Jay Baruchel - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Most often, those who give their voice by multiplication heroes, a viewer in the face and does not know. After all, as it should be, the dubble actors are behind the scenes and are hidden from the attentive eyes of foreign. But this is absolutely not about Jea Barushele, who is a sign of the public and by cinematic works (for one of them is even marked by two prizes), and on voiced. It was he "says" for Ikking in 3 parts of the animation "How to Train Your Dragon".

Childhood and youth

In the 9th April 1982 day in Ottawa, Robin's writer and her husband Serzh Viktor, who was engaged in the realization of antique things, appeared first-mentioned Jonathan Adam Sounders, or abbreviated Jay. After 5 years, the family was replenished with daughter Taylor, also subsequently, like a brother, taken by scenic art.

It is known that the father of the future celebrity from the French city of Love - Paris, and his parent is from Egypt. As for the close relatives of the mother, they are from New Scotland. Curious fact: his belonging to the country Jay perpetuated on his own body in the form of an impressive maple leaf on his chest, plus - Nakolol Celtic Cross and the name of the mother (Ropell).

The boy was trying to truly the male mind of sports - hockey, did not miss a single "Ice Bullings" of the adorable "Montreal Canadiens". It was in this settlement that the early years of Jay passed, where he moved along with his homely at 6 months of age.

"Hockey, on which I grew up, hockey, which I understand, hockey, to whom my father taught me when I was a boy, is inextricably linked with the struggle. I grew up in the house where he respected steep guys, "Barucher shared in an interview with biographical information.

Also, his father was engaged in the son and softball, but joint trainingings invariably ended with the sending son home - to extract comics. Talking about childhood, Jay recalled that somehow the family was experiencing difficult times, not always enough money. But, according to Robin, only not on the book, and he learned to read already in 3-4 years. And even I tried to write stories myself.

Especially loved to him cinema - at 9 years old, the child declared adults about his passionate desire to become a director. Parents favorably accepted the recognition of the Son - put it nearby for watching the next film, stopping the picture to give their own comments and explanations.

In the elementary school, the boy possessed a sufficiently high growth for that time (now the growth of the actor 183 cm, the weight is 65 kg), which has lost it from the traditional clarification of relationships with the use of power methods. However, thanks to Serge, Jay also got ready for everything. In the senior classes of art school, teenager, together with friends, filmed on the weekends, invariably demonstrated and discussed with his father and mother.


Professional acting career started from a guy with episodic roles in the series "My hometown" and "Are you afraid of darkness?". In parallel, he tried himself as a leading local show for children. In one of the first full-length comedy film - "Almost famous" - Jay reincarnated in a devoted fan of the cult Led Zeppelin.

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It cannot be said that Baruchel was sitting without work to the sports drama "Baby on a million", but it was the project that won 4 Oscars, brought him real fame. Although it is not so easy to stand out on the background of the masters of their business of Morgan Freeman and Klinta Icuda.

Later, the filmography was replenished with "a little pregnant", and "Soldators of failure," where Bin Stiller starred and headed by the filming process, and "be my boyfriend for five minutes" with Michael Gray.

In 2009, Jay played in the 2nd part of the "Night in the Museum" and in Trotsky, reincarnated in Leon Bronstein. And after a year he began to voice the icing in the favorite defense of the story about the friendship of the boy and the dragon. Then came the turn of the "Apocalypse of Hollywood", where the young artist did not have to try on someone else's image, but it was necessary to be in the literal sense of the word.

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Jay has a happy acting fate, because he managed to be parted with the director David Kronenberg in the "Cosmopolis".

"This person is one of my heroes in my 13 years. I adore his films, and his work is something that all Canadians can be proud of. When I was asked if I want to spend 2 days in the "cosmopolis", I replied "Yes, yes and yes," without reading the script, "said Canadian.

Personal life

Personal life of Hollywood stars - the object of close attention of the public and journalists, especially such a charming man as Jay Barucher.

It is known that in 2004 he was associated with a short close relationship with a colleague on the workshop Sarah Lid. With her, the guy starred in the lead roles (drug dealers and girls of easy behavior) in the "Cody" full-length. But the shooting ended - the connection between young people ended.

Later, the novel happened to Canadian with a countrywoman and partner on the "bouncer" Alison Pill. The couple had time to engage, but before the wedding celebration did not come. According to one of the versions, lovers could not withstand checking feelings at a distance. However, after the gap, they managed to keep friendship and even to be held together in the 2nd part of the story player of the Dag Glattte.

Judging by the personal profile in the social network "Instagram", the heart of Jay is again inconspicuous. His chosen is the Rebecca Danhem model, or, as a gently calling her companion, "Glam-Rock Angel, sent from heaven only for me" and "Love of my life." Happy sharing photos The engaged pair is willingly sharing with subscribers.

Jay Baruchel now

On the eve of the Day of Defender of the Fatherland - 2019, the 3rd part of the cartoon "How to Train Your Dragon" came out to the Russian rental, over the sounding of which Barucher was bored.

A little earlier, in early February of the same year, the world premiere of the dramatic picture of the "kindness of strangers" with the participation of Canadian celebrities took place at the Berlin Film Festival. It is also known that Jay has directed and filmed at the Random Acts of Violence and produced "people of the tenth hour".


Roles in movies

  • 1995, 1999-2000 - Are you afraid of darkness? "
  • 2000 - "Almost famous"
  • 2002 - "Sex Rules"
  • 2004 - "Million Baby"
  • 2007 - "A little pregnant"
  • 2009 - "Night in the Museum - 2"
  • 2009 - "Trotsky"
  • 2010 - "Too cool for you"
  • 2011 - "Rained"
  • 2015-2017 - "A man is looking for a woman"
  • 2017 - "Embroidered: Epic Zames"
  • 2019 - "Kindness of Strangers"


  • 2010 - "How to Train Your Dragon"
  • 2014 - "How to Train Your Dragon - 2"
  • 2019 - "How to Train Your Dragon - 3"

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