Gloria Stewart - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause of Death, "Titanic"



Hollywood actress Gloria Stewart shone in the frame of the moviemer for more than 70 years. Horror films, comedy, drama - in youth, a woman looked harmoniously in any genre. The best incarnation found Stuart on the 87th year of life: in the legendary picture of James Cameron "Titanic" American played a aged rose Dawson.

Childhood and youth

Gloria Stewart was born on July 4, 1910 at the kitchen table in the Alice family house (in Deadrician's Maiden) and Frank Stewart in Santa Monica, California. Young parents brought up three children: Gloria, Franka Jr. (1911) and Thomas (1913). The younger son died due to spinal meningitis in 3 years.

Children brought up in a religious family. Father, born by Presbyterian, in childhood, received Christianity, and a zealous Catholic mother of Gloria. Together with her, the girl attended the church every Sunday.

When Gloria turned 9 years old, his father died of blood infection. Alisa Stewart hardly crossed two children. The plight forced her to agree to the marriage with the local businessman Fred J. Finch. Santa Monica's school, Alice's daughter, went under the name of Gloria Fay Finch. Having reached the age of majority, the future actress returned the original name, and since the parents did not give her the second name, he independently chose Francis, in honor of the deceased father.

In school Stewart became interested in the theater. The girl loved to compose the plays as much as to play, so the last two school summer spent on writing courses. In the scene-free time, Gloria wrote for Santa Monica Outlook.

Fred J. Finch did not share the interests of the Padrel, so scandals often happened at home. Admission to the college was for Gloria the opportunity to escape from the stepfather. She went to the University of California in Berkeley to the Department of Philosophy and Drama. Here, the future film actrix continued to play on performances, wrote into the "Occident" and the Daily Californian newspaper. In Berkeley, the girl again became Gloria Stewart.


Speech Stuart at the Carmela Theater attracted the attention of the private theater of Gilmor Brown The Playbox in Pasaden. She was invited to play Masha in the play Anton Chekhov "Seagull". The premiere was attended by directors from Paramount and Universal. After the performance, both film companies wanted to get an actress. Fate solved the case - directors decided to throw a coin, and Universal won the draw.

The first appearance of Stewart in front of the chambers took place in 1932 in the film "The Cohens and Kelles in Hollywood", however, in a secondary role. The actress herself considers his debut project a comedy "Women's Street" (1932), which is characteristic of the production of Warner Bros.

In early December 1932, the American Film Company Association included Gloria Stewart in the number of 15 promising beginners actresses. Thanks to this, American director James Will invited the girl to the Thriller "Old Terrible House" (1932), which became cult. Once on the set of Melvin Douglas, the leading leadership, suggested Gloria Stewart to create an union of actors "to improve working conditions."

"I got up at 5 o'clock in the morning every morning, at 7 o'clock grimaced, at 8 o'clock I did a hairstyle and dressed. If the director was needed, the actors worked until 4-5 am the next day. We did not pay overtime, only fed meal, if we lost their strength. Acting is really hard work, "Stewart recalled.
Gloria Stewart - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause of Death,

Therefore, the girl with an inspiration took the idea of ​​Douglas. She became the founder and the first member of the Union, later almost all the actors of the "old terrible house" took it.

Every year, several projects were published on the screens: in the debut 1932th - 4 films, in 1933 - 9, including one of the best paintings by Gloria "Invisible Man", in 1934 - 6. In 1935 A child was born from the actress, so the directors created only 4 films with her participation.

In 1935, Stewart left Universal, because producers sought to make it another "sympathetic actress". However, the films of the production of Twentieth Century-Fox with the participation of Gloria did not even fall on the "New York Times" pages.

Gloria Stewart - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause of Death,

In general, Stewart dreamed of playing the theater, but he understood that he would not attract the audience to his performances, if her name would not be in hearing. In September 1939, Hollywood diva decided that it was time to conquer Broadway. Arriving in New York, Gloria temporarily settled in the summer theater, played more than 20 roles.

For those 2 years that the actress attended cocktail parties and dinners with the participation of theatrical experts, she was never invited to Broadway. The girl was forced to return to the movies. The comedy "Here is Ellmer" (1943) became the first movie stewart for 4 years. In 1945, the American left the movies.

The triumphal return occurred after 30 years, but the filmography of Stuart was now replenished only by television projects: "Legend of Lizzy Borden" (1975), "Flooding!" (1976), "accusation against women" (1977), "Merlin from the movies" (1981).

Gloria Stewart - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause of Death,

In 1996, Stewart received an invitation to play "Female Voice, which is calling in Lightstorm Entertainment with a request to make a film about the Titanic crash." Casting director James Cameron was so fascinated by the old woman, which was offered to fully include it in the narration. 5 days after the 86th birthday, Gloria received a phone call: "You would not want to play an old rose?"

The role of the aged Kate Winslet brought a stuart nomination for the Golden Globe and Oscar. As of 2019, she remains the oldest challenger to win in the category "Best Women's Role of the Second Plan."

After the role in the "Titanic", the long-awaited glory fell on Gloria Stewart. In September 2000, the actress received a star on the "Allea of ​​Fame" in Hollywood, awards from the guild of film actors, a place in the "50 most beautiful people in the world" list according to People magazine. Even in the photo of recent years, Stewart really looks perfectly - with hairstyle and makeup, like a real lady.

In 1999, the biography of Gloria Stewart "I continue to hope."


After leaving the movie in 1945, Gloria Stewart worked as a decorator in his own studio "Décor, Ltd" in Los Angeles, created unique lamps, mirrors, tables, chests. The products were popular, but the company turned out to be too expensive, and the woman closed the store.

In 1954, the actress began to draw paintings, inspired by French impressionists. After a hundred spoiled cloths, in September 1961, a debut exhibition of Gloria Stewart took place. All 40 exhibited works were sold. In subsequent years, the paintings of Stuart, created in primitive style, were exhibited in the halls of New York, Los Angeles, Santa Fe.

Easel was another actress for almost 30 years. Later she became interested in silkographic, the art of bonsai. The Stuart collection has more than 100 miniature trees, some copies are stored in the Botanical Garden of the Huntington Library in San Mario.

Personal life

In June 1930, 20-year-old Gloria Stewart married Blair Gordon Newella, a young sculptor. The family moved to a small California town of Karmel, and those times the actress called "wonderful bohemian." A happy personal life was quickly separated from the seams: Newell did not like a crazy schedule, which Hollywood demanded. In 1932, the spouses divorced lovely.

Gloria Stuart and her second husband Arthur Shikman

In 1933, on the set of the film "Roman gossip" Stewart met Arthur Shikmen, screenwriter. There was a connection between young people, which in August next year turned his marriage. In June 1935, Silvia daughter was born, named after Heroin Stewart in the film "Roman gossip". Spouses lived until the death of Shikmen in January 1978.

In 1983, the actress got acquainted with a close friend of the first husband - Ritchie Ward. Between the old men ran spark. Ritchi was 78 years old, Stewart - 72 years.


In 1984, Gloria Stewart was diagnosed with breast cancer, but he managed to successfully cure. At the age of 94, the actress found another oncology - this time the lungs were affected. She passed a course of radiation therapy, but the tumor continued to grow slowly.

With the exception of oncology, in the old age Stewart was distinguished by excellent health, only sometimes it was bothering her knees.

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On July 4, 2010, Gloria Stewart celebrated a major anniversary - 100 years visiting James Cameron. The heroine of the day was surrounded by friends and relatives, paintings and other works of art created by her hands.

The actress died on September 26, 2010 in a dream. The cause of death is respiratory failure. The body is cremated, so there was no official funeral. The grave for Gloria Stewart became the air of California, according to which her daughter Sylvia dispelled the dust.


  • 1932 - "Women Streets"
  • 1932 - "Old Dark House"
  • 1933 - "Invisible Man"
  • 1933 - "Roman gossip"
  • 1934 - "Fleet enters the case"
  • 1935 - "Gold Keals 1935"
  • 1936 - "Prisoner of Shark Island"
  • 1938 - "Lady objects"
  • 1939 - "Three Musketeers"
  • 1944 - "The Enemy of Women"
  • 1982 - "My best year"
  • 1986 - "Wild Cats"
  • 1997 - "Titanic"
  • 2000 - "Hotel" Million dollars "
  • 2004 - "Earth Abundance"

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