Amelia Warner - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Amelia Warner began his star career as an actress British TV series BBC. Wide popularity came to her after the role in the film "Mansfield Park", shot on the novel Jane Austin. The success of Amelia fastened in the pictures of Lornen Dun and Pen Marquis de Garda.

However, after the debut in Hollywood with the Ribbon "Eon Flaks", the actress reduces the frequency of filming in the cinema and appeals to musical creativity. Today it is the author of the soundtracks to the films. In addition, Amelia is a large mother. With a husband Jamie Dornan - the star painting "Fifty shades of gray", she rages three children.

Childhood and youth

Amelia Catherine Bennett (real name Actress) was born on June 4, 1982 in Liverpool, United Kingdom. Parents Amelia - Actors Alan Lewis and Annette Ekkl. In the pedigree actress there are English, Wales and Swedish roots. The creative family was early broken down: the girl was 4 years old when the mother took her and left in London. Here, their measured life flowed - Annette worked, Amelia was preparing to go to school.

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The young lady's primary education was obtained in the Royal Masonic school for girls, where he made the first steps to meet the actor - was recorded in the theater group and performed in school productions. Being a twin on the sign of the zodiac, Amelia was born a very thin creative nature. In early youth showed craving for art. Therefore, after high school, she entered the College of Fine Arts in London, then continued to study art directions at the University of Goldsmit.

Also, the girl in his youth seriously fond of music, learns to play piano. They and Mom were the regulars of the British festival of modern performing arts. Annette was against the recruitment of his daughter to the acting profession, but the passion for music was encouraged.


The experience of Amelia actresses got early, still a teenager, a beautiful talented girl, noticed producers and invited to be filmed into the "Catastroph" mining project (1998). A year later, the girl moved to the shooting platform of another series - "Aristocrats" (1999). In the same happy year for her and held a debut on the big screen. Mensfield Park Melodrama on the novel of the popular British writer Jane Austin brought young Warner leading role and popular recognition.

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Amelia played the main character of the film - Fanny Price in his youth. Fanny - a modest cute girl whose mother married a poor man and thus moved away from his relatives-aristocrats. Nevertheless, life develops so that Fanny at 10 years old is forced to go to live to a rich family - the family of Berrtram. For young price, a new life begins, in which there is a place and humiliation, and suffering, and great love. Her girl meets in the face of Edmund's cousin.

Dramatic talent of a young actress did not stay unnoticed by Matrah Hollywood. In 2000, the Ribbon "Pen Marquis de Garda" came to the screens. The film-biography on the odious and scandalous personality of the beginning of the 19th century became a nominee for a number of prestigious filmmakers: Oscar, Bafta, awards Guild of film actors, "Golden Globe". As a result, I received the Golden Satellite Prize.

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Warner played Simono - the role of the second plan, and its partners were stars such as Kate Winslet, Jeffrey Rush and Hoakin Phoenix.

In 2000, Amelia again returns to a small screen. Fans, who by this time there are already many, watch it as Judy Whitemore - the heroine of the series "Resecting the Dead", telling about the work of a special division of the British Scotland-yard, which is engaged in unpropered crimes, for which new evidence, figurants, facts found.

Next year, the first full-fledged major role appears in the filmography. Events in the painting "Laura Dong" unfold at the end of the 18th century. Amelia Warner and English actor Richard Koil played representatives of two warrant clans. Young people, despite hatred, fall in love with each other, not knowing what turns voted to them. The film is removed from the name of the writer of Richard Blackmore.

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By the mid-2000s, Amelia is already well known in the homeland as an actress of predominantly melodramatic amplua. A variety of genre repertoire British makes a comedy ribbon tape (2004). In this tape, Warner is reincarnated in Italian Rosette, for the heart of which two brothers - Angelo and Gino Donnini fight.

In 2005 - new shooting in Hollywood. Warner is invited to the fantastic film Karina Kusama "Eon Flaks". Eon Flax performed by Charlize Theron - Spy from the technocratic race "Moniktsev", receiving a task to oppose the current power. Her sister Uu (Amelia Warner) is killed while she fulfills an important order. Eon decides to take revenge.

Immediately 2 tapes with the participation of the actress overlook the screens in 2007. Thriller "Missing" lifted by British and Australian cinematographers. In the center of the plot - a young couple of Sophie lovers and Alex (Amelia and Sean Evans) traveling along the coast of Australia. Casual fellow traveler persuades them to drive deep into the continent. An innocent sentence turns into a chain of terrible events.

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The second picture - Fantasy Drama David L. Canningham "Sunrise Darkness" about the adventures of the boy Will Stanton, who, being the last of the immortal warriors, fights against the coming sunrise. Warner played a character named Maggie Barnes.

Until 2012, the British actress is filmed back in three not too well-known paintings, after which she pauses in a film engineer associated with the beginning of family life and the birth of children. However, the role of mother and wife does not prevent her from discovering a new facet of talent - composer.


Back in 2010, Amelia wrote a soundtrack to the British short film "MAM". If this event noted only the elected circle of actress fans, then the song "Please, Please, Please Let Me Get What I Want", written by her in 2011 for a commercial, thundered to the whole country and became incredibly popular.

The first in life of the album appears in 2015. This is a classic instrumental mini disk called "Arms".

Since 2016, Warner works tightly as a film composer - he writes music to the film "Mother's list" and "Mary Shelly". In 2017, the actress-musician released the second mini-album "Visitors".

Personal life

At certain points, Personal life Amelia Warner eclipsed her acting popularity. For example, in the early 2000s, many viewers knew her as a friend of the Irish actor, Colin Farrell, to whom the world glory came at that time.

They met at the premiere of the film "Feathers" in 2000, and in 2002 newspapers wrote that the ceremony of their marriage was held on Tahiti. Later, the stars said that the act was more comic and had no legal strength. Indeed, young people felt 4 months after these events.

In 2010, Amelia met British actor Jamie Dornan - the future star of the sensational film agencies "Fifty shades of gray." She checked this relationship for strength 3 years. Only in 2013, the wedding of two stars of cinema was celebrated.

In November 2013, their first daughter was born Dalssi Danann, and in 2016 - the second Elva Danan. The third child is 36-year-old actress gave birth in March 2019. The name of the newborn baby parents do not advertise.

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The actress is an opponent to expose private life to everyone. In its social networks (active in Twitter and Instagram) will not meet family photos. The woman only makes a hint that in her cozy nest everything is fine: the fire is so much flawed, the ruddy pie for tea is baked here, and here it is comfortable in the chair a big dog - universal favorite.

Although the paparazzi is also a matter of the family Danan-Warner in rare moments of rest. So, in the summer of 2018, photos from Sea Walking Amelia and Jamie were leaked to the network. According to the fallen figure, the actress (height is 168 cm) and it became known about the emergency replenishment.

Amelia Warner now

Now Amelia Warner is absorbed by maternity and care for the house. Sometimes she accompanies her husband into the light - on the premieres and presentations, and this is a big event for reporters who are not averse to shoot a star pair for a secular chronic column.


  • 1999 - "Mansfield Park"
  • 2000 - "Pen Marquis de Garda"
  • 2000 - "Resecting the Dead"
  • 2001 - "Laura Dong"
  • 2004 - "Brothers-rivals"
  • 2005 - "Eon Falaks"
  • 2007 - "Missing"
  • 2007 - "Sunrise Darkness"
  • 2008 - "Echo"
  • 2010 - "Olga"
  • 2012 - "The Other Side"


  • 2015 - "Arms"
  • 2017 - "Visitors"

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