Vitaly Bezrukov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Actor, Writer, Writer, Pedagogue - Artist Vitaly Bezrukova Currently and Multifier. And although the film colleges in his dramatic arsenal a little, he compensates for them by the number of bright stage images played on the stage of the Satira Theater and the Pushkin Theater. As a screenwriter worked on the TV project "Sergey Yesenin", and then wrote the book "Yesenin", based on which the scenario of the Yesenin series was written 2005, the main role in which his son Sergey Bezrukov played.

Childhood and youth

Vitaly Sergeevich Bezrukov was born on January 1, 1942 in the village of Belavino of the Gorky region. Regarding the date of birth there is a small amendment. As I wrote in the social network Sergey Bezrukov, his father was born on the night from January 6 to January 7, and in the documents they recorded on January 1, confusing Christmas and New Year.

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Father - Sergey Stepanovich Bezrukov, an NKVD worker. Mother - Pelagia Bezrukov, housewife. Vitaly appeared on the light and grew up on the Volga expanses, where his grandfathers and other ancestors lived with centuries.

Sergey, Father Vitaly, though he was a person's person, not deprived of a creative vein: possessed a good voice, playing guitar and harmonica. He conveyed this feature and his son. But Vitaly did not strive to work on creative soil, but dreamed of going at the footsteps of the Father.

After school, the guy went to come from Native Gorky (now Nizhny Novgorod) at the Faculty of Faculty of Ural State University. However, I did not cope with the introductory exams. The young man was ashamed to return home, and he remained in Sverdlovsk (now Ekaterinburg). To survive, I was taken for any job and once fell a loader to the Sverdlovsky Theater.

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Here it happened his first acquaintance with the repertoire, performances, acting. And once, when the artist washed, playing the main role in the formulation, Vitaly was put on replacement. So began his acting life: Bezrukov had successfully debuted, after which he received a regular role in the performance and compiled the art of drama among senior colleagues.

Those, in turn, seeing the trials of the guy, sent him to the capital - to flow into MCAT and receive a vocational education. This time, Vitaly brilliantly passed the exams and was enrolled in this the oldest institution in 1962.

Theater and films

Back at the 3rd year of a talented student invited Mayakovsky's theater. But this invitation had to be rejected because of a more favorable sentence: Vitaly called to MCAT, and they contributed to the registration and issuing housing and his family.

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In 1966, Bezrukov graduated from the MCAT school studio with a red diploma. And after 3 years, the actor invited Sergey Yesenin to the Pushkin Theater Director Boris Ravenskie. So Vitaly left Mkhata, but did not play the role of the Russian poet: Ravenskiy moved to the Small Theater.

But in the repertoire of Belakova, another cult role appeared - the Drop Korchagin from the Ostrovsky's play "How Steel was tempered." Also on stage of the Pushkin Theater, he played the donor ("without guilt," A. N. Ostrovsky), Karl Moore ("Robbers", F. Schiller), etc.

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In the same period, in the late 60s, Vitaly meets the work in the cinema. The actor did not play on the stage, the actor embodied on the screen, starred in the television play "Anna Snegina" in 1969. Another noticeable role is Latogin in the famous TV series of Vasily of the Orda "Walking on Muffle" - played by an artist in 1974.

In the 80s, there are practically not removed in films in films. But his work on the stage of the Pushkin Theater saw the famous director of the Satira Valentin Theater Pleek and invited Vitaly to himself. He just needed an artist who would duplicate in a number of performances Andrei Mironova. I just came to all-union filmopopularity, and he physically did not have time to play in the declared repertoire.

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So, Bezrukov played the main roles in such famous producers of the Satira theater, as the "perfect husband", "we, the following", "mad money", "Gluhahar's nest", "three-chic opera". At the same time, as Vitali himself recognized:

"All the cream got Mironov, and I buried him" as an actor ".

Bezrukov really experienced the period of obscurity when practically did not starred in the cinema (at that time the actor teaches at the MCAT Studio School, including the course of his son Sergei Bezrukov). The image of the Militiaman of Nikolaev from the series "The investigation is conducted by experts" in 1987 was the last noticeable role of the Soviet period.

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A reappearing on the screen, the artist was already in the era of a new movie, when he left the Satira theater in 2002. At first there was a small episode in the cult series "Brigade", and already in 2005, the father and son of Bezrukov were removed in the series "Yesenin", and the Father and Son are played by Alexander Nikitich and Sergey Yesenin. This project is very significant for Vitaly Sergeevich, because the scenario is written on the reasons of his thing the work of the same name, which led the long-time work.

In 2008, another work with his son appears in the filmography of the actor - the military drama "In June 41st": Bezrukov played the head of the head of Mikhailov.

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After 5 years, he embodies one of his deepest roles - Archbishop Luka, in the world - Valentina's doctor of Valentina Waro-Yasenetsky. The amazing history of the life of the clergy was told in his historic drama "Heal Fear" director Alexander Parkhomenko. For this work, Bezrukov-senior received a diploma of the XI International Festival of Orthodox Cinema "Pokrov" as the best actor.

Personal life

Vitaly Sergeevich is happy in personal and family life, in his biography, only one marriage with Natalia Mikhailovna Bezrukova (in the greatness of the harsh). The actor's wife is a second niece and has nothing to do with creativity. She graduated from the Gorky Technical Science of Soviet trade, worked as a store headset, now a housewife.
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In 1973, a couple had a son Sergey, named after the beloved poet - Yesenin. Sergey Bezrukov's father became for his son the first idol in the profession. Often, in his youth, he took a child to work in the theater, and he from an early age absorbed the atmosphere of creativity. Vitaly Sergeevich initially did not approve the son's choice of acting profession. But, seeing talent in him, began to invest in his son his knowledge and experience.

"I realized that Seryozha, in comparison with me, a great actor. He is really an actor! I'm not talking about the other abilities, "- admits Bezrukov-senior in an interview.

Today, parents are rightfully proud of the successes and the achievements of the Son. They are happy that Sergey took place both as an actor, and as a director, and as a family man. Parents were waiting for her grandchildly for a very long time, but in the marriage of the Son with the actress Irina Bezrunkova did not have.

In 2013, it became known that Sergey raises two children - Alexander (2008) and Ivan (2011) - on the side. Their sources called the actress from St. Petersburg Christina Smirnov. In 2016, after a divorce with Irina, Jr. Bezrukov married the director Anne Mathison, who also gave him two children - Mary's daughter (2016) and Son Stepan (2018).

Photos of parents with grandchildren can often be seen in "Instagram" Sergey Vitalevich.

Vitaly Bezrukov now

Today, in 2019, Vitaly Sergeevich writes scripts and puts performances. Behind his shoulders such theatrical projects as "Witch" (ART-PARTNER ANTI-PARTNER), "Alexander Pushkin" (theater. Yermolova), which go with great success.


  • 1968 - "Skazy of the Ural Mountains"
  • 1969 - "Anna Snegina"
  • 1974 - "Walking on the flour"
  • 1974 - "Response Mera"
  • 1977 - "Provincial History"
  • 1987 - "The investigation is conducted by experts"
  • 1987 - "Gluhahar's nest"
  • 2002 - "Brigade"
  • 2005 - "Yesenin"
  • 2008 - "In June 41"
  • 2013 - "Heal Fear"

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