Jennifer Carpenter - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



World Glory came to this colorful actress after filming in the popular TV series "Dexter", which was greatly successful on American TV from 2006 to 2013. For the fulfilled role of Debra Morgan Jennifer Carpenter 7 years in a row was nominated for the Saturn Prize as the best actress of the second plan and received it in 2009. Genres, in which the actress traditionally acts, became thrillers and militants. Its roles are widely known in such cakes, as a "factory", "Devil's hand", "Survival game".

Childhood and youth

Jennifer Lynn Carpenter was born on December 7, 1979 in Louisville, Kentucky, USA. Parents Robert and Catherine Carpenter decided to give daughter strict Catholic education and education, so they gave it to the school of St. Rafael, and then to the Academy of the Saint Heart.

Unknown, under what circumstances the girl touched the world of art and was fascinated by him. But in his interview, Jennifer admits that at the age of 8 he told his family about the desire to become an actress. Since then, she has shown perseverance in achieving a dream and never doubted the correctness of the chosen profession.

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After a high school, the girl studied under the program of the theater conservatory Walden, where he received the first experience of acting skills, suffered asses of drama and scenic art.

The third stage of education obtained by Carpenter is the famous Juliar School in New York, which has become many Hollywood stars. Student in this prestigious institution, in 2002, Jennifer made his debut on stage, playing in the Broadway production of the "harsh test" on the play Arthur Miller. The debutant partners became such famous artists as Laura Linny and Liam Nison.


In the same year, the girl's debut on the big screen took place. It was a secondary role in the PEOPLE ARE DEAD drama. Then Jennifer appeared in the episodes of paintings "Ash Tuesday" (2003), "Spies" (2004) and "White Chicks" (2005). The first serious application for success was the role in the film "Six Demons Emily Rose" (2006).

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Carpenter played the main heroine - Emily Rose, a girl who dies as a result of an exorcism rite spent over it. By the way, the film scenario is written on the basis of real events that occurred in 1976 in Germany. The prototype Emily became a student Annelisa Mikhel, who died from exhaustion after the priests tried to "expel the demons" from the girl, so they wanted to cure a psychic patient disorder.

The carpenter's thin and deep game was marked with critics, received positive feedback, which contributed to the receipt of an artist 2 MTV Movie Awards. Success leads Jennifer on television. In the same year, the Showtime channel launched the production of the series "Dexter", and the young actress is invited to one of the main roles.

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Her heroines became Debra Morgan - Sister of the Major Hero of Dexter Morgan, a serial killer working as an expert in Miami police. Due to the psychological injury transferred in childhood, the Dexter is subject to making. The policeman adopted the boy teaches him to direct a terrible "gun" only on those who are truly guilty - murderers, rapists, robbers. The sister is the only person who loves a maniac.

The series was walking on TV 8 seasons and glorified actors. For example, Jennifer became the owner of a considerable number of awards, decorated her biography.

"You know, everything that happens in my life outside the" Dexter "seems to have a vacation. I do not want to say anything negative about the series. It's just really a very emotional and complex type of work, "the actress recognized during the shooting period.

At the same time, in parallel with the "dexter", the actress is actively engaged in the film closure, and the filmography. Illuminated in the Drama "Battle of Seattle", in the horror movie "Quarantine". A separate mention deserves the main roles of Jennifer in the thrillers "Hungry Rabbit Attack" and "Factory", in which she is removed along with Nicholas Cage and John Cusacack, respectively.

Jennifer Carpenter (Frame from the film "Devil's Hand")

In 2014, a chorror film "The Devil's Hand" was released on the screens, in which the Carpenter has a secondary role of Rebecca. In the same year, she tries himself as an actress of visualing. Her voice speaks Natasha Romanoft in the animation film "The Secret Materials of Avengers: a black widow and punisher."

In 2015-2016, Jennifer Carpenter for the first time after Dexter plays a major role in the television series, removing in the criminal drama "Areas of Darkness". The tape tells about the weekdays of the FBI agents. Heroine Jennifer is a special agent named Rebecca Harris. The project was closed in 2016.

2018 was marked for a carpenter work in the film "Roll into asphalt": the actress plays a bank servant Keli Summer, perishing when robing a bank.

Personal life

The series "Dexter", except for professional recognition and audience love, brought actress happiness in his personal life. The executor of the role of Dexter Morgan - Michael Hall became her husband. The couple lived together for a short time, about 2 years (from 2008 to 2010), and during this short period they had to survive the real test: Michael put a terrible diagnosis - Hodgkin's disease, an oncological disease, affecting the lymphatic system.

Jennifer as might helped her husband struggling with a non-affection, and the disease retreated, but the family broke up. Despite this, Jennifer and Michael continue to maintain warm relationships.

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In 2016, it became known about the wedding of the 36-year-old movie star and the participant of the Folk Group "The Avett" - 35-year-old set of Evette. A couple of 3 years checked her relationships on strength, and after the birth of the son of Isaac Evette, in 2015, decided to legitimize the relationship.

Among the hobbies of Hollywood diva is a healthy lifestyle and sports, it often demonstrates in the photo in social networks (most active in Twitter, less - in "Instagram") a slim figure in a swimsuit - the result of daily work on itself.

Jennifer Carpenter now

Now the actress is removed in the series "Enemy inside". In the project, which started in 2019, in the kinodiga, the main role is Eric Shepard, the former Deputy Director for CIA operations, serving a life imprisonment in a strict regime prison for treason.

However, it refers to the FBI Will Kyton agent to catch a particularly dangerous spy. Erica proposed a deal, and it takes the conditions.


  • 2005 - "White Chicks"
  • 2006 - "Six Demons Emily Rose"
  • 2006 - "Dexter"
  • 2008 - "Quarantine"
  • 2011 - "Hungry Rabbit Attacks"
  • 2012 - "Factory"
  • 2014 - "Devil's Hand"
  • 2015 - "Darkness Areas"
  • 2018 - "roll in asphalt"
  • 2019 - "Enemy inside"

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