Sergey Aleksashenko - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Economist 2021



Aleksashenko Sergey Vladimirovich - a figure in the Russian political community is ambiguous. Journalists of the Komsomolskaya Pravda called him "the record critic of the Kremlin." Recently, he acts as critical articles and interviews in the "Echo Echo" on the actions of the current leadership in domestic politics and their influence on the country's economy.

Sergey Aleksashenko

Sergey Aleksashenko held significant posts in the 90s of the last century both in the Russian government and in business. In his biography, he emphasizes that the first to use the word "tax" in the Soviet magazine in economics in 1989 and did its own hands and introduced a budget classification in the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation.

Sergei Vladimirovich was born on December 23, 1959 in the city of Likino-Dulyovo, Moscow region, at the homeland of his mother. Parents Vladimir Pavlovich and Alevtina Sergeevna worked as engineers at enterprises related to the aviation industry in Zhukovsky. Therefore, all childhood and youth Sergey spent in this city. He graduated from school and went to serve in the army. After the dismissal enters the Economics Faculty of Moscow State University.

Career and social activities

After MSU in distribution, it falls into the Central Economics and Mathematics Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences, to the laboratory under the leadership of Yevgeny Yasin. Here Sergei Vladimirovich brilliantly defends his thesis, and he is recommended to work in the Commission on the Economic Reform of the USSR Ministers.

The economist participates in the development of a program to reform the economy of the Soviet Union, which receives the name "500 days". Then Aleksashenko goes to work in the Scientific and Industrial Union, renamed in 1991 to the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs.

And in March 1993 he was invited to the Ministry of Finance to the post of Deputy Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation. The zone of responsibility Aleksashenko becomes macroeconomic and tax policies, negotiations with the International Monetary Fund (IMF). In addition, Sergey Vladimirovich entrusts the curacy of budget planning issues.

After changing the leadership in the Ministry of Finance, Aleksashenko goes to a new place of work in the Russian Association of the currency exchange, where the position of president receives. For a while he has been working as a general director in the RSPP Expert Institute. In December 1995, he receives a position in the Central Bank of Russia. The post of First Deputy Chairman Sergey Vladimirovich works until September 1998.

State Worker Sergey Aleksashenko

During this period, Aleksashenko forms the state short-term bond market (GKO) and takes part in his default, which in 1998 one of the reasons for a sharp aggravation of the crisis in the country's economy. After the investigation of the General Prosecutor's Office, the data appeared according to which Alexashenko participates in speculation actions in the GKO market, which receives a multi-million income.

After default, the first deputy chairman of the Central Bank was resigned. Despite this, Sergey Vladimirovich considers the work done successful.

"I believe that much made in the Ministry of Finance and the Central Bank, it was very successful," writes an economist in the personal blog of the "Snob" magazine.
Sergey Aleksashenko on the TV channel

Aleksashenko goes to work in a private business. He heads the Development Center. Then he is engaged in strategic planning as deputy general director in Interros holding.

In 2004, Sergei Vladimirovich heads an investment company "Entente Capital". Here he is responsible for the strategic development of business and relations with government agencies and major customers. Having worked in this post 2 years, Aleksashenko enters the international investment company Merrill Lynch.

Since 2008, the Director of the Macroeconomic Studies in the Higher School of Economics has been occupied. During the year, he presses the Board of Directors in JSC United Grain Company.

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A little later, the businessman changes a professional niche and becomes an expert. In this capacity, he takes part in the transmission of "special opinion" on the radio "Echo of Moscow", where in his speeches criticizes the actions of the government and the head of the country of Vladimir Putin. In particular, he expressed a personal opinion on pension reform and raising age for the deserved rest. According to Aleksashenko, it was necessary to start changes with the adoption of other solutions.

"Everyone should have a single retirement age regardless of who and who works. In addition, it is necessary to return a cumulative pension and restore those savings that were stolen from citizens, "said Sergey Vladimirovich in an interview with the journal" Interlocutor ".


The first book of Fiscal Policy Issues During The Transition in Russia Alexashenko produces in 1998 in collaboration with Augusto Lopez-Clare (Augusto Lopez-Claros). It addresses the key points of the fiscal policy of Russia during the period of economic reforms in 1992-1996. The publication is published in the United States with the assistance of the International Monetary Fund.

In 2009, the economist issues the Battle of Battle Book, which describes the 1998 default and the consequences of the economic crisis.

From the last works of the author, attention is attracted by the book "Counterrevolution. As the vertical of power in modern Russia was built and how it affects the economy. " Work is published in English in the United States called Putin's CounterRevolution in the fall of 2018.

The Russian Publishing House "Alpina Publisher" produces the book Sergei Aleksashenko in 2019 in Russian. In it, the author analyzes Russia's socio-economic development over the past 20 years, as the decisions of Vladimir Putin influenced the course of the country's history.

Another book "Russian Economic Miracle: What went wrong?" It turns out in 2019. Exposures with readers shared the Journal "Forbes". Sergey Aleksashenko calculated the costs that Russians took over when the Crimea is joined.

Personal life

Sergey married 25 years. His choices became Catherine, by education, the teacher of the Russian language. Talking about personal life, with pleasure it is divided by some details. In his youth, I loved cooking and even baked a favorite Napoleon cake for my wife, when I met her from the maternity hospital with the first son.

"It turned out that she could not have anything like it, and it spoiled the attitude towards Napoleon for many years," said Sergey Vladimirovich.

Sergey and Catherine Aleksashenko Three children. It is known that the eldest son Artem has received an education in English Warwick University, specialized in business management, then studied at Film School in Los Angeles. Works the operator in Hollywood. Medium Sergey was educated in Georgetown. Junior Son - Alexey. His Aleksashenko adopted when he was 4 months old.

Sergey Aleksashenko engaged in diving

The family is now in America, where he moved at the end of 2013. Sergey Vladimirovich was offered work in research projects in Georgetown University. The reasons for departure from Russia Aleksashenko called restrictions on work, fears in physical security and anxiety for the future of the youngest son.

In 2017, the media appeared on the arrest of Sergei Aleksashenko at Domodedovo Airport with undeclared awards and USSR orders worth 760 thousand rubles. When trying to export them in the USA. The economist has a criminal case, but let go from the country. Sergey Vladimirovich reported in an interview with "Ehu Moscow", which is not going to return to Russia.

Sergey Aleksashenko now

Politician continues to be a media person. He has a personal channel on YouTube, where he lay out the transmissions of "Doc with Sergey Aleksashenko" and the records of the radio programs of the radio program "Personally yours."

Sergey Aleksashenko in 2019

Constantly in touch in Twitter, where he has time to discuss the last Russian and international events. In "Instagram" it is not.

Among the favorite activities of Sergei Vladimirovich - the photo and horse hikes. He is fond of diving, skiing, golf, badminton, hockey, preference.


  • 1998 - Fiscal Policy Issues During The Transition in Russia
  • 2009 - "Battle for the ruble"
  • 2017 - "Battle for the ruble. View of the event member "
  • 2018 - "Counter-revolution. How was the vertical of power in modern Russia and how it affects the economy "
  • 2019 - "Russian Economic Miracle: What went wrong?"

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