Jeffrey Choseer - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause of Death, "Canterbury Stories"



Jeffrey Chosera Contemporaries called the "Father of English Literature", and the heirs rated the creativity of the poet as the "greatest times of the Middle Ages" and broke up on topical quotes today. He was one of the first to popularize the works written in English at the time of the domination of Latin and French in the UK.

Childhood and youth

Jeffrey Choseer was born around 1343 in the capital of Great Britain - London. His father was engaged in selling wine and supplied this alcoholic drink to the King's courtyard. Thanks to the relationship between the relative of the young jeffrey, already at the age of 17 received the position of the Pizza Council of Elizabeth, which is the wife of Duke Lionel.

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In the 1359th, he took part in the campaign, which was organized by England against France. During the military event, the guy was captured. The king decided to redeem Chosera and make it a personal chainoner and a squire. In parallel with the service, the creative young man composed poems a certain lady, which did not meet him reciprocity.

Upon completion of the war, Jeffrey became a student of the London Higher Law School, in which the literary Aza suffered. In an educational institution, a beginner poet studied creativity not only classics, but also representatives of patriastic, medieval Latin and modern French literature. Subsequently, this knowledge was useful to Coser when translating "Roman's Roman" and when writing small poems and lyrical poems.


The ten-year-old "Youth" period of Choseer, who lasted from 1369 to 1379, was customary to be called "French" in his biography due to the significant influence of French court literature on creativity. During this period, the poet was engaged in the translation of the work of the "Roman about Rose" mentioned earlier, which is one of the most famous books issued in the Middle Ages.Embed from getty images

Written in 1369, the poem called the "Book of Duchess" was devoted to the death of the Blanca, which is the first wife of the founder of the Lancaster Dynasty John Gice. Even in one of his first works, Coser managed to show himself as an author with an extraordinary ability to memorize and extraordinary descriptions.

In the 1367th Jeffrey appointed the position of the royal championer and bestowed the board. The first trip of the man in Italy took place in the 1372nd for negotiations with the leader of Genoa. Returning there again in 5 years, Choseer stayed for half a year and was able to master italian, as well as to observe the initial stage of the Renaissance and the intensive growth of urban culture.

Acquaintance with the work of Italian poets greatly influenced the perception of art by Choseer. He borrowed a lot from local authors, such as Petrarch, Dante and Boccaccio, namely long tirades and poetic turnover, sometimes even storylines. In Italy, Jeffrey also became acquainted with poets writing in Latin.

Due to the deep approach to the study of the works of Italians, the poet has learned the completeness and grace, unfamiliar to previously representatives of English literature. In the interruptions between their creative trips, Choseer came to London and was engaged in administrative duties.

Starting from the 1374th and up to the 1386th (for 12 years), a man worked as a customs supervisor and the controller, living relatively calmly in the Aldcu tower. Qualitatively and in time coping with their duties, he did not forget to spend time on poetry.

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The time interval between the 1380th and 1386th is customary called the "Italian" stage in the creative activity of Jeffrey. It was during this period that they were written and published "Kenterberian stories", the poems "Bird Parliament", "Troil and Cresan", "House of Glory" and "Legend of exemplary women". The rebirth predecessor continued to be inspired by foreign colleagues, but a lot of personal was also to appear in his works.

Thus, Choseer began to demonstrate a significant independence, his literary style manifested itself, in particular, in natural living dialogues, as well as in colorful artistic narrations. In addition, he began to gradually disclose the features of his personality in the works, which made a man closer to readers.

The big poem "Troil and Cresus", consisting of 5 books, combined the comic and tragic, ordinary and heroic. In it, the author appeared the master of the creation of characters and gradual stories, as well as a subtle psychologist. In the finals of the poems, as accepted in the English literature of the time, the poet shared morals with young readers.

The "legend of exemplary women" is the first major poem in English, composed in ten-sided lines. It is talking about the heroines exhausted from love, from ancient times. The inspiration for the work was the voiced Jeffrey Jeffers reproached from his patronage-Queen in the fact that the poet too often ridiculed the weak floor in the previous essays, such as Roman about Rosa and Troil and Cresan.

"Canterbury Stories" - the most famous work that made the name of Chosera is immortal and worldwide recognizable for descendants. The book we are talking about 29 pilgrims of various temperaments, ages, floors and segments of society, who met together in one of the restaurants near London to go to Canterbury and worship the grave of St. Thomas Beta.

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In order to kill time, each of the pilgrims voiced some kind of fairy tale or a story. At the same time, all the storytellers are not easy without stopping go to the destination, but also spend the night in the taverns, communicate with passersby, shout, give compliments, insult. In general, "Canterbury stories" are moral and witness for their time, the images in which are written off from traditional English society.

At the sunset of his life, the "father of English poetry" composed a number of poems that were imbued with an extremely sad mood. The reason for this was the desire of the Chosera to hide from the light and crowded crowd. The man asked the king of financial assistance, since the miring in poverty.

At this time, the poet closed on his own thoughts and experiences. However, soon luck smiled again by the author when his patron suggested quite a significant retirement for the standards. For the money received, Choseer was able to afford to rent a wonderful house near Westminster Abbey.

Personal life

The predecessor of the Renaissance was happy in his personal life with his wife Philippe de Roeé, which is the daughter of Para - the Flemish knight. The marriage was the extremely necessary event for the implementation of all professional ideas of the author. The couple had two children - the sons of Thomas, which appeared in the world in the 1367th, and Lewis, born in the 1380th.

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An interesting fact from the life of Jeffrey Chosera is that he managed to establish himself in society not only as a talented philosopher, writer and poet, but also as an intelligent astronomer. Thus, when his younger son Lewis was 10 years old, a man made a scientific treatise on astrolabia.


Jeffrey Choseer lived a rich life, full of diverse activities. The poet did not become when he turned 57 years old - a man died on October 25, 1400 in the capital of Great Britain.

The exact cause of death, unfortunately, has not survived to this day. The funeral of the writer took place on the corner of poets, which is in Westminster Abbey. A portrait of the greatest creator carved on the stone plate.


In high souls, pity - frequent guests - the root of all Slasko for other laws is,

Let those laws be the first to comply with the fulfillment in agreement to live.

Violence can strangle friendship


  • 1369 - "Duchess Book"
  • 1378 - "Canterbury Stories"
  • 1381 - "Bird Parliament"
  • 1382 - "Troil and Cresan"
  • 1383-1384 - "House of Glory"
  • 1388 - "Legend of exemplary women"

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