Irina Ignatenko - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, "Battle of Psychic" 2021



On the eve of the anniversary 20th season, the most mystical show on TNT decided to expand its format and opened on April 7, 2019 his own "school". To become her students, it was necessary to follow the only condition - to have unusual extrasensory abilities. Paul, height, weight, social status, place of residence, age and individual preferences did not have any values. As a result, Irina Ignatenko was also enlisted among the fifth applicants and 12.

Childhood and youth

On the first day of the new 1990 in the capital of the Chechen Republic, a future bright participant of the show on TNT Ira Ignatenko appeared. In the future, the girl with his parents moved from Grozny to the city of Military Glory Rostov-on-Don.

Moving happened after a sad event in the family - the beloved grandmother was died, considered, if you believe the words of the student of the "School of Psychics", the witch. And it was she who handed his granddaughter magical abilities that appeared at the 6th age. Then Irina predicted the death of a loved one - father.

In school, Ignatenko was henced by the adjustment and effort, glad of teachers and native excellent marks. Tracting for knowledge did not stop in the student. According to some reports, the girl graduated with a red diploma Vladivostok Far Eastern Federal University, receiving an engineering and economic specialty. Unfortunately, additional detailed information on such important sections of the biography, as childhood and youth, is not reported.

On the own page in the social network "Instagram", Irina did not hide that sincerely admires representatives of a beautiful sex, who decided to devote their lives to the family and raising children.

Personal life

About the personal life of psychics prefers not to spread. It is only known that it is not married. However, there were rumors in the network that the girl raises his son, but there was no confirmation. Does she have a young man now, is it in love and consists of a romantic relationship, remains a mystery.

Communication with fans of the star of mystical "school" holds through "Instagram" and the official group in VKontakte. Often under published photos, it places useful information about the intricacies of magic and reflections on love and life.

The achievements of Ignatenko include possession of four languages ​​(Russian, Turkish, English and Chechen) and the occupation of mixed martial arts for 13 years.


There were 7 years old between the awareness of unusual strength and practice. From the age of 13, Irina developed the gift transferred to her, being under the supervision of the elders. As the media wrote, she was engaged in black magic, dealt with love rites committed against the will of a person (love spell, lapel), and did not avoid damage and sacrifices.

In the future, extrasensory "training" led to the fact that the abilities that did not have due control of their owner were threatened to harm others. The desire to curb the "inner beast" and pushed the girl to participate in the show on TNT.

Casting Ignatenko passed confidently, with ease of coping with the task of the qualifying round, and fell under the wing of the mentor Konstantin Genzati. In the 1st issue of the premiere of the "School", she made an impression on the shooting group and those present by enviable calm and external beauty. Appearing before teachers, Ignatenko spoke in detail about the principles of his work, including on the grounds of burial, as well as who of people, in her opinion, deserves damage and retribution.

At the introductory exam, the participant was necessary to find a personal thing belonging to Some Sergey, a little dead when the fuel tank is exploded during welding. Before you begin to fulfill the task, Ira asked to replace the ticket. However, the rules prohibited. As a result, the entrant unmistakably described the hidden items and each of their owners, occasionally only in the initial conclusion about the past man.

In the second stage, the pupils stood a black box, and it was necessary to see what he was in himself. In addition to the wrong answer suddenly, Irina was remembered and comments to the actions of their rivals. Then she flawlessly showed himself in the house of the deceased actor Vladislav Galkin.

On Sunday air on April 21, 2019, Gentsya took up the analysis of the wards mistakes with the help of the memorial couple of Elena and Alexander, who became parents right in their apartment. During the ritual, the mentor criticized the conditions for storing attributes for the work of Ignatenko, calling for a finish test early. With the next task, when the wards were guessing the mysterious guest - Izu Anokhin, Irina coped to perfectly, causing the admiration of the singer with accurate facts. By the way, few people knew before the work of Ignatenko, that the rap performer and psychic - fellows.

In the release, published in the Orthodox Easter, the witch again showed himself on the first test, but made a mistake on the second. In addition, the series is remembered and the scandalous component.

"I want to make a statement. I'm already tired of it. I do not accept your suggestions. I will not be in your team. Blood me the road, I will not betray her. You take your paw. I recognized you. I live real and I will live a future, "she turned to Swami Dasha.

As it turned out, he tried to alternate an old familiar to himself and even presented his own amulet. On May 5, Irina guess the damned village and, with the help of the work carried out, he tried to exist from the misfortune of people living in it.

Irina Ignatenko now

On May 12, 2019, in the 6th series of a project, the extrasens, belonging to Chechen nationality, and colleagues listened to the lesson of the mentor at the cemetery, joining at first with him in a dispute. But in the end, thugging his temper, I found the strength to agree.

On the exam in the Vladimir region, the girl showed itself at the height, correctly indicating the "Patient" pyrofobia and the generic curse lying on it. Thus, Ignatenko provided a place in the top three leaders of his own team, making a serious application for the final. True, Irina could not defeat, Dmitry Matveyev became the best extrasensus of the season.

Nevertheless, Ignatenko did not leave hope of occupying the first place in the competition of people with unusual abilities and already in 2020 became the participant of the 21st season of the project "Battle of Psychics".

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