Conlena Hill - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Conlena Hill is a famous British film and theater actor, whose filmography has tens of roles in movies and the theater. And although the artist prefers theatrical layouts, worldwide glory brought television. Created by Hill Images in films and performances are bright and multi-layered. But the "pearl" in the piggy bank of the concrete is the role of Lord Varis in the cult series "Game of Thrones".

Childhood and youth

The future "master of whispers" was born in November 1964 in Northern Ireland. Childhood and youth Kelya Hill passed in Ballikasle, a small picturesque town of County Antrim. There are no information about artist's parents.

Conlena, whose full name Conlena Symus Eoin Cruiston Hill is not the only child in the family. He has two brothers and sisters. All children have chosen professions related to television and show business. The elder brother became the operator, the sister chose the produce, and the youngest of Hillov is a sound engineer who, like a conveta, brought fame to work in the fantasy series "Game of Thrones" (3 Emmy Prizes for Sound Mixed).

The artistry manifested itself in the king Hill in early childhood. With a fooling heart, a 7-year-old boy watched the performance of circus engines, tours in the town. Already then he felt a sharp desire to get on the stage and reincarnate into a clown or trainer.

After graduating from school, Hill went to St. McNissy College, and then to the School of Music and the Drama Guildholl, where he received the foundations of acting skills. In 1988 he became a certified artist. At 24, his creative biography began.

Theater and films

And theatrical, and the film artist started at the same time. In his youth, in the late 1980s, Konle Hill came out to the framework of Broadway theaters and began to be filmed in small serial roles. And the actor did not refuse work in the television and radio shop. From 2000 to 2012, he participated in radio spectacles at the BBC station, voicing various heroes.

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The first glory to the artist came in 2001, after playing in the play "Stones in Pockets". For the brilliant reincarnation and acting, the coil was presented by the premiums of Dara Mavor and Lawrence Olivier, the latter is the most prestigious theater award in Britain. The second Prize of Lawrence Olivier Hill was presented for work in the production of "Producers". And for the role in the play "New ambassadors", with the anchelates lasted several seasons on the scene of the York theater, the depth called the best actor.

For the first time, Konle Hill appeared on the screen in 1988. He was entrusted with an episode in the film "Bun". Next year, the beginning of the actor gave the role of bigger in the Sitkom of the "Catastrophe", which was broadcast from 1989 to 1995. In 1990, Hill played a hero named Liam McGinnes in the rating series "Doctors".

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This fame came to the artist in 1993, when a cult detective series "Pure English murder" came out on the screens. Keequet Hillov Spectators saw as Michael White. The rights to broadcast the British tape bought dozens of countries in Europe and America, looked at her and in Russia. The series trembled with prestigious awards, including BAFTA and a premium of the script guild.

In the same year, Hill appeared in another megapopular television project about the archaeologist and the fearless dealer of the adventures of Indiana Jones, where the famous Harrison Ford brightened. The conveta got a small role - an Irish tenor, but the episode was enough for the audience to remember the talented British.

The best filmmakers of the actor critics call pictures "Be what will be" and "the generosity of Perry", which went to hire in 2009. Here, Hill's talent revealed to a complete measure and played with new faces. The artist proved that he was under the power of a role in different roles. He managed to consolidate in Star Rank. The Irish managed after the release of melodrama Lasse Challstrama "Fish of My Dream", where Yuen McGregor and Emily Blante played key characters.

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The main role in the filmography of the actor happened in 2011, when the audience saw the 1st season of the Games of the Thrones. The image of the Varis, smart and cunning eunuch, intriguing and manipulator, brought a konlee Hilla incredible glory. In one of the interviews, Irishman admitted that the hero taught him a lot. First of all, that both in the Middle Ages, and in the modern world everyone should play their role, not trying to go beyond her framework. Hill starred in all 8 seasons of Kinobestseller.

Another megapopular project with the participation of a television station is the American legal series "Force Major" - entered the screens in 2011. Availability in it of such stars as Gabriel Maht, Patrick Jay Adams, Rick Hoffman, Megan Plant, Sarah Rufferti and Gina Torres, turned the ribbon to the chain, stretching for 8 seasons. The conveta in it got the role of Edward Darby. His hero appeared in the 2nd and 3rd seasons and remembered the audience.

Personal life

Bald Varis Intrigan outside the set is great different from the kinherman. He has a thick hair, from time to time, Kelele Hill appears in public with a mustache. Growth of the artist 1.75 m with middleweight. Very nice in youth and charming in adulthood, the actor has never been married. In 2019, Hill celebrated the 55th anniversary, but did not get his wife and children.

The convets are traditionally launched on questions about personal life, and especially inserting fans and journalists recognize that there is no romantic relationship with anyone, and there is no. The assumptions about the alternative orientation of the artist do not find confirmation, and viewing the photo that came to the network leaves the question unanswered.

The star has no pages in social networks, and the artist himself admits that it is not going to spend time on nonsense. But careful search for an account in "Instagram" gives the result: an unauthorized page with a single picture of a deposit in Peter Dinklaja. Looks like Hill in 2016 made an attempt to start an account, and then threw it.

The answer to a frequent question, is not a relative of Lee Conlena with Benny Hill, negative. Actors namesakes.

Conlena Hill now

In 2018, fans saw the pet in the thriller Matthew Batler "Island". Hill divided the main role with Alex Heasell and Tori Hart. Horror film with fantasy elements looks at one breath and keeps the viewer in tension to the final. The picture tells about the vessel, victims of a wreck next to an unknown island. On the path of the surviving team members there are hospitable aborigines, but under the near future it turns out that the Greasy Islanders are taller.

Conlena Hill in 2019

In 2019, the premiere of the spy thriller "Gostaina" took place, on the set of which Hill met, Raif Fayns, Keira Knightley and Matthew Hood met. Ribbon about Agent-Britanka, who started the scandalous secret of the illegality of the invasion of US troops to Iraq, is very fascinating, and the king of Hilla here got the role of the first plan, with which he brilliantly coped.

Now the star continues to film and please theaters to come to the layout.


  • 1988 - "Bun"
  • 1989-1995 - "Catastrophe"
  • 1990 - "Scenario"
  • 1990 - "Doctors"
  • 1992 - "One screen"
  • 1993 - "Pure English Murder"
  • 1993 - "Chronicles of Young Indiana Jones"
  • 2002 - "Goodbye, Mr. Chips"
  • 2003 - "Gap"
  • 2007 - "Life and Times Vivien Weyl"
  • 2009 - "Be what will be"
  • 2009 - "Praud generosity"
  • 2011 - "Fish of My Dream"
  • 2011-2019 - "Game of Thrones"
  • 2013 - "Fors Major"
  • 2014 - "Day, when we sang"
  • 2015 - "Arthur and George"
  • 2016 - "New Amsterdam"
  • 2018 - I - Khma "
  • 2019 - "Gostain"

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