Kikimor - biography, costume, appearance, habitat, mythology


Character History

In Slavic myiology, there were many unusual beliefs and fantastic characters, the legends of which are still transmitted from mouth to mouth. So, so far, we can easily explain who is such a lid and water, witch and Baba Yaga, the Witcher and Kimikora. The interpretation of each character implies a deep subtext that is rooted in ancient times.

History of creation

Baba Yaga, Koschey and Les

History of the kimikor and the biography of the genus originates in the dense times. Kimikor personifies the spirit of nightmares. The origin of the East Slavic character is explained by mythology. For popular beliefs, this creature dwells in housing in the Slavs and brings all sorts of harm. There are two variations in the appearance of a heroine name. In the first one, she called "Shisimor". "Shish" corresponded to the unclean, and "Mora" - Goddess Morene. In another explanation, "Kiki" is deciphered as "humpbat".

The personification of the unclean strength, the kimoro did not have friends and did not communicate with anyone. She did not have his own housing, so the creature dwells in the house where a simple peasant lives. Kimikor did not have relatives and was robust. Tales for the question where the creature lives in the house answer that she preferred to be located behind the stove. She reported on his presence with a knock, whistle, falling objects and other unpleasant outcomes.

Kyimo Bolotnaya

It was the opinion that unloved children are converted to the kikimor, as well as small unresolved drowns. Kimikors appeared as a result of the romantic alliance of widows and devs with fiery serpent in the guise of the beautiful Tsarevich.

Ancient Slavs believed that carpenters and the livenists called on Kirimon, using a special doll. Passing it between the walls of the houses, the masters could say the spell, thereby calling the feast to the house. Therefore, masters have always been advocated for work.

Residents of the Urals believed that the children missing swamps were stolen by marshmalls. They allegedly wandered the baby with ropes, tightening in the fourth. Most rustic legends and beacks associated with children's lies to swamps, narrated by the kimo. Mystical characters deprived of their victims of memory and sound consciousness.

In Slavic mythology


Mythology offers many explanations of the appearance of the image of a swamp kicking. The most believable is an image of innocent maids, drowned in a dirty swamp bog. Some bikes described Kikimaro as a browse wife. Coming out married this character, a strange creature gained the possibility of living in human homes. If her chosen one became her chosen, then the swamp forever remained her hometown.

According to the legends and legends of the kimoro, there was a negative character with a negative energy sent to the housing. The mythical creation prevented homemaking and establish life. The kimihors whipped the threads in the opposite direction and were constantly in motion, so they were confused by any female job. In addition to residential space, the creatures elected for the settlement other places. They liked Hleva and Baths, Chicken, and Kabaki. The main landmark for the kikimor became the place of cluster of the negative. Therefore, the monsters chose dirty angles, where old unnecessary things were lying.


The image of the cyclers was made up by popular beliefs describing the appearance of the creature. Usually it was represented by an old and terrible woman, a humpback, with unwitted hair. The costume was collected from old hoists and lochmotyev. The head was crowned Kokoshnik. The heroine had a thin physique. The wind easily endured it from place to place.


The multi-sieuled cartoon "Head and Kimikor" is a well-known animation project that tells about life fictional fictional creatures. Work on it was conducted from 1978 to 1995.

In 2011, the "Kikimor, which laughs", who tells about the psychological foundations of the structure of the personality, to large screens. Actress Anna Troyanskaya played a major role in the tape. The photo of the performer was used at the design of the poster for renting the picture.

Kimikor in cartoon

The character appeared in the 2013 Cartoon Project "How to catch the feather of the Fire-Birds."

Despite the small amount of media resources telling about a fantastic creature, it was among the popular mythological images inflamed by the Slavs. Composer Anatoly Lyadov in 1909 wrote a symphony called "Kimor".

Interesting Facts

  • Swamp and homemade kimari celebrate birthday in March. Holiday dedicated to the goddess Mare (Sea), falls on March 2. It is believed that this day comes spring. On this day, our ancestors conducted rituals to draw the deity. The first ritual was general cleaning. The old broom swept the litter from the house, and then burned it. Unnecessary clothing and dishes were thrown out from the yard or left on the road.
  • It was possible to expel Kickimaru, calling for help the father and finishing the house of church incense. To save the house and the farm, the peasants sprinkled animals, harvest and buildings, making mystical conspiracies.

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