Nikolay Bandurin - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Chastushki 2021



When the artist makes humor with his profession, then all life adversities he begins to approach the joking manner. Take, for example, Nikolai Bandinur, a few years who jerked for a couple with Mikhail Washtooth funny couples. On the eve of the new 2019, he almost died in a fire in his own house. Fortunately, the spouse was played in time, and only property was injured. But even after the incident, the man found moral and physical strength to go out on the stage and completely play a concert in front of the Kazakhstan public.

Childhood and youth

A year and five months after Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin said the legendary "went!", September 11, the son of Kolya was born in the Leningrad Bandurian family. Humor, as the artist of the stage was recognized later, accompanied him from ornament.

Houses at the disposal of the boy were provided with records with performances of Arkady Rykin, who memorized them by heart and were demonstrated in a circle of loved ones and friends. Parents liked the child's passion - they also asked him to fulfill this or that number. Especially - to pass time on the road to the country. The neighbors by train laughed from the soul, and Nikolai was just glad to cheer adults and give joy to others.

Therefore, with the further area of ​​activity, the issue was not stood. First, the amateur music ensemble, where he was in the post of drummer and guitarist, then theatrical circle and pop studio.

All this helped later with ease of mastering entrance exams for the speech branch of the School of Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov at the State Conservatory. A year later, the guy was taken to the army, and, having served the period, he returned to his native fenats.

At the end of the university, the duet of two friends, almost brothers Kolya Bandinur and Misha Vashukov, up to the Christmas Christmas Eve 2006, all those who made together - bought near the house, married a difference of 14 days. At the beginning of the creative path, they had time even 3 months "serve" in Novgorod Philharmonic, and then returned and on the blessing of the artistic council were enrolled in the "Lenconcert", and in the future and "Moskoncert".


Adoption in Lenconcert preceded the traditional casting, where Nikolai came first with monologues. But I did not like the colloquial genre of a strict jury, then the guy took the guitar into his hands and executed the coupons, composed in student. And here he was waiting for success.

Asking for some time to prepare, the next time Bandurin appeared before the judges in Tandem with Vashkov. Young people were configured in combat - armed with seven-terrain, harmonica (concerto), purchased from Pavel Rudakov, and sparkling couples. And everything turned out.

In subsequent years, the duo disliked on each other's men (the growth of Nikolai 164 cm, Mikhail - 182 cm) conquered the prestigious contests and Soviet spectators through the TV programs "Mentopanoram", "Asshlag, and Ashlag!". Later, the list of the show was replenished and the "curved mirror", and "laugh is allowed", and others.

The talented duo did not stay aside and from cinematic directors, in particular, the legendary Leonid Gaidai, who invited good weather to the film "on Deribasovskaya ...". Behind the shoulders of the musical tandem - and released music albums, and experience in the quality of TV presenters, and getting into the big Russian encyclopedia.

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But, as the classic said, "nothing is eternally under the moon": in 2006, men as a duet went on stage for the last time.

"Over the years, my close friend began to see not the associate, but an opponent. Jealous when I wrote my songs. But most of the complaints were from Misha's wife. Valentine seemed all the time that in our duet whales, something misses the attention of the audience, fame. But first of all, she lacked money, "the humor was told about the reasons for the disaster in the interview.

And several times repeated that this decision was not just not just. However, Bandurin was not used to the thieves and actively undertakes to cooperate with the composer Vladimir Don, who had long-term experience with Valentina Tolkunova. For a couple with Sergey Ivanov, became the owner of the sign of the difference "for the service of art." Plus, he took up the pedagogy at the Institute of Culture and participated in the entrepreneurial performance and filming.

Personal life

"My wife and I got acquainted in the music school and since then they do not part for a minute: at first, Marina performed with me in some programs, and then became my director. And, what is the most striking, each other is not yet bored! For a quarter of a century, of course, quarreled many times, but never in serious, "the artist told about his personal life.An army contributed to acquaintance with the future spouse, where the student was taken directly from the school. Upon return, Nikolai studied at one course with the beautiful Marina, immediately fascinated guy. Long courtship, signs of attention stretched for 3 years, and eventually the case ended with a wedding celebration.

On September 4, 1987, the only daughter of Catherine was born. The girl graduated from Vgik, about which the parents could not even dream about, and created scenarios for the serials "silent witness - 2", "Institute of Noble Maiden", "Fire". In the latter, by the way, her father starred.

Over the years of coexistence, Bandurins suffered a lot. In December 2018, the spouses fell unfortunately - burned to their suburban house. The construction flashed instantly as a result of water from entering the wires. Thanks to the actions of Marina, none of the family members (mother-in-law, husband, daughter and grandson) did not suffer. Nicholas - the injuries of the back, and his wife was lucky less - carbon monoxide poisoning and 2nd degree burns. Now they do not threaten their health.

Nikolay Bandurin now

At the end of May 2019, the premiere of the comedy "Once in America, or a purely Russian fairy tale" on the scenario of Mikhail Zadornov was held. Mikhail Bashkatov, Brothers Ponomarenko, Yury Galtsev and Nikolai Bandurin played the main roles in the film.

A man continues to mix the public on the humorous show ("Petrosyan and Women", "Laughter with Delivery to the House") and our own touring concerts. Plus, the artist is involved in both performances ("death seven times").

He willingly takes invitations and other TV shows on federal channels - "the fate of a person" or "in fact."

During the latter, personal facts of the biography of spouses revealed. Allegedly both turned out to be incorrect to each other - even the potential lovers appeared in the studio: Dmitry Tolkachev and Irina Demin. And while the dumbfounded spectators moved away from Shock, Bandurin immediately after the filming admitted that all this is not true.

"This is all a performance, a huge number of letters says that we are good actors. After the fire, we completely remained without money. We can not live on donations. And earn so much to restore the house, now there is no possibility. Do not condemn us! ", I wrote Nikolai Yuryevich under the photo in" Instagram ".

However, later publishing disappeared.

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