Valentina Pimanova - Photo, biography, personal life, news, "idols" 2021



A talented journalist, a TV presenter, a film producer and Writer Valentina Pimanova devoted to the work on Russian television decades. On the main channel of the country with its participation and direct assistance, super-ray projects of the period of restructuring "View", "Field of Miracles", "The Kremlin Wall", "Kumira" were published.

Touristist Valentina Pimanova

In the biography of this charming and strong woman there are sad pages - severe disease, divorce with your beloved husband. However, from all vitality, Valentina Pimanov came out worthy, demonstrating the random power and wisdom.

Childhood and youth

The future TV journalist was born in the summer of 1961 in Moscow. Valentina Pimanova was lucky with his family: father and mother - smart intelligent people, lived in strong alliance without a small 60 years. The head of the family of Yuri Melnikov is a respected metropolitan architect. Mom is a central polyclinic doctor of the Ministry of Health, known as the Kremlin Hospital. Both were passionate about her beloved work and a lot in it reached. The family settled in the apartment in the heart of the capital.

Grandmothers came to help employed parents, granddaughter often remained. At the same time, the grandmothers themselves were also women enthusiastic and talented. One worked as an artist-designer in the house of models on Kuznetsky Bridge, the other previously performed in the corps of the Bolshoi Theater, and after leaving came to television, where he worked in the children's editorial board.

Valentina - the only child in the family - loved, but did not pour. The atmosphere in the house pushed the girl to comply with authoritative parents and grandmothers. People of art, Moscow intelligentsia came to visit them.

PIMANOV RADOVAL PARENTS Estimated and Pop by writing writings yesterday's dissidents. With grandmothers attended loud premieres in theaters and exhibition of artists. There was no dumb admiration for the famous artists from Valentina: a girl, listening to "kitchen" conversations of representatives of the metropolitan bohemian, realized that their world is not only creativity, but also backward intrigues, envy and broken fate.

Muscovite studied in the English school, and after classes fled to artistic. Talent Valentina Melnikova inherited on the father's line, where all relatives were professionally engaged in painting. It was assumed that Valya, like grandmother, will become an artist-designer. But in the graduation class, the girl changed his mind and went to Moscow State University, choosing the Romano-German branch of the philological faculty.

Having studied a year, the student went to the Faculty of Journalism, where, together with Vladislav Listev, in 1982 received a diploma.


Pimanov, then else Melnikov, with the leaves tied a strong friendship, which former classmates supported after the university. 5 years after Valentine's release with a group of like-minded people, where Vladislav was also included, created a new TV program, which came up with the name "Look". The project went out on the central channel of ORT and turned the representation of the former Soviet citizens about television. In the "glance" Pimanova was detained for 2 years, until 1989.

Valentina Pimanova on the set

And in the 1990th, the journalist becomes the editor-in-chief of the entertainment TV show "Field of Miracles", which has become equally rating than "look." After a year, Valentina Pimanova left the project, because he met the future husband Alexei Pimanova, with whom he had conceived a new program, called "behind the Kremlin wall". According to the TV presenter, Vladislav Leaves did not talk to her, regarding the care as a betrayal, but then they came up.

In 1991, within the framework of the TV company "View", the first issue of the cycle of programs about the lives of the inhabitants of the Kremlin and their families came out. Perestroika changed the perception of power, forcing her representatives to open for the people and in everyday life. The spectators were supposed to tell the first time to see the opportunity to see how the first persons of the state live. Valentina and Alexey Pimanov became the world's famous journalists.

At the end of 1993, the spouses of Pimanov and Tamara Maksimov held a telemaceraphone "With the New Political Year!", And after 2 years, Valentina Yuryevna becomes the leading information department of ORT. After changing the leadership, it was fired with other employees, and the woman moved to the television company "Ostankino" (then RTS). Here the journalist tried forces as a scriptwriter by creating a number of documentary tapes.

The last year of the 1990th journalist was the author and TV presenter of the "Women's World" project, which was published on the TVC channel. In zero, the program closed, but Pimanova was not working for a short time. From 2001 to 2013, the popular program "Kumira", which lasted on the ether of many 12 years. Pimanova performed both as a project screenwriter.

Personal life

The first husband of the TV presenter was her classmate Alexey Makarov. School novel with a boy who lived next door, was interrupted for a while: Alexei and his parents went to France. After returning, he entered the Institute of Asia and Africa, which was near the Valentine University building. The first love broke out with a new force, and the 19-year-old couple went to the registry office. They lived for 8 years and parted: Valentina realized that he had grown out of these relationships.

Alexey Pimanov with daughter Daria

Alexey Pimanov became the second husband, with whom the woman lived for more than 20 years, giving birth to Daughter. Their marriage for many years was considered strong and harmonious: the spouses worked together and, according to friends, the soul lived in the soul. Divorce has become for familiar thunder among the clear sky. The reason for leaving the family is the Roman Pimanov with an actress Olga Pogodnoye.

Valentina Pimanova adequately survived parting, although it was hard for her. For more than 20 years of chat, the husband has become an integral part, a native person with which too many events is connected and a lot of tests experience, including the disease, almost worthwhile.

Valentina Pimanova and Leonid Litvinsky

Congenital deformation of the vertebrae was the cause of the appeal of the pimanova to the manual therapist, and his mistake led the woman to the paralysis of the legs. The laminated medicine was bred by their hands, and the handstone of the tablets did not bring relief. Return to the usual life of Valentina Pimanova helped the incredible power of will. She refused pills, overcoming pain, re-learned to walk and returned to work. The disease retreated.

Private life has been improved: now next to the TV host, the former soloist of the White Eagle group Leonid Litvinsky. Couple lives in a civil marriage. Pimanova in a few interviews admits to be happy. Account in "Instagram" she does not have, but the photo with Valentina in Yuryevna is found on the net.

The daughter went to the footsteps of the parents: Daria Pimanova works on television as a screenwriter and TV presenter.

Valentina Pimanova now

In the spring of 2018, the TV presenter, along with colleagues and actors, appeared in the studio of the Andrei Malakhov program, so that in the "live broadcast" to remember Oleg Anofrieva's left life.

Valentina Pimanova in 2019 at the stadium

The last teleproject of the journalist is a documentary about Olga Ostrumova, who was broadcast in 2017. About plans for 2019 Valentina Yuryevna does not report.

Filmography (Producer and Writer)

  • 2008 - "Lucien Ovchinnikova. Life is waiting for love "
  • 2008 - "Yuri Nikulin. About sad and funny "
  • 2010 - "Ingeborg Dapkunay. Without complexes and bad habits "
  • 2011 - "Stored Fate"
  • 2011 - "Anatoly Papanov. From comedy to tragedy "
  • 2013 - "Leonid Kharitonov. Falling Stars »
  • 2015 - "Innokenty Smoktunovsky. Beyond the mind "
  • 2015 - "Jeanne Prokhorenko. "Leave you your love ..." "
  • 2015 - "Vera Vasilyeva. Unknown joy "
  • 2015 - "Nonna Mordyukova. Soul Naraspack "
  • 2016 - "Lyubov Kazarnovskaya. My angel has a name "
  • 2016 - "Dmitry Shostakovich. I leave your heart in a pledge. "
  • 2017 - "Irina Allegrova. I can not regret "
  • 2017 - "Alexander Demyanenko. Shurik against Shurik "
  • 2017 - "Olga Ostrumova. When you understand ... "
  • 2017 - "Igor Kirillov. How young we were"

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