Otto Schmidt - photos, biography, personal life, cause of death, expedition



Schmidt surname, from German and some other languages, transferred to Kuznetsov, wore many famous people - scientists and writers, athletes and warlords. Two Schmidt are most famous in Russia - a rebellious Black Sea Lieutenant, who has become with the filing of Ilfa and Yevgeny Petrov, a character of Baj and jokes, and "Red Columbus" named Otto. The polar researcher combined the talent of mathematics and geophysics with the organizational talent and had the appearance of Santa Claus.

Childhood and youth

Otto Yulievich Schmidt was born in the fall of 1891 in the Russian Empire. In the biographical film on the 1964 scientist, it was stated that the native of the city of Mogilev, who made a huge contribution to science, took place from the Latvian peasants. This is not exactly true: Schmidt's ancestors from the Father's side are Germans.

Portrait of Otto Schmidt

Interesting facts of the early biography of Schmidt:

  • In 1897, a note about 6-year-old Otto Schmidte appeared in the newspaper Mogilev - the child overcame the river of the native city;
  • At 8 years old, the boy dreamed of becoming a "director" of the Sahara desert to solve the problem of water supply;
  • During training in the Kiev gymnasium, Otto once did not learn the proof of the theorem given to the house and during the response to the lesson proved the desired postulate by its method.

In his youth, Schmidt made a list of books that want to read. It turned out that for the realization of the conceived will need to avoid death for a thousand years. The young man reduced the list 4 times, as well as to approach the implementation of the dream, reduced the time for sleep and eating.

Otto Schmidt in youth

After graduating from the gymnasium of the gold medalist, Otto entered the University of Kiev. Scientific work published in student years in the field of mathematical theory opened the young man in private associates (analogue of a modern graduate school). The young man was preparing to get the title of professor.

Scientific activity

Schmidt confessed that two people lived in it - science and actions: the socio-economic changes that took place in Russia satisfy the second and Otto more than the first. During World War I, the scientist came to the Kiev Merry and offered to cope with the hunger by introducing food distribution developed by him.

After the victory of the October Revolution, Schmidt joined the Bolsheviks Party, moved to Petrograd, and then to Moscow. Soon the scientist became a member of the Food Commissioner, participated in the formation of prospects. In January 1919, on behalf of Vladimir Lenin, Otto Yulievich amounted to a draft decree on consumer communes. The future polarist worked and in the drug addict - improved vocational training workers.

Scientist Otto Schmidt

The person of the encyclopedic outlook, Otto Schmidt became the chief editor of the "Big Soviet Encyclopedia", the duties were informally - the mistakes found in the articles did not emphasize, but his own correctly corrected. Over time, the achievements of a scientist in the fields of geography and astronomy have been added to the youthful merit in the field of mathematics.

In the 40s of the 20th century, Schmidt created a hypothesis of the emergence of a solar system from a gas-pepped cloud. During the Great Patriotic War, the scientist, being a vice-president of the Academy of Sciences, organized the evacuation of research institutes to the East.


In Otto, Schmidte lived Jules-Vernovsky spirit of hiking. Being on treatment in Germany, the scientist "fell ill with mountain climbing and in 1928 organized an expedition to the Pamir, which was the result of the establishment of nature and genuine sizes of the Fedchenko glacier. When conquering mountain peaks, Schmidt showed unusual for a scientist the ability to lead people in emergency circumstances, visited in marine campaigns in the Arctic.

Participants of the expedition North Pole 1, Heroes of the Soviet Union: I. T. Spirin, M. I. Shevelev, M. S. Babushkin, O. Yu. Schmidt, M. V. Vodopyanov, A. D. Alekseev, V. S. Molokov

The beginning of the Arctic Epopea Otto Julievich put 2 swimming on the icebreaker "Sedov". The mission of the first - "scientific and diplomatic" - the hike was the confirmation of the sovereignty of a young Soviet country over the land of Franz Joseph. The achievements of the expedition were the rise of the sulfur-hammer flag on the island of Gucker and the record of penetration into the northern latitudes of the icebreaking vessel. At the end of the second northern hike, Otto Julievich confirmed the fact of the existence of the island of a visa, open, like the Neptune planet, by mathematical calculations, and the island called the name of Schmidt.

In 1932, a scientist, shortly before that, headed by the Research Institute of the Arctic, went to swim in the icebreaking ship "Alexander Sibiryak" in order to evof the possibility of overcoming the Northern Sea Path for one navigation. On the 14th day, the participants of the campaign started in Arkhangelsk were embraced on the northern earth with the polar explorers left there 2 years ago during the second Schmidt Arctic Expedition.

Otto Schmidt in the Arctic Expedition

Since the shed between the island of the Bolshevik and the Taimyr Peninsula was filled with ice, the travelers decided to bypass the archipelago from the north, which until it was possible to any ship. On September 10, 200 km from Bering Strait Ice broke the rowing of the icebreaker, and Sibiryakov got up. To raise the stern and eliminate the breakdown, the vessel team dragged 400 tons of coal to the ship's nose. After repair, fuel reserves returned to the feed part, and Siberians continued swimming.

Then followed the second accident. Maritime sailors who raised empty sails over the icebreaker, pulled up the ship by cables, exploded the torus using ammonal. At the beginning of the second autumn month of 1932, Sibiryakovtsy reached Cape Dezhnev and salute victory over nature and circumstances. Soon Otto Schmidt became the official head of Soviet polar explorers.

In the summer of next year, the famous Arctic scholar epic was launched - swimming on a ship "Chelyuskin", which English playwright Bernard Shaw drew a tragedy, an amazing way turned into a Soviet triumph. The cargo-passenger vessel assembled on the Danish shipyards was not adapted for walking in arctic latitudes.

On September 23, ice blocked the vessel just in the place of last year's accident "Sibiryakov". For this, an almost 5-month drift was followed, and on February 13, the ice floes dismissed the steamer, and "Chelyuskin" sank. During the evacuation, Zaneshosis was killed, the name of which took place from the name of the hometown of Schmidt.

The remaining 104 people, including 10 women and two children, spent 2 months on ice and were evacuated during over 20 rescue flights. Schmidt supported the spirit of his comrades and even read scientific lectures in the tent. Otto Julievich was intended to be evacuated on the latter, but sick with heavy pneumonia, and at the insistence of the Socked Government on April 11 evacuated to the hospital in Alaska.

Ivan Papanin, Otto Schmidt and Mikhail Vodopyanov

Moscow met "Chelyuskintsev" as winners. The numerous photos captured by Muscovites, welcoming Arctic navigators. Rescue pilots became the first heroes of the Soviet Union, and the adult participants of the expedition received the Order.

In 1937, the aircraft with Otto Schmidt and other polar explorers reached the North Pole, and the Soviet station with such a name was organized near the "Makushka" of the Earth. The head of the world in the world of the drifting station was Ivan Papanin, subsequently shumped by Schmidt from the post of head of the head of the head.

Personal life

The tall, blue-eyed, with a rapid light gait, who sought to joke over the other and over himself, Otto enjoyed success from the beautiful sex. Three favorite women presented a scientist three sons.

Sigurd Schmidt, son Otto Schmidt

The first wife Otto Yulievich - the hereditary doctor Vera Yanitskaya - was older than a scientist for 2 years. Observations for the son of Volodya served as a woman's basis for writing the book "Mother's Diary". Vera Fedorovna, who died at 47 years from the disease of the thyroid gland, is the founder of Soviet defectology.

The second spouse of Schmidt, the peers of faith Yanitskaya, Margarita Voosker was humanitarian. Sigurd Schmidt went in the footsteps of the mother and became a famous historian. The Chelyuskin Epopea imparted an imprint on the personal life of Otto Juliyevich. From the scientist became pregnant Alexander Gorskaya, who worked on a steamer. The polar star did not destroy the marriage with a votor, but Sasha's son admitted his last name.


In recent years of life, the former navigator was seriously ill. The cause of death in a few weeks to the 65th anniversary was tuberculosis, thrown off the lungs on the larynx.

Tomb Otto Schmidt

The grave of the academician is located on the Novodevichy Cemetery of the Russian Capital.


  • Institute of Land Physics named after O.Yu. Schmidt Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Asteroid (2108) "Otto Schmidt"
  • Schmidt Plain in Antarctica
  • O. Yu. Schmidt Prize of the Russian Academy of Sciences for outstanding scientific work in the field of research and development of the Arctic.
  • Cape Otto Schmidt - Cape on Chukotka (RF)
  • Cape Schmidt - urban-type settlement on Chukotka (RF)
  • Schmidt Avenue in Mogilov (Republic of Belarus)
  • Schmidt Avenue in the cottage settlement Nikolina Mountain (Odintsovo district of the Moscow Region, RF)
  • School Museum "The Story of Mastering the Arctic. O.Yu. Schmidt MOU "Gymnasium No. 4" Murmansk (RF)
Bust Otto Schmidt
  • Peak O.Yu. Schmidt (5954 m) - "Tianshhana Kanchinjung" (known as the peak space)
  • The icebreaker of the project 51 "Otto Schmidt" (since 1938, Anastas Mikoyan, was discontinued in 1968)
  • Scientific research icebreaker of the project 97N "Otto Schmidt" (period of operation: from 1979 to 1991).
  • Names: Oyuschinld (a): "Otto Yulievich Schmidt on ice", Lagshminald (a): "Schmidt camp on ice", Lagshmivar (a), Lashmivar (a): "Schmidt camp in the Arctic"
  • Bust O.Yu. Schmidt in the Northern Sea Museum (Arkhangelsk, RF)
  • Postage stamps 1935, 1966 and 2001. release.


  • 1916 - "Abstract Group Theory"
  • 1926 - "Dialectics and Natural Science: Examples of the transition of quantity in quality"
  • 1933 - "Abstract Group Theory"
  • 1934 - "Investigation of the Arctic in the Soviet Union"
  • 1936 - "Our tasks in 1936. Report at a meeting of household workers of the Glavsevmorthuti system at the USSR SCC 13 Jan. 1936 "
  • 1944 - "Meteorite theory of the Origin of Earth and Planets" (Dokl. Academy of Sciences of the USSR)
  • 1947 - "On the possibility of capturing in heavenly mechanics"
  • 1948 - "The problem of capturing in the task of three bodies"
  • 1949 - "The origin of the Earth and Planets"
  • 1957 - "Four lectures on the theory of the origin of the Earth"
  • 1959 - "Selected Works. Mathematics"

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