Spartak - Biography of Gladiator, film, actors and roles, image, character, photo


Character History

The historical character, Frakian, who became a slave in Rome, then the gladiator, and in the end - the leader of the uprising of gladiators and slaves. He became a character of several historical novels and films.

Image in history

Spartak in the arena

Spartacus rebellion occurred in Italy in the 70s BC. As it happened so that Spartak fell into slavery, it is not clear, and little about the early years of the Hero's life is known. It is known that Spartak was located in the gladiator school in Kapuye - the city in southern Italy, from where he made escape along with the seven dozens of supporters.

The fugitives took place on Vesuvi, where a detachment was sent against them. Spartak managed to create a strong army of slaves and maintain a discipline at a high level. The Italian poor was joined to this army, and in a number of fighting army Spartak could cause serious lesions to Roman legions.

Spartak (ART)

The rebel army over time increased from 70 people to 120 thousand. Spartak broke the Roman consuls and reached his army to borders in the north of Italy. It is believed that Spartak planned to translate through the Alps, but something made it change the solution and turn back.

In the meantime, the Roman troops, abandoned against Spartak, headed the commander Mark Ltivinsky Krass. This person was able to raise the combat capability of the Army of Romans. Spartak with their army rebels retreated and was going to sail Sicily to Island, but this plan failed.

Simon Merrells in the role of Mark Crass

Under the leadership of Crassus, fortifications were created and ditch, which cut off the Spartak army from the rest of Italy and deprived it to maneuver. Nevertheless, the rebels broke through strengthening and won another victory.

At this good luck turned away from Spartacus. The army of the rebels ended the resources, and two more army joined the Romans. According to legend, Spartak died in battle during the battle on the river. On this, the Hero's life ended, and the uprising was suppressed.


Kirk Douglas as Spartacus in the film Stanley Kubrick

In 1960, the film "Spartak" director Stanley Kubrika. The main role was played by American actor Kirk Douglas. In the center of the plot - the rebellion of slaves under the leadership of Gladiator Spartak, who challenges the Roman power.

In the film in the scenery of ancient Rome, acute social problems are illuminated, characteristic of the United States of the period - racial discrimination, the persecution of "ideologically wrong" cultural figures and so on.

In 1926, the Soviet historical drama "Spartak" came out, where the role of the main character was played by actor Nikolai Antonovich Deinar. The scenario was based on the novel of the Italian writer Rafaello Jovanoli. The novel is based on historical facts, but the writer introduced a fictional love line into it.

Goran Vishnichev in the role of Spartak

Romantic communications arises between Spartak and Valeria, a notable patrician, and in the meantime, Greek Kurtyzanka is in love with the hero, which Spartak rejects. The story of the love of Spartak and Valeria, the spouses of the Roman dictator Sulla, moved to the film. The tape was black and white and dumb.

In 2004, the Spartak Action was released by Robert Dorngelm's director Robert Dorngelm with actor Goran Cherny. The scenario of this film is based on the novel about Spartak, written by the American writer Howard Fast. The same novel was the basis of the film Stanley Kubrika 1960, but the new screen version is much closer to the novel along the plot.

Creators of the 2004 screening in the mass of parts repeated the film Kubrick, using identical costumes and scenery, but in this version, historical inconsistencies were corrected, which sinned "Spartak" Kubrick.

Andy Whitfield as Spartacus

In 2010, the American historical series "Spartak" began to leave. The main role in the first season was played by actor Andy Whitfield, which in the next seasons changed Liam Makintyer. In Russian dubble, Spartak voiced Denis Capless. The series does not reflect the real historical events, but is saturated with bright scenes and manifestations of cruelty.

A total of three seasons of the series came out. In the first season - "Spartak: blood and sand" - the plot is spinning around the conflict of Thracian tribes with allies-Romans, which arose due to the fact that the Romans violated the terms of the contract. As a result, the leader of the Thracians Spartak turns out to be in the Romans in captivity.

Liam Makintyre in the role of Spartak

The hero and his other prisoner compatriots are forced to fight in the arena. At the end of the season, one noble Roman buys Spartacus for his own school of gladiators.

In the second season, which is called "Spartak: revenge," there is an uprising of gladiators, which turns Rome to horror. The authorities send troops to the city of the road, where Spartak with the army of liberated slaves is located in order to destroy this army before it goes to destroy the Roman power. In the final season - "Spartak: Cursed War" - the conflict reaches apogee and ends the death of the main character.

Spartak - Biography of Gladiator, film, actors and roles, image, character, photo 1205_8

In addition to the three seasons, a six-partition has been released "Spartak: the gods of the arena." Here the protagonist is not Spartak, but a Hannik, one of the gladiators of the house of Batiat, a notable Roman, who bought Spartacus in the first season. Spartak here appears only in the last series in the form of a voice that hear dying baty with his wife in the last seconds of the film.

Interesting Facts

Spartak - Symbol of Football Club
  • In honor of Spartacus, two Moscow sports clubs are named - hockey and football. Some Spartak fans are used as an emblem Gladiator's helmet.
  • In Soviet times, the image of Spartak as a "fighter for social justice" was actively replicated and became popular. People began to give the name of Spartak to their children. Known, for example, Soviet actor Spartak Mishulin.
  • Writer Howard Fast wrote his novel about Spartak in an American prison, where he fell for the commitment of communist glances.
Guy Julius Caesar
  • Some researchers believe that in the suppression of the uprising of Spartak, Guy Julius Caesar participated. Allegedly Caesar could be prepared by recruits and even participate in hostilities, during which a close to the commander of Mark Crass, which later contributed to Caesar's career. It is not known for sure if it really is that it is only an assumption.

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