Mrs. Storky - Illustrations, Biography, Heroes, Quotes, Gustave Flauber


Character History

Dreams of unearthly love are not always harmless, and a bright example of this is the beauty of Emma Bovarie. A girl who from the young age dreams about a romantic hero lost everything because of unwillingness to look at his own life without unjustified expectations. A loving husband, a submissive daughter and a pleasant house did not become a consolation for the heart that dreamed of knights, actions and dangerous adventures.

History of character creation

In 1851, after another unsuccessful attempt to write an outstanding literary work, Gustave Flaubert fell into a long despondency. From the sad state, the man was brought by the editor Maxim du Kang, who recommended the writer to try his own strength, creating a novel, whose main thought will be prose.

The poet Louis Büil was present at the conversation reminded Flaubert about the tragedy, which was playing with the Demar family. The story of which familiar mentioned was well known to Gustauu, the writer's mother personally knew the victim's victim.

The name of the "prototype" of the main character - Dolphin Kuturier. A married woman who pretended to numerous adulterars committed suicide for 27 years. And her husband, without preparing the truth that he had discovered about the spouse, died in a year. So the author found the heroes of the novel.

The writer spent at work for more than 5 years, carefully studying information for the plot and rewriting characteristics of characters. And in 1856 the novel fell on the pages of the literary magazine "Review Devy".

The work in the genre of a love novel, telling about the disorderly connections of the doctor's wife, was published for three months. After a short time, Hustava Flaubert was attracted to the court - the author so frankly portrayed married adulters, which was accused of insulting morality.

A similar sentence, later canceled, only increased the popularity of the work, making Mrs. Bovari by the world phenomenon. An interesting fact was the same criticism of Anna Karenina. Both of these heroines came out from under the pen almost with the difference in 17 years and were repeatedly compared with literary researchers.

Biography and Mrs. Story

Emma Ruo was born in the family of a secured farmer. The mother of the girl has long died, so the father sent a child to raising the Ursulinka monastery, where the young romantic creation spent a lot of time, secretly reading love novels.

Having finished learning, a matured girl returned to his native farm. After some time, the Father Ruo broke his leg, and the family is forced to contact the local doctor - Charlek Bovarie.

A middle-aged man at first glance lost his head from the charming daughter of the farmer. But a married doctor did not allow himself even a hint of feelings. However, sincere throwing did not hide from Emma. The sensitive nature of the girl instantly painted himself a noble image of Charles, which will make a variety of gray weekdays.

A doctor's wife dies suddenly, and Emma Ruo receives a proposal of hands and hearts. Young Mrs. Bovarie shams in the doctor's house, who instantly reworks under his own taste. However, the newly new spouse quickly becomes boring. The romantic hero of maiden dreams turned into an ordinary husband, albeit insanely in love with his own wife.

Alarmed by the psychic and physical condition of his wife, Charles finds a new job that allows you to move closer to Ruang. Here the beauty met the Assistant notary by Leon Dupui. A young man, like a doctor's wife, turned out to be fond of nature.

The pregnancy of the woman and the reliability of the beloved persuaded the emergence of the adulter. Soon, Bard's girl was born in Bard's spouses, who did not particularly be interested in the mother. All her thoughts were busy with Leon, who moved to Paris, and leaving the married lady to dream of an unearthly passion.

The next hobby of sentimental dreamers is a landowner Rodolph Bled, whose biography in the details knew every gossip. A man, unlike inexperienced Leon, throws all the strength to conquering beauties.

Pretty soon, a secret connection begins to take the broth. Instead of a comfortable mistress, living nearby, a man gets a distraught woman. Her highly replicas seem to repeat the quotes from the love of love romance read in the youth. Emma demands a klyatwa of love, rolls scenes and gives dear gifts, which takes a debt at the local merchant secret from her husband.

Professional Charle problems finally assure a woman that you need to throw a spouse and tie life with a lover. Under the roast pressure, the landowner promises to pick it up from the city, but at the last moment changes the solution and leaves beauty.

Emma's health aggregated such a blow. From the gloomy depression, Ms. Bovarie saved her husband. Charles took his wife to Rouen at the opera tenor concert. Listening to romantic songs, the beauty again came to life, but the heroine finally returned a surprise meeting to his life.

Walking during an intermission, the spouses of Bovarie met Leon. Related assistant notary again opened forgotten feelings in Emma, ​​and this time the novel prevented anything. Now a woman every Thursday left a sad city and came to the hotel Rouen to stay with his beloved.

From the experienced emotions and feelings, Mrs. Bovarie lost her head and ceased to follow the growing secret expenses. Lenders who have kept silence for a long time, fell on it. A confused woman first rushed to the beloved, but Leon, not distinguished by courage, simply escaped.

In trying to save the reputation, she addresses the former lover, but he does not want to help out the beauty. In the gust of the despair Emma swallows arsenic that finds in the next pharmacy. Missing for a few days, the heroine dies in his hands at the pushed husband.

Mrs. Bovarie in films

In 1949, a film was released, which was the basis of the plot of which the novel "Mrs. Bovarie". Slogan to the black and white film reading: "She just wanted everything." The film was nominated for Oscar in the "Best Artist's Best Work" category, but did not receive a statuette. The main role was played by the actress Jennifer Jones.

In 1969 he saw the light of the frank version of the film. Film "Sins of Madame Bovarie" details demonstrate the love connections of the wife of Provincial Leeking Charles, whom actor Gerhard Ridmann played. The main heroine of the drama was performed by Editz Fenek.

In 1991, the shielding of Roman released the French director Claude Shabrol. The actors and plot moves were selected specifically under the executiver of the leading role of Isabelle Yupper, for whom Shabrol and took up the work on a movie cornocardine. The resulting film was marked with positive references to critics and awarded a multitude of kinonagrad.

In 2014, the joint work of the United States, Belgium and Germany came out. The film exactly transmits the original plot of dramas. The role of confused beauty executed actress Mia Vasikovsk.

Interesting Facts

  • Flaubert described the death of the main character so in detail, which became the target for cynical illustrations. The writer was portrayed on caricatures in the form of a scientist exploring the heart of Emma.
  • Despite the explicit similarity of the plot with tragic events in the Maiden family, the author denied this influence on the history of Emma character.
  • Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev became a big fan of the novel, who called "Mrs. Bovari" "the best, which happened to the literary world."


I do not regret anything. I do not blame anyone. And I'm not afraid of anything. And I would give you everything, I would sell everything, I would work for you, would love to ask for one smile, in one glance, just for hearing from you. I died all feelings.


  • 1856 - "Mrs. Bovari"


  • 1933 - Madame Bovarie (France)
  • 1937 - Madame Bovarie (Germany)
  • 1947 - Madame Bovarie (Argentina)
  • 1949 - Madame Bovarie (USA)
  • 1969 - "Sins of Madame Bovarie" (Italy)
  • 1989 - "Save and Save" (USSR)
  • 1991 - Madame Bovarie (France)
  • 2000 - Madame Bovarie (United Kingdom)
  • 2014 - Madame Bovarie (USA)

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