Victor Prodram - character biography, quotes, image and character, photo, actor


Character History

Character of the Romanov series about Harry Potter English writer Joan Rowling. Student School of Mermstrang magic, located somewhere in the northern mountains, Bulgarian. Bulgarian national team catcher, popular young player. Participated in the tournament of three wizards as a champion of the school Durmstrang.

History of creation

Writer Joan Rowling

Working on the images of Victor Krama and students of the School of Durmstrang, Rowling relied on national stereotypes of the Slavs, which have developed in most of the English-speaking readers. The school itself is high in the snow-covered mountains somewhere in the northeast of Europe. Durmstrang students wear robust fur coats over blood-red apparels and leather belts with a star. They speak with Slavic accent, harsh, irresistible and unattractive. In addition, the Durmstrang takes mainly young men.

The last name Victor, sounding in Russian translation as Kram, should actually be pronounced as Krum. The fact is that Rowling used for Victor the name of the Cruise of Grozny, Bulgarian Khan, who rules in the 802-814 years. Although in fact, for the Bulgarian language, the names that end on "-Os" or "-Ev", so that the scenario sounds not authentic in any case. Is that a sports pseudonym Victor.

Khan Krum.

In 2005, the film "Harry Potter and the Fire Cup" was released, where Victor Krama's role was played by Bulgarian actor Stanislav Yanevsky. Interestingly, Yorevian at first did not particularly sought to work as an actor. Nevertheless, out of 600 applicants who came to casting in Sofia chose Stanislav. The role in Harry Potter became for the actor first. Since 2005, Yorenevsky managed to be held in total in three films. One of them is "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1", but at the stage of installation of frames with the participation of Viktor Krama from the film cut out.

In the cut scene, Victor Kram dancing with Hermione Granger. Director David Yeats, seeing that Kram was popular with the audience, decided to introduce a new storyline, which is not in the novels about Harry Potter, is the love triangle Hermione-Victor Ron. But in the end, they abandoned this idea, and the entire footage did not include the film, because the love story contradicted the gloomy spirit of "death gifts".

Stanislav Yorevsky

In the films a character appears only in Harry Potter and the Fire Cup. " At the same time, other heroes in the "Order of Phoenix" and Prince-half-breed, and "Damage Gifts" and "Curse", are mentioned in the Rowling Books on Krama, and Viktor Kram is one of the acting characters.

Victor Prodim is popular with Rowling fans and often becomes a hero of fanfic.

"Harry Potter"

Victor Kram is a thin dark-haired young man years of eighteen with a large nose and thick black eyebrows, which looks older than his age due to the gloomy appearance and always gloomy face expression. Krama has a painful complexion of the face, and the Hero is reminded of a huge bird of prey. The Crarm makes the impression of a person who uncomfortable feels on earth and is much confident in the air. Outside the quidded field, the hero is slouching and moves Kosomapo like bears.

Victor Kram and Hermione - Art

Krah was born in Bulgaria in 1976, he entered the school Durmstrang, where serious emphasis is on the study of dark arts. At the time when the Cram studied in Durmstrang, the school director was Igor Karkarov, a former member of the organization "Death Eaters". Nevertheless, Victor himself with disgust refers to dark arts.

This is due, probably with Hellert Grindevald, a dark magician who also studied in Durmstrang. According to the fault of Grindevald, Raist is krama and his buddies. Therefore, Victor repeatedly beat the fans of Grindevald and dark arts, when those in school were felt about themselves, for example, they applied Grindevald sign on clothes or painted in textbooks.

Victor Kram

As a talented player in Kviddich, Victor Krim got into the Bulgarian national team even before graduated from school. At that time, the calm was 18 years old, and the young man was already considered in the world of wizards with a famous athlete. Cralim early seeks glory in sports and will acquire the army of fans who are enthusiastic from Victor because of its rude beauty and gloomy littleness. At the same time, the hero is not lucky in love, he can not be called the heart of the edge.

Victor Kram arrives in Hogwarts together with other students of the Durmstrang school to take part in the tournament of three wizards. In Hogwarts, Kralim is penetrated with a love interest in Hermione Granger and is accepted to care for heroine.

Victor Kram and Hermione

Victor has a rather clouded English, but Hermione nevertheless exhibits attention to Viktor and allows you to care for me. It goes with Kram to the Holy Ball and even kissing a couple of times. At the same time, Hermione is not too sympathetic to the collapse, except that it sympathizes to some extent. As a result, the characters break up and later only from time to time rewrite.

During the tournament, Krame has to get Hermione from the bottom of the lake. For this, the hero is trying to turn into a shark, but the transformation occurs only partially and the head of the cracker becomes sharks, and the body remains human. However, this is enough to fulfill the task and come to the finish line the second. Natural Animagom Victor is not.

Wedding Fleur and Bill Weasley

Later, the Cralim as a friend Fleur Delakur is among the guests invited to the wedding Fleur and Bill Weasley. By that time, the hero speak more English more English, but the relationship with the girls does not become better from this. Attempts to crave to flirting invariably meet a misunderstanding from those girls who like the hero, and enthusiastic fans do not cause enthusiasm from the very crave. In the end, Kram returns to Bulgaria and finds a couple there.

In the team of Bulgaria by Kviddich Viktor Krhram hit in 1994, just on the eve of the next world championship. Sports fans are well taken by a new catcher, and to the final of the championship about Krava is already talking throughout the planet. The souvenir figures of Victor Krama appear, and the enterprising Gemini Weasley put money for the fact that the convulsion in the final match will catch a low.

The provind shows on the game an unusual ease of flight, dexterity and skill, but the other members of the Bulgarian team are not so good, so the team has no chance against the rivals-Irish. The Irish overtakes the Bulgarian for 160 points, and the Cram understands that the gap in the glasses will only grow. Victor himself gets in the face of Bloger, who breaks the hero nose, but he continues to play with the injury.

In the end, Victor makes a decision to stop the game by caught back. The Bulgarian team will no longer defeat the opponents, and yet Victor considers such a move more elegant than defeat with a crushing account. Krah is bypassing the Irish catcher inferior to Viktor in the mastery of flight, and catches low.

The game stops, but according to the total points of the glasses, the victory is awarded the Irish. Most of the fans remain a displeased act of the crave, but Harry Potter admires the courage and determination of the hero, who completed the match with a strong opponent on his own conditions.

In 2002, the Bulgarian team goes to the final of the World Quiddich Championship, but again loses - this time the Egyptian national team. After completing the game, the province with tears in his eyes told reporters that he leaves sports, and at the twelve subsequent years fell out of sight of the press.

It is not known what Victor was busy on this segment of the biography and how he supported the sports form all this time, but in 2014 the hero again performs at the World Championships in the team of Bulgaria. By the time the age of the convict is already above the average for a catcher speaking at the championship. There are no less quiddal fans with the return of the Krama, and the Bulgarian team finally goes to the final and wins the World Cup of Kviddich.


"What is the point of being a world famous player in Kviddich, if all beautiful girls have already dismantled?"

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