unsurpassed Fanny Feldman retained.

Before the shooting before the debutant, Rommom was a difficult task: to create a picture for 14 days, with a minimum of scenery and with about ten actrators, not counting the extras. And Mikhail Ilyich coped.

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After Thirteen, the filmography appeared "Lenin in October", also created in a short time in order to bypass the competing "Lenfilm". As a result, Iosif Vissarionovich himself approved tape. Then the second part of Vladimir Ilich was published, she even wanted to send to the festival to Cannes, but the plans were confused by the starting war.

"At the time when the others beat the corner and silent, Romm decided to oppose Stalin Lenin. Not historical Lenin, but such that lived then in the minds of the people. Such an opposition was considered the greatest Kramole and punishable by execution. And Romm dared, "Grigory Chukhray wrote about his ingenious teacher.

In 1945 and immediately after him, anti-fascist work came out from under the man's pen, then the birth of the dilogy occurred. This time the center of attention is the famous Russian Admiral Fyodor Ushakov.

In the 60s, the Soviet viewer met two masterpieces - "nine days of one year" with a strong acting and documentary film "Ordinary Fascism". In the last director, the director has used the principle of installation by adding the music design and journalistic speech of the Nazis.

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Incredited after herself left Romm Rent "World Today". But the glorious case continued to marlane Hutsiev, elements of Klimov and Herman Lavrov, renaming the project in "And still I believe ...".

Despite the devotion to the beloved cinema, Mikhail Ilyich did not forget about pedagogy. Looking at the lecture of the legendary Romma was lucky to Vasily Shukshin, Andrei Tarkovsky, Nikita Mikhalkov, Alexander Mitte, Sergey Solovyov and others.

Personal life

The director who approved the role in his film Beauty Elena Kuzmin, already at that time burned to her - Boris Barnet's wife - a deep feeling. What was worth only the recognition of a man after that he revised all work with her participation.

Attitude towards actress did not disappear from the attentive eye colleagues on the set. My husband was reported, and the jealous of the boxing was rushed to find out the relationship. And he left with nothing - Romm was extremely delicate and charming that Barnet only threatened with Lelen with her finger and exhaled with relief.

And in vain - soon and Kuzmina fell in love with Romma, possessing not a Hollywood appearance, but an incredible inner force. The case ended with a wedding in 1936 - so "thirteen" became a happy number for a couple. Despite the fact that there were no common children from the stars, they had a happily lived together for almost 35 years. Their personal life was illuminated in the program "More than Love" TV channel "Culture", submitting a visor of the viewer and touching rare photos.


The death of the cinematographic master on November 1, 1971 at work. He, having pupils Alexander Pavlovsky and Vladimir Menshov, pulled away from the material of the "World Today" to lie down. But no longer got up.

Mikhail Romma's grave and Elena Kuzmina at the Novodevichy Moskdom Cemetery

At the last minute, his favorite spouse was located next to him. The cause of death was most likely transferred in the 1967th heavy heart attack, from which Romm so fully recovered. The Grave of the Great Worker of Arts is located on Novodevichy Cemetery.


  • 1934 - "Push"
  • 1937 - "Thirteen"
  • 1937 - "Lenin in October"
  • 1939 - "Lenin in 1918"
  • 1943 - "Dream"
  • 1945 - "Man No. 217"
  • 1948 - "Russian Question"
  • 1950 - "Secret Mission"
  • 1953 - "Admiral Ushakov"
  • 1953 - "Ships storm bastions"
  • 1956 - "Murder on Dante Street"
  • 1957 - "History Lesson"
  • 1962 - "Nine days of one year"
  • 1963 - "Boris Schukin"
  • 1965 - "Ordinary Fascism"

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