Konstantin Ushinsky - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause of Death, Pedagogy



The name of Konstanta Ushinsky stands in the first row of Russian pedagogy figures, and it can be called the founder of the scientific school of educating the younger generation in his fatherland without stretching. Having lived a short life, a man developed a full-fledged pedagogical system and became the author of dozens of books, among which not only fundamental scientific works, but also the stories for children. The teacher saw the purpose of life to serve people and gave himself without the rest of his beloved business, seeking to make education publicly available.

Childhood and youth

Konstantin Dmitrievich was born in Tula in the family of official Dmitry Grigorievich and his wife's love of Stepanovna. The father of the future teacher had a military career behind his shoulders, being a veteran of war with Napoleon.

Konstantin Ushinsky in youth

Historians of the twentieth century considered the date of the writer on February 19, 1824, but modern biography researchers, relying on the attention of Tula archives, argue that Ushinsky was born a year earlier. The confusion with the dates occurred due to the late registration of a metric certificate, which was postponed in connection with the appointment of the Father to the new post and the relocation of the family. However, to this day, the generally accepted year of the birth of the teacher remains the 1824th, and all the anniversary events take the countdown from this figure.

Childhood and young years of scientist took place in the Chernihiv Old Town of Novgorod-Seversk, where the Father of the family appointed the judge. When the child was 11 years old, a mother died, which from an early age engaged in the formation of his son. Thanks to the knowledge gained, the boy easily entered the gymnasium, and was defined immediately into the 3rd grade.

Subsequently, Ushinsky recovered the director, the first teachers and noted that those were obsessed with science, destroyed and loved children. It is possible that the level of education at school turned out to be higher than in the usual county towns of that time. The young man received a certificate in 1840 and by that time he already met with the history of the Decembrists and the winsted ideas of European enlighteners.

Continuing Konstantin training at Moscow University, enrolling on a lawyer. Here, a young man listens to the lectures of brilliant professors and is fond of philosophy, literature and right. After graduating from the course in 1844, the guy remains at the university to put the master's exam. At this time, the Ushinsky begin to worry the issues of enlightenment of the Russian people, who for the most part remained illiterate.

Becoming a candidate of legal sciences, a graduate goes to Yaroslavl, where since 1846 he has been working in the Demidov legal entity. The teacher of progressive views was held with the disciples simply and did not like the formalities in the lessons than the bosses were dissatisfied.

The advanced mood of the young specialist was alarmed by the leadership, and behind the teacher was installed in the unklady supervision. The charter to put up with such an attitude, Konstantin leaves the place and makes a living by translating foreign articles for magazines. Having moved to St. Petersburg, it is satisfied with a small official in the Ministry of the Interior.


In 1854, Ushinsky managed to receive the position of senior teacher at the Gatchin Orphans Institute - the second-seat closed institution, which was on the care of the Empress. The establishment was engaged in the education of future officials for departments and ministries and was distinguished by the rigor of orders. The punishment system for the slightest strata flourished here and the unhealthy atmosphere of infringement and hostility between students reigned.

At first, Konstantin Dmitrievich taught Russian literature and law, but after half a year he took the position of the inspector. Over the years of Labor, the Ushinsky Institute was able to build an educational process so that the klauses, theft and dry office were gone from the walls of the institution. Here the teacher finds the archives of the predecessor, containing the library of pedagogical works, acquaintance with which the new world opens up with a young teacher.

Inspired by the materials studied, the author writes Article "On the benefits of pedagogical literature", which made it famous. A man becomes a permanent author of the metropolitan periodical, among which "magazine for education", "Contemporary" and "Library for reading". Later, for one and a half years, the teacher worked as the editor of the "Journal of the Ministry of Folk Enlightenment" and turned the publication into a popular collection of advanced articles.

The next stage in the career was the work at the Smolny Institute of Noble Maiden, where a novice scientist was able to embody bold fresh ideas. The teacher faced the separation of girls on noble and simple, so first of all he achieved an equal relationship to all students. Ushinsky insisted that training happened in his native language, and even gave the opportunity to girls to get the qualifications of educators.

The man introduced the custom to regularly organize the collections of a pedagogical team for discussion of pressing affairs and advanced ideas in the field of education. These evenings have become a meeting place for friends and caring colleagues, where they spoke about reforms, theater, literature. Konstantin Dmitrievich enjoyed respect and popular among colleagues and students, but the authorities seemed to be a free-rope. Therefore, in order to get rid of the "uncomfortable" employee, in 1862 he was sent to an overseas business trip for 5 years.

Living in Europe, a man is vividly interested in advanced experience in the field of education and education, visiting educational institutions in Germany, Switzerland, France and other countries. He continues to engage in literary activities, which began in Gatchina.

In 1864, children's textbooks "Native Word" and "Children's World" come out of the writer's feather, and the first one is complemented by methodological materials on teaching literature, which are addressed to parents and teachers. These works entered the treasury of pedagogical literature, withstanding hundreds of reissues.

Ushinsky wrote and artistic prose, and tales and stories for children occupy an important place there. "Sleeping horse", "four wishes", "leprosy of the old woman-winter" became the classics of children's literature.

The final fundamental work on pedagogy became written on the return to the homeland of "man as a subject of education", which remained unfinished. During the life of the author, 2 volumes of anthropological research came out, quotes from which can be found in modern scientific papers.

Personal life

Happiness in the personal life Konstantin Dmitrievich found with her friend's girlfriend with the hope of Semenovna Doroshenko, who became his wife in 1851. A year later, the pair appeared first-mentioned Paul, then the daughter of Vera and the hope and sons of Konstantin and Vladimir. A photographic portrait has been preserved, where the family appears in this composition. In 1867, the sixth child is born - Olga's daughter, who later became the artist.

The family moved from place to place after his head, but Ushinsky had a corner of a quiet refuge, where they invariably returned: the Bogdanka Bogdanka was bought under the Chernihiv, a man bought a house.

An interesting fact that the teacher's daughters became successors of the Father's business: Girls were engaged in the organization of schools and schools, without sparing time and their own funds.


In recent years of life, the heyday of the scientific and civil activity of the Ushinsky. He writes articles, participates in professional congresses, is engaged in the formation of a slim pedagogical system. A man earns authority as a master and enthusiast of his business.

At the same time, in 1870, the family comprehends Mount: the eldest son Paul dies at the age of 18 during the hunt. Death is seriously experienced by the family, and Konstantin Dmitrievich decides to move to Kiev, acquiring a house there.

The grave of Konstantin Ushinsky

After that, taking sons, the 47-year-old teacher goes to treatment in the Crimea. However, the Ushinsky is bothered on the road. The disease passes with complications and becomes the cause of death at the end of December 1870 in Odessa. The grave of the famous teacher is located in the Kiev-Vedubitsky monastery.

The contribution of men to Russian pedagogy is difficult to overestimate. His desire to make education available to all segments of the population soon gained fruit, and the fundamental works of the writer formed the basis of subsequent educational systems. In honor of the figure, dozens of educational institutions, libraries and streets in Russia are named.


  • 1847 - "Lectures in Yaroslavl Lyceum"
  • 1856 - "On National Public Education"
  • 1857 - "Three elements of school"
  • 1858 - "On the dissemination means by literacy"
  • 1858 - "School reforms in North America"
  • 1858 - "Interior device of North American schools"
  • 1859 - "Letters about the upbringing of the heir to the Russian throne"
  • 1864 - "Native Word"
  • 1867 - "Man as a subject of upbringing"
  • 1869 - "Man as a subject of upbringing"
  • 1870 - materials for the third "pedagogical anthropology"

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