Natalia Melekhova - biography, appearance, image, heroes, quotes, photos, comparative characteristics


Character History

The character of the novel "Quiet Don" Mikhail Sholokhov. The wife of the main character, the Cossack of the village of Veshinskaya Grigoria Melekhova. He married a man who did not love her and married exclusively by the will of his father.

History of creation

Mikhail Sholokhov

Sholokhov worked on the novel "Quiet Don" fifteen years, from 1925 to 1940. In total, the writer created four volumes, which published separately, as the work is completed on each. The first three volumes were published in the Literary Journal October, and the fourth volume was published in the magazine "New World". For the novel "Quiet Don" Sholokhov received the Nobel Prize in literature in 1965.

Initially, Sholokhov was going to write a novel about the revolution on Don, and the events began to unfold from the summer of 1917. However, working on the text quickly went into a dead end, because Sholokhov realized that without the prehistory, the reader of the novel would not understand. To think about the text and the collection of materials necessary for the work, Sholokhov left a year. Later, the author began working from the beginning, and the effect of the novel was transferred to the pre-war years. After the release of Roman Sholokhov became famous.

"Silent Don"

Illustration to the novel

The beginning of the novel falls for 1912, Natalia at this time is 18 years old. This is a shopping girl who is constantly working at home and in the fields is engaged in needlework. The heroine is beautiful, smaghed and sermoraza, she has straight black hair. Natalia Elegant appears in the church, hear in the district of the promising bride, but a timid character. Natalia is a frequency and truthful person, often confused. From the permanent work of the hand, the heroine has become large and rough.

Heroian father is a rich Cossack Miron Korshunov. Natalia has two younger sisters - twelve-year-old Marishka and an eight-year-old Gripka, Balovnitsa and Porosha, as well as Brother Mitya. Father refers to Natalia with love. The temper of the heroine is humble, which is repeatedly mentioned. Natalia is afraid to object to people, never raises the voices and "not coming out of power." At home, Natalia is obedient and respectful, serving his grandfather - he reserves his clothes, sheshes, knits stockings.

Gregory Melekhov and Natalia Korshunova

Despite the fact that Korshunov are the richest family on the farm, who kept enough workers, children argued there to harsh labor and made a lot to work. As a result, Natalia has grown a serious and strict woman who is not prone to "balletness", merry and entertainment. The heroine with squeamishness belongs to frivolous girls who allow themselves love of love.

The heroine knows how to hide feelings well, do not tend to share with close sadness and show your own emotional state. If Natalia flashes, then it makes it secretly, silently worries her husband's treason. Gregory considers the wife of "candy" - slow and indifferent, not capable of passion.

Nevertheless, for Gregory Melekhov heroine comes out of love, while the groom himself does not feel any feelings for the girl and takes her "on the settlement" - as a business woman from a rich family. Natalia is married to Gregory on its own choice, refusing to other, more prominent and rich grooms. Natalia agreed to go back to the monastery than to go over the other, and parents give the girl the opportunity to make a choice on their own.

Grigory Melekhov

After the wedding, Natalia moves to the house of her husband and there it is necessary to temper the parents of Gregory because of a quiet nature and hard work. Gregory himself from the cold and quiet wife is not delighted and misses the mistress of Axier, which she still loves. Unlike passionate Axigny, Natalia was clamped and submissive in bed, "non-good" to caress, so the Grigory himself spent the nights with the legitimate wife "responsibility."

It takes quite a bit of time after the wedding, and Grigory throws Natalia, leaves to the Aksinier, with which he lives in the estate of a certain Panotitsky.

Natalia perceives Grigory's departure as undeserved and unexpected offense. The heroine even comes to his father who tells about the act of her husband and asks to pick her back to the parental house.

Aksinha Astakhov

From the point of view of Natalia, she did not insult her husband, the heroine does not understand why he left the house without saying a word. The father of the heroine, Miron, is only angry with the daughter due to the fact that she humiliates before the wrong husband, and at the same time forcing the humiliation and the Mirone himself.

By the farm after the departure, Gregory begins to walk offensive gossip about Natalia. Once the heroine hears the conversation of neighbors, which will be brought to her in vain. On the same day, Natalia tries to commit suicide, but remains alive. On the neck of the heroine after this incident remains scars. Because of the damaged "residents", Natalia crooked his head as "paralytic", but still remains a young and quite attractive woman.

Appearance of Natalia Mehovova

After these events, Natalia feels someone else's parental house. In addition, the heroine is awkward to look at the relatives after an attempt of suicide, the woman feels that he moved away from them. As a result, Natalia decides to move to Melekhov, Gregory's parents. Father did not want to let go to Natalia, tried to shame and dissuade, but Natalia still moved. The old men take the heroine as a native.

Natalia continues to hope that her husband returns to her, keeps loyalty and waiting for letters from Gregory, although he does not write himself. The attachment of Natalia to her husband Sholokhov calls the "dog". The accumulated aggression of the heroine does not turn to her husband, but takes over to Axier, considering that the "repulsed" Grigory and broke the heroine life.

Axinya does not find out without reason that this Natalia took his beloved from her. The fact is that Natalia also knew about the love relationship between Aksigni and Grigory, but I ignored this fact and married the hero. When Natalia comes to Aksinier with a request to "give" her husband, she calls the heroine of "violet pod."

Wedding Gregory Melekhova and Natalia Korshunova

Later, however, Axigna changes Gregory, and he returns to his wife. Natalia feels happy and even begins to show a love passion. Natalia is born twins, boy and girl, and the heroine devotes to children. For six years of the collaboration of Gregory, Gregory is bothering with Natalia, and after the appearance of children ceases to treat the heroine with dislike and in his own way even ties to it.

However, the fate of a merciless to Natalia, and after some time the love relationship between Gregory and Aksinhay flashes again. Natalia is just pregnant again when he learns that the husband appears again with his mistress. Patient Natalia understands that it is not able to continue to live further, and does not want to give birth to children from a man who does not love her. A woman decides to make an abortion and disperse with her husband, pick up children and go to their parents with them. However, the abortion passes unsuccessfully, and Natalia dies. The tragic biography of the heroine is completed.

Natalia Melekhova and Aksinha Astakhova

Natalia Melekhova and Aksinha Astakhova

Natalia is a beautiful woman who is "in the eye Shib." The heroine is good, with a thin swollen mill, but Natalia lacks the ferventness and bright temperament of Axigny, Migoria Melekhov's mistress. Aksinya lives with her husband next to Melekhov. One day, Aksigni's husband goes to military fees, and Grigory Melekhov immediately flashes with a neighbor's stormy romance.

Axigna is a gusty and sincere woman who is indifferent to say people. Gregory and Aksinhu combine the ability to dive into feelings and passion of nature. In Aksinier, a very feminine start, the heroine is attractive for men, sensual and fervent. Aksinya dies, the fastening bullet, in the Roman Final, when the heroes under the cover of the night are sent to the village of Morozovskaya. After that, the hero is immersed in depression.

Grigory Melekhov

Natalia Gregory does not cause any feelings. Even at the wedding, the hero pays more attention to how guests be at the table, than the young bride. The attachment to the legitimate wife wakes up in Gregory only after children are born. Natalia itself belongs to her husband with devotion and tenderness, exists in all obedience and humility, and in sensual attitude behaves shy and chaste.


The first film is "quiet dona" published in 1930. This is a black and white melodramatic film, filmed by the director Olga Preobrazhenskaya and Ivan the Legal. The role of Natalia played actress Raisa Luzhna. The film was originally released dumb and voiced only in 1933.

Zinaida Kiriyenko as Natalia Melekhova

In 1958, a three-singular military drama "Quiet Don" was published with actress Zinaida Kiriyenko as Natalia. The film was shot by director Sergei Gerasimov on Maxim Gorky's film studio. Mikhail Sholokhov first looked at the only mounted tape and was satisfied, although there are some discrepancies between the film and Roman. In the name of ideological considerations, those episodes were removed from the scenario, where "red" showed cruelty and dishonesty, but they exaggerated the negative "features" whites.

In 2006, the series "Silent Don" from seven episodes came out. This is a joint project of Russia, Great Britain and Italy, the series has been published in English. Removed by the director Sergey Bondarchuk. The role of Grigoria Melekhova fulfilled the British actor Rupert Everett, who was stunned by the proposal to play the Cossack and considered the role of certainly interesting, but at the same time "nightmare" in terms of work. In the Russian version, the role of Actor Maxim Sukhanov was voiced. The image of Natalia in the series embodied the Russian actress Alena Bondarchuk, which called this role as best in his career.

Alena Bondarchuk as Natalia Melekhova

The shooting of the series was conducted in Russia and Ukraine, and many Russian actors had to hastily learn English. Following materials were mounted in Italy at the Chinechite studio. Work on the series was frozen for several years due to the legal difficulties and death director.

As a result, the project has drawn and mounted Fedor Bondarchuk - Son Sergey Bondarchuk, and in 2006 the series went to the screens. The ideological and military side of the novel in the series is leveled. Women's images are overlooked - the heroines go with a uncoated head and carry haircuts, which in those days were considered indecent.

Daria Ursulak in the form of Natalia Melekhova

In 2015, another series "Silent Don" came out, this time - a purely Russian project from fourteen episodes. The series removed the director Sergey Ursulak, the role of Natalia performed the actress Daria Ursulak. It is also reduced to a minimum ideological component, there are no important scenes and heroes to understand the plot. The series was filmed on the banks of Don, in the village of Elansky, in the steppe and the farm small lober.


"And what is he, Milushka, found it good in it? If only Baba was, otherwise it was so ... neither let's go, nor a beza, one country. We have girls to smoothly walk away. In the mill - it is possible to reborn as the OSA; Occupies - black, healthy, cut them like Satan, God forgive. "" All of you like red girls! And I want, and ourselves, and Mama does not tell. "" - Do you remember, he said that Kudinov came and he sat down with him? Brechny! He had an Aksinyi. So much, pale Natalia silently broke a dry twig of the donon in his fingers. "You are not a heart, Natasha, at me." I am not glad myself, I confessed to you ... "" Well, and it came true, about which Gregory dreamed of sleepless nights. He stood at the gate of his native house, kept his son in his hands ... It was all that he had in his life, which was still relative to him with the Earth and with all this huge, shining under the cold sun. "

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