Jackie Collins - photos, biography, personal life, cause of death, books



Jackie Collins, whose writing biography started after the completion of artistic, in many novels described the defects of Hollywood celestialists. In response to accusations of stars, the writer said that the lowland passions described on the pages of its works are fascinated before the dark realities of cinematographic clogging."My books are a prevention of naive girls, moving to the" Dream factory "," said Prosais.

Childhood and youth

The author of the world-famous bestsellers - the middle child of the creative married couple: the father, a leaving from South Africa, adhered to Judaism and served as a concert agent, mother, a Christian of Anglican sense, taught choreography. The girl who appeared in 1937, the parents called Jacqueline Jil. The writer is the younger sister of Joan Collins, actresses, owner of a personal star on the Hollywood "Alley of Glory." The only member of the family remaining aside from the boil of creative passions was the younger brother Bill, who became a realist.

Small Motherland Stars - the prestigious London District of Hampesen, famous for picturesque ponds, galleries and restaurants. The future novelist in adolescence was fond of reading, especially loved the books of Harold Robbins and Raymond Chandler, but he grew a restless person and fited badly into the scope of bourgeois decency.

After 50 years, the writer will say that in his youth was a "juvenile offender". In 1952, a 15-year-old girl was expelled from school, and Jackie began to be filmed in low-budget paintings and earned with scenic singing. Parents considered for the benefit to send her daughter to Hollywood to the older sister.

Books and films

In the bibliography of the fertile of the novelist, the Russian-speaking readers are easy to get confused: one and the same book was often translated several times and published in the post-Soviet space under different names. So, the "dangerous kiss" was published as "sentence of varnishes" and "bitch and their husbands", and the "Hollywood Zoo" - as "sinners".

The first of 32 Romans Collins "The World Flight of Married Men" was published in 1968. The writer of the older generation Barbara Cartlend described the literary debut of Jackie as a pornographic. Father Collins, to whom the novelnor sent his first book, also had a negative impact about the work. However, the scandalous novel became a bestseller.

A year later, the second work was published Collins "Stallion", filled in 1979. The execution of the older sister of the writer's leading role in the ribbon helped to revive the cinema career Joan. At the same time, a continuation of the novel called "Bitch" and his film, which also flashed Collins-senior.

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The work of Jackie "Hollywood wives" was not fused and most successful from a commercial point of view - in 1985, a television mini-series was released, one of the roles in which Anthony Hopkins played.

Extremely successful was a series of works about the daughter of the crime authority of Lucky Satangelo, which started in 1981 by the novel "Chances" and continued to the death of the writer. The book "Lady Boss" was the greatest popularity in the gangster epic.

In the 10th of the 21st century, Collins supplemented a series of "recognition of a wild child" and a collection of culinary recipes "Cookbook of Lucky Satangelo". Among the literary success of the novelists in the new millennium, the works of "Satan Ball" can also be called and "Mold love, please".

Collins wrote scenarios to more than dozen movies and TV shows, starred in 20 artistic ribbons, including the last year of life in the role of themselves in the painting "Akuli Tornado - 3".

Personal life

The first love of 15-year-old Jackie became the famous and distinguished by loving actor Marlon Brando, who was older than yesterday's schoolgirl for 14 years. The connection was short and children did not bring in love.

After receiving American citizenship in 1960, Jackie married Wallace Austin. Marriage with the suffering of Austin's addiction to forbidden substances lasted 4 years and presented the future writer of the daughter of Tracy.

With the second spouse - the producer of theater on Broadway Oscar Lerman, who sought Jackie to sit for writing the first novel, the woman met on a duty blindly. The spouses had two daughters - Tiffany and Rory, her husband also gave his surname of the senior tray. In 1992, Oscar died from prostate cancer.

After 2 years, the American star was engaged with a businessman Frank Calcanyini, who after 6 years also died of oncological disease. During two favorite men, the writer said that she was trying not to dwell on losses, but to appreciate every moment. The inexhaustible source of the joy of the novelist was 6 grandchildren.

Collins did not hide, which includes the rethinking moments of personal life in the plots of works. According to the "Vanity Fair", the writer loved secular parties as a source of inspiration for writing new novels. The woman sought to fit the bohemian environment, followed the appearance and, as evidenced by the photo, looked substantially younger than the passport age.


Jackie Collins died early in the fall of 2015, without surviving 2 weeks before the 78th anniversary. The cause of death was breast cancer, which was diagnosed by the author of bestsellers for 6 years before the death. Jackie hid a disease from everyone, except for her daughters, and, despite the operation, chemotherapy and irradiation, lived in full life - traveled, writing novels.

9 days before the focus end took part in the television show.

"I went my way to the end, just like in the song Frank Sinatra," said the novelist smile.

Family Collins asked Jackie's fans to honor her memory, instead of colors sent donations to the organization to combat cancer. The writer is buried at the cemetery "Memorial Park" in Los Angeles, where they found the last shelter such celebrities like Marilyn Monroe, Cerma Cover, Peter Falk, Ray Bradbury.


  • 1968 - "The world is full of married men"
  • 1969 - "Stallion"
  • 1971 - "Hollywood Zoo" ("Sinners")
  • 1975 - "The world is full of divorced women"
  • 1979 - "Break"
  • 1981 - "Chances"
  • 1983 - "Hollywood Wives"
  • 1986 - "Hollywood husbands"
  • 1990 - "Lady Boss"
  • 1994 - "Hollywood children"
  • 1999 - "Dangerous Kiss" ("Besta and their husbands")
  • 2002 - "Satan Ball"
  • 2003 - "Hollywood Divorces"
  • 2007 - "Murderless"
  • 2012 - "Reline love, please"
  • 2013 - "Recognition of the Wild Child"
  • 2014 - "Cookbook Lucky Satangelo"
  • 2015 - "Satangelo"


  • 1954 - "And in Mount and Joy"
  • 1957 - "Closed Law"
  • 1958 - "The intention to kill"
  • 1960 - "extortion"
  • 1978 - "Stallion"
  • 1979 - "Break"
  • 1990 - "Lucky" ("Chances")
  • 1992 - "Lady Boss"
  • 2009 - "Riddling Joan Rivers"
  • 2012 - "Maria"
  • 2015 - "Akuliy Tornado 3"

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