Tair Mamedov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Comedy Club 2021



In Tair Mamedova's account, not one successful project, which humorist managed to implement. The wide public found out about him after the debut on the TNT channel as part of the Comedy Club residents. True, he left there at the peak of glory, but did not disappear from the television screens, but began to transfer on other channels. Over the years, it has understood that life in Russia does not suit him, the TV host emigrated. The country of residence chose the United States.

Childhood and youth

The future humorist appeared in the fall of 1981 in the Azerbaijani city of Baku. His mother is the nationality of the Armenian, and the Father is Azerbaijan. In addition to him, parents brought up another son, the older brother Tair - Arthur.

At school, the boy studied well, he lived in Baku to 10 to 10 years, and after they moved to Moscow. Tair's school certificate received already there. At the insistence of Mamedov, Mamedov entered the medical school. He himself becomes a doctor did not want, but the parents managed to convince the Son. The young man not only agreed to learn there, but also graduated from a university with a red diploma.

And then with a specialty "Feldsher-Laboratory" immediately entered the medical faculty of the Russian University of Friendship of Peoples. There, Tair began playing the KVN "Kids Lumumba" team. A year later, I finally understood that he did not want to devote the lives of the medical case.

There were no problems with the translation to another university, and in 1998, Mamedov became a student of the Faculty of Psychology in the Russian New University. In the same year, begins to speak with the New Institution Command of the KVN "Moscow United". Tair's speeches were successful, in the future the team even played in the Higher League of KVN. At about that period, Mamedov's biography turned in another direction, from hobbies humor gradually converted into a profession. For some time, he even wrote texts for other teams.

Television and films

Participating in KVN, Mamedov gets acquainted with Garick Martirosyan, who in 2005 created a club version of Comedy Club. The humorist continued to perform on the stage of the club cheerful and resourceful until 2000, while his team did not break.

Mamedov's debut on the Comedy Club scene took place in a duet with Egor Alekseev, as part of the BITLS Group. A year later, the partner left Tair, and the humor had to urgently change the numbers. Now he spoke alone, a business card was parodies for the program "Maximum" with the slogan "Scandals, intrigues, investigations". So the star hour of the artist came, they found out on the streets, asked the autograph and joint photo, the schedule of performances was tightly painted.

At the peak of popularity in 2008, Mamedov leaves the TNT channel. He accepted such a decision because of the desire to develop further, try himself in other hypostasis. With former colleagues, a man kept warm relationships, they periodically meet and communicate, but the Tair club does not want to return to the club.

A talented humorist did not stay without work and in the same year on the first channel leads the transfer of "King Ring", then on MTV - the programs "12 evil spectators" and "Pravda detector", participates in the project for the survival "last hero".

In 2009, a couple with the singer Yulia Kovalchuk speaks in the 3rd season of the music show "Two Stars". It also works in a pair with Evelina Bledans in "Love at first sight" and Victoria Boni in the "Love car". The first producer work at Tair appears with the program "Vacation in Mexico".

Tair Mamedov (Frame from the film

He was brought to work and over the films. Together with Galygin and other comrades, Tair organized a film studio, created scenarios and in 2008 she took the picture "Very Russian Detective", a humorist there also got a small role. The debut was successful. In 2013 and 2014, he played the main character in two parts of the film "What Men Creating". Later, Tair and Pavel Khudyakov began to remove the film "Odnoklassniki.Ru", however, did not finish it, and in 2015 the comedian appeared in his own comedy "Women against Men".


For a while, the name Mamedov stopped appearing on television, which is directly related to its emigration to America. This happened at the end of 2013. A few years before that, the artist participated in the protest movement on the Swamp Square and called for the same comrades. Later was the observer in the election of the mayor of Moscow.

As Mamedov shared with a famous interviewer Yuri Duduem, he saw with his own eyes, as ballots took place, attempts to prevent fraud ended with his expulsion from the observation post.

In recent years, Tair has been disappointed in Russia at all in the situation in the situation in the country. In his opinion, Putin could arrange official elections with international observers in the Crimea, then by other states there would be no complaints. Already then he understood - over time, the situation will deteriorate even stronger, prices will grow, and the ruble rate to fall, as well as the real incomes of the population.

Exchange rubles on dollars, from all the accumulations of the TV presenter received $ 200 thousand, calculating that this money would be enough for a year, or even two. To get a residence permit in America for 10 years, the artist gathered a huge pile of papers, confirming that in Russia there lived sneakly, led actively creative activity, worked in different projects.

Having moved, he did not have any friends nor useful ties, so he could not and in America to do a familiar thing - to perform on stage or shoot a movie. When the money began to end, Mamedov did not know what to do. At one time he was thinking to go to work in a taxi and even downloaded the Uber app. According to the technical characteristics, its car has not been registered. Then I began to consider the option of the shelter. In America, this profession is popular and brings good income. But once again taking money from a friend, for a while refused this idea.

Personal life

Leaving to America, Mamedov did not have a working person and his future wife met in the States. The wife of Tair became a Russian girl, before the first meeting she did not hear anything about the humorist. After the wedding gave the artist of two children. Both have double citizenship. Parents did it intentionally that they had the right to choose - where to receive education, live and work.

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Communication with subscribers Tair leads through "Instagram", there a man periodically answers the questions of fans, and also posts the photo. Surprisingly, no snapshot with his wife and children there. More often in his ribbon photos of people or objects made on the street.

The appearance of Mamedov on "YouTube" caused a lot of emotions from the audience. Recently, nothing has been heard about the artist at all, and therefore subscribers have gained many issues that they left in the comments. Many also noted the appearance of a humorist, who has almost changed from the moment of its last ethers. And although Tair's growth and weight are unknown, it can be seen in the video that it is still in a sporty form.

Tair Mamedov now

Tair and now lives in the USA. Everything in the same interview for Utuba -Kanal "Duty" man said that his affairs began to be established only in 2018. Mamedov opened the Museum of Selfie, who has been operating from April 1 to May 31, 2019 in Los Angeles. He managed to do this with the help of the comrades of Abyla Jaakashov and Tommy Honton, who combined efforts and created something unusual.

The museum consists of 3 exposures. One will demonstrate the extreme selfie, for which the authors risk their own lives. The second features of modern artists are represented, and the third demonstrates the history of the autoportist genre over 40 thousand years. Moreover, visitors do not just see the presented exhibits, they can make their own pictures. For this, guests are provided with props and interactive installations.

There is still no permanent job of work at Mamedov, its earnings are made up of income from temporary projects. Perhaps further ex-resident Comedy Club will come up with its own show or another project in America.


  • 2008 - "Very Russian Detective"
  • 2013 - "What are men doing"
  • 2014 - "What Men Creating 2"
  • 2015 - "Women against Men"


  • 2005 - KVN
  • 2005 - 2007- "Comedy Club"
  • 2008 - "Two Stars"
  • 2008 - "Last Hero"
  • 2009 - "Detector of Truth"
  • 2009 - 2010 - "Deadly evening"
  • 2010 - Poker Duel
  • 2011 - "Vacation in Mexico"
  • 2011 - "Vacation in Mexico. Talk show"
  • 2013 - "Vacation in Mexico. Super game"

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