Elena Nikolaev - biography, personal life, photos, news, TV presenter, Morning Russia, actress, "Instagram" 2021



For thousands of residents of the largest country, the day begins with a welcoming program "Morning Russia" and smiles of blonde TV presenter Elena Nikolaeva. It is divided by interesting facts and curious news, trying to make the morning of the TV viewers to be kind, but knows how to talk about serious topics, no wonder professional awards have been obtained for coverage of issues of science and business. In addition to the journalistic work, Elena tried himself as an actress, starring in the top ten of popular TV shows.

Childhood and youth

Elena Nikolaeva was born in 1985 in the capital of Uzbekistan - Sunny Tashkent. There, the children's years of the future journalist were surrounded by the friendly family. Her grandparents worked in aviation construction, and their parents were mathematicians, but the crisis 1990s chose a more profitable sphere and moved with children to Moscow, where Lena ran school, like her brother.

In the family of Nikolaev, it was accepted to read a lot, study new, interested in culture and history. The girl grew surrounded by books that created a wonderful parallel world. She herself early began writing poems, stories and songs, God to speak difficult and vessels. Sophisticated and inquisitive Lena did not even keep in the 1st grade - almost immediately transferred to the second.

Specialty at the end of the school girl chose serious: went to study at the Oil and Gas Institute. True, first stated that he wanted to become a journalist, but met with the objections of a mother who did not consider journalism a suitable profession.

So Elena became a specialist in economics and management at the oil and gas enterprise. While still a student, Nikolaev began to work as a photo model and actress, removed mainly in advertising and serials.

Having received a diploma, the graduate decided to realize the dream and began to search for journalistic vacancies. Economic knowledge came in handy - the girl bypassed other applicants to the place of the correspondent of the RBC Daily newspaper. Here she had to learn the writing of texts and the skill of the filing of the material, since there was not enough basic skills. However, Elena's difficulties did not stop, and she quickly realized that journalism was her vocation.

Films and television

Career on television began with work on the "Expert" channel, where Elena came as an intern, but for a year and a half she was able to grow to a specialist who had their own program. In the author's program "New business with Elena Nikolaeva", open in 2012, a young journalist simultaneously served as a leading and chef editor. She shot reports, told about startups and business innovations, and with the closure of the channel began to write analytical articles for the Weekly "Expert".

The next career step was the RBC channel, where the journalist began with the press and news review, and then moved to the live broadcast ether as a news speaker. The erudite attractive blonde was noticed, and after a year and a half of the "Business Morning", she moved to the "Morning of Russia", which was broadcast daily in early hours on the Federal Channel "Russia-1".

Elena felt here in his place, loved the program and the team that she was engaged. The journalist noted that this platform showed its talents and competence as much as possible, while constantly had a chance to grow and develop as a professional. Cooping Nikolaeva Denis Stacks helps her understand the current events, meet guests and share interesting information.

Helen's journalistic work was repeatedly marked by professional prizes, but it finds time and on other affairs. In 2019, the presenter published a book called "Do Today", dedicated to successful startups.

But the acting career of Nikolaeva left in the past. Starting in advertising and films in student years, the girl realized that for success in this area, it is also necessary to learn a lot, but I didn't waste time on the acting education. Therefore, her filmography has suspended in 2010, when Elena decided to finally focus on the main job.

In December 2020, Nikolaev in December 2020 made a moderator in an online conference dedicated to world trends for developing new food products. At the event, the experts talked about scientific projects, thanks to which there is a chance of the emergence of alternative food sectors.

Personal life

The leading loves his work and does not pay attention to the time when he is engaged in a favorite thing. For years, this sphere of life was the most important thing for her, she woke up among the night to record an interesting idea for the next story. Nevertheless, Elena considered himself a romantic and was convinced that if he decided to call someone her husband, then once and for all.

In 2017, Nikolaev met Igor Vdovina - former partner Anastasia Volochkova. After 3 years, the businessman made the proposal of the proposal, as evidenced by the ring demonstrated by the lead in social networks. Identified by Elena for the first time, I called my husband's widow, thanks to which the users became aware of the news in her personal life and a change of social status.

In the press, the journalist shared his opinion about the wedding, noting that he did not understand why the Union of two people should be accompanied by a holiday. Elena emphasized that she would not arrange a classic celebration about this.

With the children of the spouse - two sons and daughters of Ariad Volochkova - TV presenter immediately revealed and retains good relationships.

Elena at least once a week tries to attend the theater or exhibition and recommends bright events to subscribers in social networks.

Cook, and especially feed is her passion. Therefore, in June 2018, Nikolaev opened the Seasons Restaurant at the Christmas Boulevard, her business partner was the co-founder of Seafood Factory Yuri Usmanov. In our own institutions, a woman simultaneously performs the role of the director, culinary, brand-chef and purchaser, receiving tremendous pleasure from this process.

Elena does not like to watch TV, in her house it is simply not. Movies and TV shows of Nikolaeva looks on the Internet, and there is also reviewing the issues of his transfer, trying to control their own professionalism. She strives for minimalism and without regret, gets rid of unnecessary and old things, trying not to keep anything superfluous.

The presenter follows health and has long said "no" flour and sweets, thanks to which he feels cheerful and energetic. With this mode, Elena, without any problems, retains a slim figure, which is not ashamed to show in a swimsuit.

Nikolaev is active in social networks and leads pages in Vkontakte, in Facebook and Instagram, where it is divided by the facts of biography and fresh photos from the place of work and from traveling.

Elena Nikolaev now

A journalist and now continues to conduct daily information and entertainment transmission "Morning Russia" on the "Russia-1" channel, sharing the news and reviews of events, meeting guests.

In April 2021, Nikolaev in the company Igor Vysina visited the premiere of Danili Danilovsky Danlovsky's "Chernobyl", who passed in the "Karo 11th" cinema. In May, the celebrity read a lecture on "how to become an indispensable leading television" Students of SPbGUP.

In the summer, Elena became the leading VIII International Eurasian Congress, for which Yakutsk visited. An important issue that the participants of the event was touched by Koronavirus Pandemic: decisions taken to combat infection were discussed and the funds allocated to help doctors.


  • 2003-2005 - "Lawyer"
  • 2005 - "Airport"
  • 2005 - "Detectives -4"
  • 2006 - "Happy together"
  • 2006 - "Turkish Dulbert"
  • 2006-2008 - "Club"
  • 2008 - "Cold Sun"
  • 2009 - Barvikha
  • 2009 - "Voronins"
  • 2010 - "Once in Baben-Baben"
  • 2010 - "Attempt by Faith"

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