Sergey Kosonin - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Honored Artist of Russia, theater and cinema actor Sergey Koshonin is known to the audience roles in the cult melodrama "Interdebchochka" and in many "cops" serials of the film studios of St. Petersburg. He recognizes and love the audience, although in his youth planned to become a military, not an artist. But fate is favorable towards Sokonin, because the images of the military in his filmography occupy hardly a third.

Childhood and youth

A future actor was born in the midst of the spring of 1958 in the cultural capital of Russia. His childhood and youth passed in Leningrad. There is no information about the parents of Nosonin, it is known only that they did not have a relationship to the world of theatrical and cinema articles. Sergey Raisen the ordinary guy, did not dream about the scene and the set. Like most of the peers, was fond of sports and at this soil reached considerable results.

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The debut in the movie took place when Sergey Kosonin studied in the 8th grade. The desired type saw in a festive guy director's assistant. She suggested Sergey to play Igor Koltsov in a film of Boris Frumum "Diary of the School Director". The schoolboy did not see the reasons for refusal. So the creative biography of the artist began, although he did not suspect that others followed by this role.

The picture came out on the screens in 1975 and was warmly accepted by the audience and film critics, which is not wise: Oleg Borisov, Iia Savvina, Alla Pokrovskaya and Lyudmila Gurchenko starred in the tape. But the appearance in the film Sokonin categorically did not like it.

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It seems that the director saw in his game the error, because the hero of Sergey speaks not his voice. However, not his own, and the voice of Alexander Demyanenko spoke in Ribe and the character Yuri Vyborribor also spoke.

In the graduation classes, Kosonin forgot about his first acting experience, because she was preparing for admission to a military school. After the failure of the exams, Sergey delivered documents to the theater university and suddenly did for himself. He studied at the course of Lion Dodina. In the late 1970s, Leningradets became a graduate artist.


Yesterday graduate Ligitmik was taken to the droupe of the youth theater on the fountain. Here the artist went on stage 20 years, embodied under the leadership of the artist of the seeds of Spivak more hundreds of images. Especially remembered the theatras of the roles that Kosonin played in performances on the plays of Alexander Volodin. In the film artist diverse images.

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Later, in an interview, Sergey Anatolyevich admitted that his repertoire no one limited, but to leave the theater walls forced too a modest salary. The collapse of the Union pushed out to the streets of many colleagues, which because of their launched tried to find themselves in other professions.

I did not exception and Sergey Kosonin: in life, and not on stage reincarnated in the courier. Once in his backpack, which transported from the Moldavian capital to St. Petersburg, turned out to be an incredible amount of 150 million rubles. The mission for the transport of such capital ended well.

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In the mid-1990s, Sokonin tried strength in producing. His first wards were the Gypsy musical team. In 1996, the album came out, but the producer promised in the future to bypass the Roma side, because they came to the record, they came to the record, grabbing infants and provisions. The experience gained was useful: Sergey Koshonin created a private theater association "Art Peter", within which he went on the stage with invited artists.

The actor played at the time at the time, but two of them were crucial for further creativity. On the set of the tape "Flying of the Birds", Kosonin met with Elena Yakovleva, which led him to Peter Todorovsky. The director gained actors to the "Interdevochka" film became the cult film.

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Yakovleva counted that Kosonin will play a trucker driver, but the director gave the role of Martinsh Wilson. Sergey got an episode, but he was noticed. This little work (taxi driver) in the tape, thundered for the whole alliance, carried out an artist to the top of the film college.

The second chamber of the 90s is the series "Streets of broken lamps." This ribbon began "Gangster" and "Menta" gallery of images created by the actor in a row beloved by the people of the serials about the confrontation of goodness with evil. The role of Maxim Virigin in the Multi-Series Comedy Detective "Devolutionary Force", where Konstantin Khabensky's star rose, fixed Kosonin in Russian cinema. In the series, he appeared from the 2nd to the 6th seasons in the company with Evgeny Gadelin and Andrei Fedortsov.

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The films "Brothers", "The Law of the Hare", "Operational Development", "Cargo" were noticeable filmmakers in the new century. The artistic tape is a mansion, which is based on real events, it is impossible to pardon. " Kosonin appeared as General Syno, and his partners were taken by Anastasia Melnikov and Valery Degtyar. Picture - Mix of genres of action, detective and melodramas.

In his youth, artist trusted the images of cheerful and "clutter" characters, and in mature years, Sergey Kosonin works in the roles of the generals and authorities of the criminal world. In one of the episodes of the "Foundry", the audience learned the actor in the form of Viktor Yanukovych, at that time the head of the Ukrainian Power.

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The film critics were called the work of the artist in a detective "Nevsky", where he was transformed into a police colonel of the Lyubimov. The series fell on the souls to the audience, and in 2017 a continuation was published.

In 2018, Kosonin does not change the traditions and is filmed in disdicamentary series, which are still rapidly gaining high ratings. He lit up in the projects "Stationery Rat", "Spare Player" and "Defense Avenue".

Personal life

At high (height 1.86 m) and a charismatic actor, a lot of fans among the women's audience, but the personal life of Kosonin has long developed: he is married to the decorator-butafore Lolita Kosonina. Spouses raised the son of Ivan.
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Ivan Koshonin went in the footsteps of his father and found himself in cinema, but he chose not the acting path, and the film operator.

The family of the artist acquired a small house in Finland, where he loves to relax. Next to the house is a luxury forest rich in mushrooms and berries. For their collection, the spouses spend their free time.

Sergey Kosonin now

About the demand of Kosonin speaks his rapidly growing filmography. Now the actor is involved in 5 projects, the premiere of which is announced for 2019. In the production of 16-serial drama "Defense Avenue" with Makar Zaporizhia and Victoria Romanenko and the new season of the loved series Nevsky.

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In 2019, the broadcast of a multi-seater militant "five minutes of silence" with Igor Lifanov starred, where Sergey Anatolyevich played Farmer Vanitsky. Photo from shooting tapes appeared online.


  • 1975 - "School Director Diary"
  • 1980 - "Last Escape"
  • 1984 - "lived a doctor"
  • 1989 - "Interdestochka"
  • 1998 - "Streets of broken lamps-2"
  • 2000 - "National Security Agent-2"
  • 2000 - "Cinderella Hunt"
  • 2000-06 - "Deadly Power"
  • 2007 - "Bare Law"
  • 2010 - "Goodbye" Makarov "!"
  • 2011 - "Rage"
  • 2012 - "Military intelligence. First hit"
  • 2012 - "Cargo"
  • 2014-15 - "Nevsky"
  • 2016 - "Glove Aurora"
  • 2018 - "Stationery Rat"
  • 2018-19 - "Five minutes of silence"

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