Max background of shots - photos, biography, personal life, movies, died, cause of death



One of the oldest stars of Hollywood, who ascended in the early 1950s, dozens of years shines on the world cinematic Olympus. Max Background of Shuds, unlike the peers of the elders of the "Dream factory", is not in a hurry on peace and continues to go to the shooting platform. 2 times he was nominated for the main filmmakers "Oscar", "Golden Globe" and "Emmy". Two nominations - in 2000, when the Master crossed the 80-year-old frontier.

In the film of the artist of work in the pictures of Geniyev, the global director of Ingmar Bergman, Sidney Pollak, Yana Trupeil and Woody Allen. The background of the covers won the honor to become a cavalier of the Order of the Honorary Legion, the highest sign of the differences and recognition in Napoleon's homeland.

Childhood and youth

A future artist was born in the provincial Swedish town of Lund (translated into Russian "Grove") in April 1929. The first name of Karl Adolf is the only son in the Susov family in honor of the Father, an authoritative university teacher, intellectual and Erudite Karl Wilhelm, German blood flowed in whose veins.

Background Zudov - Senior worshiped with students as an encyclopedia man. He taught a lot of disciplines, from Folklore Scandinavia to the Irish language and music. Mom Carl Adolf, nee Greta Rappa, also plowed pedagogical Niva, but at school. Parents and school brought up a boy in the traditions of Lutheranism, but the consequence of the knowledge of the life of Max Backgrounds here (this version of the surname arrived in Sweden) became agnosticism. In God, he did not believe, but assumed the possibility of its existence.

But the formation of a son in a church school parents could be proud of: Karl received top points in all subjects, moreover, soon became a polyglot. In adolescence, the background of the junior spoke in English, Danish and German, and then in French and Italian.

Love for the theater at the background Sudov woke up at school, when Karl with the peers organized a circle and first went to the scene. The teenager "fell ill" by the actor and by the end of the school did not "recovered". After serving in the army, he went to Stockholm and after listening was taken to the acting studio at the Royal Drama Theater, which he graduated in 1951.


The creative biography of the artist started in Malmo, a city adjacent to the capital of Sweden. Here Max Background of Shudov met another great Swede - director Ingmar Bergman, copyright master. Later Bergman took off the talented actor at 13 tapes.

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The turning point in the career of the artist turned out to be the first role in the film-parable of Ingmara, the Arthaus project "Seventh stamp". Bergman entrusted Max the main role of the Knight of Antonius Blok. The tape went to the screens in 1957 and produced a furor, having received a special prize in Cannes, a nomination for the "palm branch" and awards in Italy and Spain.

The picture fastened Bergman in the status of a cult director and turned Sudov in the idol of Arthaus. Then the actor has a new name - Max, which has become a creative pseudonym. In the same year, the second picture of Tandem Bergman-covers was published - the psychological drama "Strawberry Polyana". Here Max is assigned a secondary, but a vivid role.

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The secret of the success of the hyseride film criticism was in the fact that there were theatrical technique for the set on the shooting platform. The fact that other artists scolded, becomes copyrighted Max Background Sudov. Theatricalness of gestures and facial expressions, bright emotional painting and replaying make even an episodic role of artist unforgettable.

The name of Max Background Sudova rattles at home in Europe and America. In the 1960s, he starred, except called, in the 8 more films of Bergman. The ribbons of the director successfully go on world screens, collecting huge cashiers, and the Swedish artist is called in Hollywood, offering a role in Bondian. On the Hollywood project of films agree, but other: chooses as true theater, the epic drama of George Stevens. In it, the Swede appears in the image of Jesus Christ.

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The debut in American cinema was a success, and the actor, grabbing the family, moves to Los Angeles. The background of the covers is not chasing the main roles, he willingly choose episodes or the third plan with the condition that the images will be textured and dramatic. Max is name for projects that become blockbusters. For the work in the tapes "Hawaii" and "the ignorant devil", it nominates for the "Golden Globe".

In 1976, Max Backgrounds played by Professor Preobrazhensky in the first film release of Roman Bulgakov "Dog's Heart". Ribbon is a joint "product" of the cinematographers of Italy and Germany.

Max background of covers in the role of Professor Preobrazhensky (a frame from the film "Dog's Heart")

The Swedish American actor is not indifferent to the genre of fiction, as they say work in comics and cyberplate. In the 1980s, he starred in fantasy militant "Conan-Barbarian" with Arnold Schwarzenegger, playing the lace. In the new century, in the filmography, the tape "Ring Nibelung" and "Island of Cursed" appeared. In 2015-2016, starred in the "Star Wars" and "Game of Thrones".

And in the youth, and in the mature age, the background of the covers remains faithful to Mellengene: the theater hardening is swaying in all the works of Matra. He chooses the roles of demonic elders, cosmic villains, heroes, who are dying at the end of the plot. In Neonouar-militant "Judge Dredd" with Sylvester Stallone, he reincarnates in Judge Fargo. In the thriller "necessary things" - the screening of the novel Stephen King - the audience saw the star in the form of a demonic lion of the shingle.

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In 2002, the artist collaborated with Stephen Spielberg, being on the set along with Tom Cruise in a fantastic thriller "Special Opinion". And in 2009, he worked with Martin Scorsese and Da Caprio in the project "Santher Island".

In 2012, Max Background of Shudov is a second time nominated for Oscar (the first nomination - for the role in Pelle Conqueror). This time, he barely became the owner of the cherished figure for the work in the drama "terribly loudly and exempted closely," the lease of Shell.

Many images of the movie stake "dictated" by his impressive growth - 1.93 m with a weight of 90 kg.

In 2018, the premiere of the French-Belgian Drama "Kursk" took place about the deceased Russian submarine. The producer of the painting was Luc Besson. The film lay down the book "Time to die". This appeared in the drama in the image of Boris Yeltsin. Also, the audience saw in the draft Colin Firth and Lea Seid. The shooting was carried out in Toulon, on the naval base, since the Russian Ministry of Defense refused the creators of the film to work in Murmansk.

Personal life

The actor was married twice. The first wife became the actress Christina Olin, who gave birth to her husband two children - the sons of Clas and Henrik. The marriage existed without a small 30 years, but collapsed in 1979.Embed from getty images

The second wife Von Sudov became a Frenchman Catherine Blely, by profession producer. The pair legalized the relationship in the spring of 1997 and lives in France. In 2002, the artist received the citizenship of this country.


On March 8, 2020, it became known that Max Backgrounds of the covers died. The actor died aged 90 years.


  • 1957 - "Seventh Print"
  • 1957 - "Strawberry Polyana
  • 1965 - "The greatest of ever told stories"
  • 1973 - "Route Devil"
  • 1976 - "Dog's Heart"
  • 1982 - "Conan-Barbarian"
  • 1983 - "Never say" Never ""
  • 1987 - Pelle-Conqueror
  • 1993 - "The right things"
  • 1995 - "Judge Dredd"
  • 2004 - "Nibelung Ring"
  • 2011 - "terribly loudly closely close"
  • 2015 - "Star Wars: Awakening of Power"
  • 2016 - "Game of Thrones"
  • 2018 - Kursk

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